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NostalgicChills's avatar

Is it better to use Ultra shimmer BH eyeshadow, or Matte BH eyeshadow?

Asked by NostalgicChills (2787points) January 22nd, 2011

Here is the link for the shimmer eyeshadow:
And heres the one for the Matte eyeshadow:
If I want to do makeup art such as this:
Which of the two palettes do you recommend is the best.
I’m sorry that theres so many links guys.

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6 Answers

answerjill's avatar

I’m not sure, but if you don’t get answers here, you might want to post to

Seaofclouds's avatar

In that video, it looked like she had both matte and shimmer. It really looks like either one could work depending on the exact look you want. Good luck.

bunnygrl's avatar

Wow!! that eyeshadow design is just stunning honey. Honestly, it would look fabulous with either matte or shimmer eyeshadows but personally (not that I am anywhere near talented enough to re-produce such an intricate design, it’s amazing) but if I was able to copy it on myself I’d use shimmer shades because it would just look dazzling and I’m a sparkly kinda girl :-) As @seaofclouds says though, it would definitely work using both, maybe with the shimmers used as highlights?
huggles and welcome to fluther honey xx

Rayvin14's avatar

It really becomes a prefference at this point. I personally am a fan of anything shimmery, and not really one for matte at all. but you can go shimmer over-board.

punkrockworld's avatar

It really depends what you’re going for… shimmer does not look good for an ordinary day unless you are in your twenties or thirties and can pull it off. For women over 40 I would recommend to stay away from any shimmer as it will hide in the cracks of the skin. To look younger and fresh-faced, use a matte shadow!

NostalgicChills's avatar

I’m really into makeup, however, I do not ever go out with any more than natural makeup.
Makeup Art is a hobby of mine that I keep INSIDE the house, therefore Im only doing it for… basically for fun xD

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