Is Fluther the venue for snarky mediators?
Asked by
963chris (
January 22nd, 2011
Recently I’ve been getting my ass ridden by a certain moderator for capitalization, punctuation, vernacular & use of the ’+’ sign (of all things). I tried my best to explain the habit/difficulties & elicit a reason for this policy only to basically get an ultimatum to “play by our rules or you’re terminated”. I was unpleasantly surprised by the sharp retort as well as the attitude.
Fluther appears to position itself to be a fairly convivial, carefree, laid-back place to engage in discussion, debate + q&a; however, these rules & behavior (which aren’t at all up front & center) are making it appear more gestapo + draconian! What’s the deal? If this were the Atlantic or New Yorker or Granta, I could better understand it all. If these rules will decide your acceptance in the community don’t you think this should be more prominent? Textspeak + abbreviations are given the cold-shoulder as well! However will this company adopt to the twitterverse + mobile universe?
So it appears that the bottom line is that capitalized dross outweighs poorly-punctuated polished pondering? Makes no sense to me!
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248 Answers
You can take your ball and go home if you are not happy here + + + +
Do you know how many times we’ve heard this all before? Hundreds. You can look through the meta section for similar questions of hurt egos, where the answer to your question has been explored in depth. Oh, and it’s a no, by the way. No moderator has it in for you, get over it.
Shorthand and txt speak are fine in the mobile and twitter universe as there are limits on time, mobility, and characters on you to express yourself.
The point of Fluther is, in essence, to slow the eff down. ;-) You don’t have to submit an answer for formal review…but the members here appreciate (at least those who remain) a forum where people take more time than on other internet forums to both think about and compose their answers.
It does seem you’ve run up against a rather strict wall with the moderators on the symbol front – but as much as it seems draconian when you have to follow certain form rules and the moderators require that you do so, the moderators get complaints on the other end when it seems they’re using discretion in applying rules (e.g., letting some people get away with doing something others are held accountable for).
In the end, if you stick to writing, for the most part, full sentences as you would for anything that would be sent out to someone you respected, or to a teacher, or if you were sending it to be published, you should be good. I don’t really think that asking for sentences to be complete and words to be written is draconian in the end.
I’m sure calling people Nazis will help your case.
Text speak violates our guidelines here because it looks like ass. Imagine if everyone here used text speak. u cdnt tll wtf ne1 wuz tlkin bout lol!
Fluther is cute. Fluther is laid back. Fluther is not a haven for barely literate teeny boppers. It is better that way. Trust me.
And comparing Fluther’s moderation standards to the Gestapo is… well… kind of ridiculous. Spoiler alert: it takes a lot more to get us to shoot you.
Take a chill pill. Watch your spelling and grammar. And relax. It’s really not that big of a deal.
Yes..let all your rage out peeps. I like the open-mindedness of this community after all!
I’m not sure why you feel the guidelines aren’t very clear. I think it’s really clear. Fluther wants, expects, and encourages well-written responses and text speak is a not accepted. The thing about the warning to be “terminated” as you put it is that you are getting your warnings. You either follow the guidelines or you don’t remain as part of Fluther. Instead of arguing about why you don’t want to follow the rules, start following them if you want to stay. If you don’t want to stay, you know your options.
@963chris Oh, my dear – my rage is reserved for relevant issues concerning justice and people’s rights, not this.
I’m also well aware that I can walk away peeps. It’s pretty effin obvious;)
I fail to understand why people are so quick to pull the trigger here rather than try to hear what’s being said? hmm…
Woohoo! @963chris – I wasn’t going to write a response… until I saw four yes FOUR jellies all writing at the same time! Anyway, deary me, I too have had a tiny bit of moderation, I’m sure most members have. The joy of the thing is in using plain, relatively good, English. I really hope you get over the need to use ugly symbols (wahey… it’s gone from four, to three, then four, now three again…) it is unnecessarily diminutive. It diminishes you too. But, it has obviously got the jelly wobbling!
