What insect bugs you most?
Asked by
ucme (
January 21st, 2011
I almost chuckled then, almost. Okay you may love insects & that’s fine, they’re essential to the eco-system…it says here… after all. Those of us who are less in amid of the little darlings tell a different tale however. So, that in mind, which insect/creepie crawlie would you say, well…you’re not a fan of. For me it has to be wasps, those nazis in pajamas….ooh i’ve got the all over shakes on that one. Spiders i’m fine with & butterflies, well they’re just pretty.
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76 Answers
CATERPILLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :(:( :( :( Butterflies can fuck off too.
Well, black widows (and other spiders) are not insects, or I would say them.
For sheer shivery yuckiness- maggots.
For everyday annoyance- meal moths.
For doggy annoyance- fleas.
Flies.Ever been to oz? Fucking flies.
Things that pinch like earwigs aka pincher bugs.
Spiders also, even though I know they aren’t classified as insects and are bees and wasps considered insects? I hate those too.
@Mat74UK I am staring in horror at my screen. Can centipedes get that long? Is that real? * cries *
Mosquitos and silverfish.
And I’m almost apiophobic, spheksophobic, et cetera.
Flies, mosquitos, and cockroaches.
@Mat74UK Ummm….if that centipede is real I may have to off myself.
@Vunessuh – I know they proper freak me out!
Do not watch this then
I assume that “creepie crawlies” also includes arachnids, so I’ll say ticks.
I change my answer to a giant centipede. Fuck those bastards for being so fucking ugly.
That actually made me squirm and now I feel all itchy and uncomfortable. XD
Well, my noodles are ruined. Fuck, man.
@absalom – Sorry! but I did say: Do not watch this!
@incendiary_dan Yup, creepie crawlies was indeed intended to cover the whole bally lot of em.
And then I watched the centipede vs. tarantula video.
Flies. Killing is difficult business. Except for flies.
It’s fine. I was kidding… mostly.
I watched that, too. Now looking at the giant centipede v. snake video. It’s so formidable.
I would probably lose in a fight against a giant centipede.
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This thread is giving me the jim-jams. I have a list, but it’s pretty well been covered. Bad dreams for the Tooth tonight!
cock(gag)roaches. Hands down.
@JilltheTooth In your dream, thousands of cockroaches will be crawling out of your iron when you heat it up! Cockroaches will be crawling out of your toaster when put a piece of bread in it and turn it on! MUHAAAAAA!!!!!!
OH GOD I WATCHED THE VIDEO WHYYYY I probably won’t sleep for a week now.
OK, time for the “stop following” button. <shudders>
gotta be mosquitoes! I hate them even more than roaches!! at least roaches don’t bite
Not insects. Arachnidae.
I am not much for cockroaches either.
I know most people don’t consider spiders to be insects, but I sort of lump all creepy crawlies in the “insect” category, so I really have to say that I hate, loathe and despise spiders! I scream and panic and smack them with one of my husband’s shoes.
I also hate mosquitoes.
edit: Now that I think about it, the only insects/crawlers that I don’t dislike are june bugs, grasshoppers and crickets. The rest of them either freak me the hell out or they give me the ickies.
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“most people don’t consider spiders to be insects”
Well, it isn’t what people consider or don’t consider- it’s a matter of scientific taxonomy. Spiders aren’t insects- neither are centipedes, millipedes or ticks.
@noelleptc LMFAO!! “Ni**a you gunna die today! You came to the wrong f***in crib!”
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@crisw Okay, okay, okay, thanks for the science lesson… all I’m saying is I lump all creepy crawly things in the same category, so to me, spiders are just as icky as insects. They really make me panic.
@noelleptc I know! That was crackin’ me up! He kept calling the bug a ni**a and flippin’ out and squealing, and it was just too funny!
I hate bugs. Period. I’m not shy about it, either. You better believe that if a bee is buzzing around my head that I’m going to look like I’m having a seizure. I will wreck my car over a spider crawling across the dash, and I will scream bloody murder if a centipede runs across my foot. Well, anyhow, you get the idea.
I don’t like any of them. None. No ladybugs, no flies, no butterflies. BLECH.
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@noelleptc we get those Asian lady beetle infestations here really bad, that just about killed any potential for me to like ladybugs. They bite, and they stink when they die, and they are invasive.
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LOL,You lot are a bunch of girls:)
Screw that. I’m too scared of them to even kill them. Bring your husband to kill them, forget the shoes!
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@noelleptc you better believe I’ll be behind you with a can of hairspray and a lighter. Keep your distance.
