When did you start doing "grown-up" things (see details)?
Asked by
Seelix (
January 21st, 2011
I mean things like wearing makeup, colouring your hair, shaving (legs/underarms/face), going on unchaperoned dates, carrying a purse, sleeping over at a boy/girlfriend’s house, driving… that kind of thing. Just curious.
Did your parents disallow you from doing things like this until you reached a certain age?
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22 Answers
I started shaving at 15. Probably should have started earlier. :P
Shaving started around 13. Driving started at 16 and the other things started around 15 or 16. Except for dating because no one asked me out.
I grew up really, really fast.
It wasn’t that my parents didn’t care – they were just overwhelmed. I had a unique childhood, happy, but, unique circumstances.
Anyhow, I was probably 11 or 12 by the time I was going out with boys (to say the least), wearing makeup, smoking, getting into trouble.
I have no idea when I started shaving, I would guess it was sometime around sophomore year. I’ve been driving since my 16th birthday. Got my first job when I was 15. Never really went to many parties until after HS, by then they were never chaperoned. Slept over at a girls house when I was 21. My parents never disallowed me from doing things like boy/girl parties, or dating, I was just never much of a social butterfly.
I learned to use to toilet around 21.
Started shaving as a matter of routine around 15 or 16. Didn’t have a full beard then, but enough to shave off.
Went on a true unchaperoned date the first night I had a driver’s license. Age 16
Slept over at a girls house once at age 17-her parents were not home- and then not again until I went to college where there were no parents.
My parents never restricted me, but then again I never wanted to do anything that they seemed not to already be comfortable with.
Never carried a purse.
Let’s see. I was probably about 13 when I started experimenting with shaving legs and makeup. I received my license at 18. I didn’t get to really hang out with friends until sophomore year in high school. I always carried a purse even in elementary school. As for dating, I didn’t start that until college.
And yes, parents were restrictive on going on and make up and such. It sucked.
started shaving at 13, started wearing make-up around 15, dyed hair around 14, piercings and tats 18, was able to go out and spend nights at friends houses around 16.
My grandfather taught me how to drive a truck when I was 10, dating around 15, and partying and sleepovers at 16. I was pretty much unrestricted in what I could do.
I’d guess I started shaving around 13. I started working at 14. Got my license and my own car at 15 years and 10 months. Starting paying my own bills at 15. Had a boyfriend move in at 17. Starting dying my hair around 13. I started carrying a purse around 10, but lost it frequently and stopped even trying to carry one. I still don’t carry a purse to this day. Got the second hole in my ears when I was 12, got my belly button pierced at 16, and got my tongue pierced at 18. I’ve never really gotten into wearing makeup. I have some and wear it occasionally, but not often. I started going to parties when I was 16 and able to drive myself. I also started having parties at my place when I was 16. It was just a matter of whose house was better for it at any given time.
My parents never said I had to wait for a certain age to do things (except driving since I couldn’t get my license until a certain time). Instead, they went by my maturity and responsibility level at the time when I asked them about things.
Makeup and shaving started around age 11. I was 15 the first time I colored my hair. My sister and I carried purses when we were little because we wanted to look like mommy, but of course we didn’t have anything to put in them…pencils and chapstick and things like that. But it made us feel grown up. I didn’t start really using purses till probably high school.
I was always allowed to go on unchaperoned dates, but at age 12 through 14, “dates” were mainly school dances, which of course were chaperoned – otherwise we would just hang out at each other’s houses. But in high school, when I really started dating, my parents were fine letting us go unchaperoned as long as I made it home by curfew. I didn’t sleep over at a boyfriend’s until I was in college – that was something my parents would never let me do, and honestly I can’t blame them. In fact, my very first night at college, I slept over at my boyfriend’s apartment…I felt so grown up and still kind of felt like I was breaking the rules, even though I was technically independent at that point. Not a big deal anymore, of course :)
I started doing most grown-up things around 13, except for shaving. I was a dancer and my instructors insisted we shave legs/pits as early as 8 years old. Hairs poking out of tights is ugly and itchy.