@963chris We hear you, we just don’t agree with you. You’ll realize that most of us value the guidelines and quality of Fluther and don’t want it filled with improper writing and text speak.
so ee cummings + willian s burroughs would get a good swift kick in the pants here despite their thinking…i see.
ee cummings was a poet – and burroughs had his fair share of accusations that he was butchering the language.
But you’re not either of them. And you’re not writing literature.
In all honesty – is there anything oppressive about being asked to write in full sentences and use words, as you would in most writing? I understand being put off by a sharp retort – but how many times had you refused to follow the rule they had made you aware of?
I read the interchanges between you and the moderator.
The first moderation note to you contained 2 “Please” and two “Thank you” along with helpful links to guidelines and a gentle explanation of how things are done here. It ended with “if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me or any of the moderators, Thanks”
To this you argued your point that it should not matter how you write and did not change your txt/symbol behavior.
The second note said words such as “I am sorry” and “I hope” and ended with “I do think you’ve got some good things to share with us. It is, of course, up to you.”
Please understand that we all work as a team and no moderator has singled you out. You merely do not wish to follow the guidelines that we ALL must follow here.
@963chris I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re no ee cummings.
You sir, are no ee cummings.
edit: @Bob got there first.
Dude, I’m a moderator and even I have been modded before. Most of the other mods have been too. It’s just how Fluther works and it really isn’t all that consequential in the grand scheme of the universe. Otherwise, this place would be like… Yahoo Answers where people would be asking how is babby formed all the time. *Shudders
What exactly are you trying to say here that we are “failing to hear” anyway? You are clearly well spoken, so I’m not dismissing you as a dumb twit. I just fail to see why it’s such a big deal to play by the rules + avoid certain typing habits. aw shit
I like that Fluther is moderated by human beings who actually look at the answers. So don’t get me wrong here.
Is there a new level of enforcement lately though? I don’t believe I’d ever been modded until the last couple of months. It used to be that most things that were removed were attacks, someone got their feelings hurt and so someone rightly stepped in, asked the thread get back on topic, and removed the heated remarks.
Lately it’s just about anything in General gets modded, it’s taken some of the fun out of the site. I understand the difference between General and Social, but if no one is flagging a comment, should it be removed? Doesn’t that have to be someone who objects?
This question while not the best use of the Flutherverse, has 4 removed answers. If you came along you’d swear a big fight broke out. Not the case, as best I can remember the removed answers went something like
- ladymia69 – you might answer enjoy this link
– deni – awesome thanks
– ladymia69 – no problem
– funkdaddy – grumblegrumble she stole my house grumblegrumble
and those all got removed. I don’t get where the harm is. This isn’t like when people lose their cool, and for at least one of those folks, it’s their intro to Fluther. It seems to send the wrong message, General, Social, or otherwise.
Has it changed? Did someone flag those posts as nonsense?
Five Jellies, a full wobbling fluther of wordy rapping in the hood. I believe @963chris you might have meant William S Burroughs? Point here is, if you are not careful with very ordinary spelling, then using shortcuts, txtspeak and whatnot just confuses. I am the sixth jelly… No, oh Wow, there are seven of us now. Sorry if I am getting excited, but this is the fun of fluther – a mass of wobbling indignation!
e e cummings
did not(talk like this)
____________in norm
al speech
is in
@funkdaddy The question was in General and the quips were off topic. I do not know if they were flagged but in General responses must be on topic and answer the question.
Oh, good! Another “a mod is being mean to me” Q! We were overdue for one of those! Gee, I never assumed that all things capitalized were dross. And how marvelous that your difficult to read posts contain such gold!
Just because we are generally well spoken here does not mean our contributions are any less valid than yours, @963chris , and I know I would appreciate your insight and intelligence more if I didn’t have to work so hard to find it. I’ve been interested in some of your posts, but wading through all the hip street stuff is a bore for a dodderer like me.
The moderators are here to maintain consistency overall – not answer complaints. Flagging is to (nominally) help them with that.
Unfortunately, if they worked only on flags, I’m pretty sure that you’d get a lot of people complaining about how they were being treated unfairly because their comment was moderated and another (which no one had flagged) had not.