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O ga….the spider stories I could tell….crisw…I’m sorry. A couple of them are daid, Daid, DAID!!!! I barely even mourned. Shudder
OK @TheOnlyNeffie What would you do….you’re getting ready for work. You walk into the kitchen early in the moring and there is the BIGGEST ASSED SPIDER you’ve ever seen in your kitchen sink! It’s threatening you!! You don’t have hairspray or a lighter…...
Windex. Raid. Bleach. Whatever. The sink aspect makes it way easier to kill it from a distance.
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Death head moths. I was once hounded by a troop for nearly a week, my head filled with the light banter-like fluttering of their wings.
Those millipedes that are furry.
Well, I would pee in my pants @noelleptc, that is what I would do. But that would be OK because I wouldn’t have any pants on and I would be in the shower and it would rinse right off, although I wouldn’t really care at the moment.. But then I would fall out of the shower screaming, at which point anyone coming in would assume that I had peed ALL OVER myself. And that is what I would do. I’m just sayin’. And I am not a wimp. So…your turn. What DID you do!
(When I worked for Boeing we had reason to go down in “The Tunnels” for supplies. The critters down there…rats and cats and cockroaches, omg. They were huge, like a sci fi movie. I remember walking up on this one cockroach who was facing away from me. I stomped to scare him away and…this is true…the SOB stood up on all his 8 legs, like a transformer thing (this was long before transformers were invented) and turned around and stared at me. I stomped again, and he started moving toward me. I got the hell out of Doge. This is a true story!)!
Hint to the sink problem….you DO have a garbage disposal…..O ga….
@Dutchess_III I actually don’t have a garbage disposal.. but ewwww. lol
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The very thought of Bed Bugs. Makes me ill.
Bees. I pulled out all of the flowers around my house after I moved in. Wasps too.
Seriously, ALL OF THEM!
And I’m not clicking on any of the above links.
Crickets! There were some stuck under my carpet in my last apartment during the Summer and they were so loud I thought I was going insane.
Grasshoppers/crickets. I have this terrifying memory from my early adolescence where there wasone stuck in my swimsuit top as I was putting it on, so I threw the top on the floor and screamed. My mom came in to see me topless and crying while standing on top of my bed hoping that the grasshopper had already left the room.
@noelleptc I would have paid good money to see that…
NO one mentioned ticks, or have I been speed-reading? We all fear them here because of the dreaded Lyme disease.
The deer ticks are the size of this ˚ and an easily be missed as they crawl down a sock or behind an ear. Their crawlers don’t tickle either.
Mosquitos. That buzzing noise in the middle of the night drives me nuts. I just know I am going to end up itchy.
Cockroaches. Well they are just disgusting and they grow them big where I am.
Flies. Ever heard of the Aussie Salute? Waving away flies from around your face (doesn’t happen everywhere).
Running a close second to ticks are black flies. They are teeth with wings and can infiltrate even the snuggest net suit.
There is nothing like a black fly inside this with you. The glass of fashion
Flying, stinging insects. They are one of the few things that can make me scream like a girl, and then run away.
To those of you who with a great hatred of insects; never go to Alaska! It will be your own personal hell. It’s hard to even describe the sheer number of insects, especially in the more rural areas. Swarms of mosquitoes, deer flies, no see-ums, etc, that are constantly swarming and trying to eat you alive, and could care less about DEET and bug spray. But they aren’t even the worst culprit. There is one type of fly species called white socks, which specialize in finding sleeves and pant legs to crawl inside, only to leave the most painful and persistent bites I’ve ever experienced. They are evil incarnate. After one particularly nasty day working outdoors, I came back to my tent and counted well over 200 white socks bites. I looked like I had chicken pox again. Uggh!
So, yeah, if you have a severe aversion towards insects, steer clear of Alaska.
Fire ants they hurt like hell when they bite or pinch whatever it is they do.
Bees and related stinger insects
Mosquitoes and cockroaches. Other bugs on’t bother me really.
Forgot maggots. Those bastards make my gag.
@TheOnlyNeffie Yeah, I was fairly well disposed towards ladybugs (ladybirds), until they started turning up in my flat in large quantities.
Midges. They get my vote everytime.
That long flat shiny brown thing with lots of legs that I found on a kitchen floor in Alabama.
This stupid brown June bugs that run into you all the time and get caught in your hair.
Poisonous spiders. Living in Oklahoma, we have every breed of spider under the sun and a few that haven’t even been discovered yet!
@TheOnlyNeffie Me too. JeffGoldblumsprivatefacilities has given me a whole new perspective on that idea. Eau de Aeroguard is probably the answer.
The ones that are nearby at any particular moment.
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