Shaving – 10.
Dying hair – 18
Dating (never had chaperoned) – 17
Purse – 14
Makeup – 14, 16 for doing it well
Driver’s license – 17
Sleeping over – 18
Piercings – 18
Tats – 20
The news – 18
NPR – 23
ok seriously now. I don’t know, I did grown up things when it was time to do them. I’m not sure when I started shaving or any of that.
Wearing makeup- I did that once when I was 28.
Shaving- 17 I think.
Going on unchaperoned dates- 17 I think.
Driving- I got my license when I was 17.
Sleeping over at a boy/girlfriend’s house- 20.
My parents didn’t really have to set any minimum age limits on my social activities, because I was basically a late bloomer.
Shit when did i start shaving? I was living out of home at 15 and in control of my own future, for better or worse. Does that count?
Shaving (legs) – 14, 15?
Dying hair – late bloomer here—at college graduation, aged 20
Dating 13. But what I’d consider a “real” date now began at around age 15.
Purse – cannot remember a time I didn’t have a purse. Really. Even as a young girl.
Makeup – Meh. I’m still not good at this. Started wearing lip gloss as a teen. Progressed to real lipstick in college I guess…
Driver’s license – 16. Literally on my 16th birthday.
Sleeping over – With the opposite sex? 17.
Piercings – just pierced ears..at age 10.
My own criteria for when I’d be “grown up” used to be:
“When I drink coffee, wine and read the Wall Street Journal”
However, according to my own criteria… I’ve not yet grown up, and I’m pushing 40.
(I still don’t dig wine, coffee or the WSJ)
I started shaving my legs and underarms at 11, started carrying a purse about 11, started wearing a little makeup at 12, started secretly smoking at 12, went on my first unchaperoned dated at 14, “came out” about smoking at 15, got my first job at 15, learned to drive at 15 and got my license at 16, got my first tattoo at 18, slept over at a boyfriend’s house at 20, got my first piercing (other than ears) at 22.
The only thing I really ever fought over with my parents was sleeping at my boyfriend’s until one day I told my mom, “That’s it. I’m 20 now and I’m putting my foot down.” She looked slightly shocked, but I told her I was an adult and she needed to let go. I planned to marry him anyway, so if I felt like staying the night, I would. I did promise to call and let her know one way or the other so she wouldn’t worry.
Never wore makeup.
Never colored my hair.
Never really shaved (just my neck, but that started… mid-twenties?)
Never went on an unchaperoned date. Never went on a chaperoned date, either ;-)
Never carried a purse.
I was twenty the first time I slept at a girlfriends house. We had separate rooms. I’m not sure we managed to find a way around that. She was such a good girl then.
I drove when I got my license sometime between the ages of sixteen and seventeen.
As you can see, it is doubtful that I ever did grown-up things. Does that mean I’m still not a grown-up? Oh do tell my kids, please!
I mean things like wearing makeup, colouring your hair, shaving (legs/underarms/face), going on unchaperoned dates, carrying a purse, sleeping over at a boy/girlfriend’s house, driving…
I think I was about 12 or so when I started shaving especially my armpits because they stunk like hell when I sweated! o.O
Still haven’t gone out with a guy/girl yet :) so that means no sleepovers at bf’s or gf’s.
am 16 but I haven’t started driving. Will start this summer.
make up – about 13 thats when I started wearing mascara and eyeliner… about 2 grade I started painting my nails and now am addicted. I even have sundays for ” manicure sunday” :)
At the end of 2009 thats when I got a lot into bright eyeliner colors and more make up and started to even wear eyeshadows all thanks to Youtube.
I guess the first time I was allowed to be in a car with a boy. Dad told me I was NOT allowed to be in a car with a boy until I was old enough to drive myself.
Well, I come from a family with a very open minded dad and a conservative mom… So I started the whole boys thing pretty late, around 18. As to wearing make up, I would do it secretly with my friends when we went out or had sleep- overs. I started dying my hair when I was 15, my mom took me to the hairdresser… She always wanted me to be a girly- girl, which is exactly how I turned out…
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