So the general application is also to make sure there’s not even an appearance of bias (well…people are people, so bias will still be there, and people will still see it when it’s not).
so long + thx 4 all the fish ;p
this is gonna be great material!!!!
@963chris Please keep your inane responses to a single post, please.
I did ask what you thought was too restricting – was there a request beyond using full words and sentences consistently?
having to capitalize the first letter of a sentence can be done thru regular expressions + automated thus cutting down on mediation, serverplay + other resources. for example.
@Dog @iamthemob – I understand how it works, and that a flag is not necessary those were more intended to show that no one was hurt. It’s not even about that particular question. The bar for moderation used to be (at least in my observation) that a comment detracted from the conversation.
Now it seems the conversation itself is being removed.
Just about every question follows a similar pattern here, there’s the question itself, some answers, and then discussion on those answers and the small interpersonal follow ups. Rarely is the thread still “on-topic” by the 20th post, but some go on for hundreds.
Why remove a discussion that naturally occurs after a question is answered, it’s what makes Fluther different from google. It is what makes it feel like a community.
@963chris I read your question, and felt sympathetic to your complaints, until you started using all the + signs. Turns out that really is fucking annoying.
im headed to quora where they can at least screen + set end user expectations!
@funkdaddy I think it has more to do with the creation of the ‘general’ and ‘social’ sections. From my understanding, things were a lot different with moderation before those were put into the mix. I joined just a few days before they were put in place, so I don’t really see a difference, but since you’ve been here longer, that could be it.
I eagerly await Simone’s reply
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
How many answers do there have to be before the food discussion starts?
I do not see why you are unwilling to simply stop using txtspk.
@963chris Oh my god, nobody cares what you do – it’s for the entertainment of the others. @JilltheTooth I’m eating this awesome curry dish Alex made with rice and peppers.
all yer base r now blong 2 us
I’m eating peanut M&M’s right now.
Getting ready to get the popcorn out for the show.
Got me some champagne, here, anybody want some?
im gonna jiffypop some plus signs all round my vacant mouth
I was already having a craving and I can’t figure out what I want, now I’m really hungry, thanks @JilltheTooth. :-)
@Dog, ah, gotcha.
I just ate a porkchop, mashed potatoes, and macaroni and cheese.
Oh, and I met a Korean War vet today.
Oh, and I’m tired.
Enjoy Quora. They have spelling suggestion volunteers. You will keep them very busy.
But really. Spelling is a life skill. Why buck it? Communication is a gift.
you all made me hungry damnit, can’t a guy lurk in peace
Sorry, @poisonedantidote , but these things usually end up being food talks my favorite part of mod-bashing threads so I thought I’d get the ball rolling.
I’d just like to say that I’m outraged. At something. I could really be bothered to read everything but I figure being outraged is the proper thing to be.
And I’m making fauxbalaya for dinner.
@963chris has left the building. Probably heading to Quora.
I can’t describe in words what i would do right now for a porkchop. I’ll have to settle for a sandwich.
Who mentioned food?
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Oh I am frustrated- over 3 hours waiting for a Photoshop filter to render on ONE image. Ugh. Poor iMac is just about to die.
Pork chops… yum
@Dog, shit… how old is your iMac?
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard About 3 years old.
I need something with a lot more than 3 gigs of ram. I have one image I have been working on for three days- two filters to go and it goes to my agent… it is excruciating to wait.
Pork chops sound good, especially stuffed pork chops. Now I need to go raid the kitchen…
@funkdaddy Lets discuss the General section.
Are you still present?
Fiddle with a porkchop, FTW!!!
I don’t know what Quora is, but I think we should follow him there. What do you all say?
I’ll bring the torches….
Slow down there, @iamthemob , let’s finish our dinner, first. I’ve got a pitchfork
Eating popcorn here..I have a rope
@iamthemob Ha ha ha!
Oh my filter rendered! Yippee!
I just read the “about” page for Quora. Member editing? And some think our mods are tough????
Oh shit, here comes @augustlan. We’re in trouble now.
I’m just going to go ahead and take this opportunity to say that I had no part in this.
Sorry, Mom, but he started it!
Wow, I am such a bitch, huh?
This actually makes me sad. I tried, really, really hard, to explain why proper writing is so important here. I encouraged, I cajoled, I flattered… and in the end, I’m still the nazi. :/
My husband is making a turkey breast, stuffing and mashed potatoes with gravy.
And you are all in so much trouble! ~
Yikes! She has the whip.. and the stilettos on!
Now, @chyna , be fair. Fiddle just started the pork chop thing. can I have some of those M&Ms?
@Dog : Doesn’t she have to be nekkid to use the whip? That’s what I heard!
@chyna nuh UH!
@Dog I’m ok with that… I mean… uhh.. Oh noes!
Wait, @augustlan was the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad moderator? That just makes this even more hysterical.
P.S. I called this days ago. Knew it was going to happen from the first ”+” I saw.
Has @963chris left the building???
Pancakes for everyone else ! ! ! ! -
@Tropical_Willie Yay!
@funkdaddy Are you here? I want to clarify what we were discussing. Please feel free to PM me if you do not want to continue the conversation here.
Well, it was fun e’erybody, but I’m off to watch The Lovely Bones and cry.
Bis später!
@Dog I can’t find it! I know I saved that one…
Maybe I have a copy… I hope so
:::Edit- check your email!:::
@SavoirFaire and @Dog I can’t find the waffle griddle, it maybe in the attic.
Pancakes and i guess I’m a NAZi like the Mods > > > > . . . >
@Dog – still here, no further explanation is really needed, I understand the differences in the sections I just feel that maybe the intent is more important than the “letter” of the law in this case. Rules are generally written to be watertight, the interpretation really decides what they actually mean.
The interpretation seems more strict lately and maybe it’s just my observation. There’s no hurt feelings and I appreciate you responding and taking it seriously. You guys do a great job and I was hesitant to bring it up in the context of this question but it seemed related (at least at the beginning).
I didn’t realize it was going to turn into such a food fight ;)
Sigh. Another newbie who thinks the rules shouldn’t apply to him, who then rails against the mods, confident in his own uniquely righteous cleverness..
Salad with candied pecans, pink lady apples, blue cheese, and strawberry poppyseed dressing.
@funkdaddy No hard feelings at all. In fact it can get confusing. I just want to be sure you understand so you do not get the impression that mods are going rogue. ;)
Seriously if you ever have a question PM me and I can explain it. I do not mind at all. :)
Tosses a pie toward @SavoirFaire
@syz How far from Charlotte are you ? ? ? Salad sounds great !
@JilltheTooth It should be jambalaya but I’m probably not making it right.
@augustlan I don’t think you’re a horrible person.
I like to think that @963chris was not a complete dick…but rather…that he was deeply in love with the ”+” sign.
That’s how I’ll get through these times.
@syz wins… I am headed to her place.
@iamthemob Well- he was a very positive person. It would be worse if he was hung up on the ”-” sign. ;)
I will say this in defense of @963chris , the alliteration with which he ended his Q reminded me of a perfectly prepared and portioned pecan pie.
<< My bad ass avatar, courtesy of @Dog
Now I’m going to go eat dinner. :)
Whooo Hooo!!!! @augustlan got the MEAN avatar out!
Wow. I am so…so…I don’t know what by that avatar! And it still incorporates her signature “A”!!!
m i 2 l8 2 say how rite he wuz?
@Tropical_Willie A little under two hours. And you can help me finish off the wine from last night’s wine tasting!
I’m 45 minutes east of Raleigh, not tonight. Thanks
This is my badass avatar. I haven’t gotten a good chance to use it yet, unfortunately.
I figured it was time I made a new avatar.
I guess as it turns out, Fluther is a place for snarky hipsters with problems following rules…
I am so going to make Katawagrey show me how to have funky avatars. I wish I wasn’t such a techtard! Damn you, age and wisdom! well, mostly age…
@Dog Oh, okay. You and your pie win. All is forgiven, and no one’s a Nazi after all (except, you know, actual Nazis).
@syz I was just saying it almost three hours. But the salad sounded great!
Wines tasting YUM.
Is it a little sick that I’m turned on by @augustlan‘s avatar?
Nah, @chyna , you’re just braver than I am…
I think you are reaching a bit here. I color outside the lines all the time here and any moderating of my menial efforts was done for just cause as in I deserved it. No big deal…really!
Yeah, @Cruiser , but more importantly and to the point, what did you have for dinner?
i’d rather capitalize the last letter in the sentencE..
I’m late to the party. But I always find it hilarious when people spend more time arguing about the time-saving merits of txtspk than they actually save by using it. It’s like making an acronym and then having to explain what it means every time you use it, it entirely negates the purpose of the acronym in the first place. Also, it takes me longer to do ’+’ than it does to just type out ‘and’ normally. Maybe I’m just a freak.
I don’t have any scary avatar to go with @augustlan‘s :(.
I just spent 20 minutes reading this whole thread. My life is so sad.
Peanuts. I think I’ll eat some peanuts. Ooo. I could make a peanut sauce and skewer some thinly sliced meat to bbq, and eat it dipped in the sauce. Yum!
I hate being the last person at the party. All right. Is there anybody left to clean up the place except me? Helloooo? knocks on the computer screen Well, it seems I’m alone in here.
Just for the record, I’m not at all turned on by @augustlan‘s stilleto heels. I have my own and they’re bejeweled.
@Sarcasm You aren’t a freak. + is one of the hardest-to-reach keys on the keyboard.
@papayalily : also, you have to use 2 hands to type it.
I am just curious—which mod do believe to be a grammar nazi?
Each person who volunteers to moderate, or accepts an invitation to moderate brings his or her individual personality to the task. None seem to do it with ill will.
If everyone is still eating, I just finished felafel with my homemade tzatziki sauce . . . * sigh *
@augustlan that ius hot! If I get myself modded promise to use that avatar on me?
@Dog too fine!
We should all make avatars for each other to try on!
actually I found Chris’s
____________in norm
al speech
is in
quite artful.
Not necessarily conversational but artful
Umm… Hey guys. Did I miss something?
Hi, @Fred931, grab a broom and let’s start sweeping up this mess.
Man! Must have been some brawl. Chairs broken and scattered all over. Broken glass and drops of blood on the floor. The smell of cordite and candle wax.
Not a soul to be seen. I heard a new bad guy walked into town, txtspk falling out of his pockets, and a chip on his shoulder the size of a basketball. More chip than shoulder, really.
The posse was out in a flash. Poor guy didn’t know what hit him.
And I was watching a movie and eating pizza with the kids.
I always miss the good brawls! :/
@Dog my working computer has only 2 meg and satisfies—maybe PCs ARE better.
@JilltheTooth I had Indian food and it gave me gas! Ooops sorry! Excuse me! ;))
@anartist ha! Try an image over 120mb with over 30 layers in photoshop running filter forge. Your PC will beg for a power- surge to put it out of it’s misery. ~ :D
(But seriously- what monitor are you running and are the colors accurate?)
Hide yo kids
Hide yo wife
and hide yo husband, ‘cause they modding everyone out here.~
I’m going to switch back to my normal avatar, so I’m linking for posterity: Bad Ass Avatar
Yes, if you don’t like it – go away.
Damn, missed the excitement again. Would someone please txtspeak me on my cell phone next time something big like that happens. I am always too late!!!
And @hawaii_jake – I gave you a ga above and I would love to stay and help clean but it is time to walk the dogs, later jakie
@augustlan – I got it now, I am pleased I had the op to see the bad assed you before you returned. You are kinda like the hulk. I will be more respectful henceforth! :-)
Cheers y’all
@wundayatta : You think the mess was bad here, you shoulda seen what we did at Quora after dinner with torches, pitchforks and ropes!
I was reading all his + signs as “plus”. No wonder I was having so much trouble. Damn, I’m old!
All I said was ,“You can take your ball and go home if you are not happy here.”
I had to go to bed… missed so much! This is the first time I’ve witnessed a, er, what do you call it when a fluther gets together with a purpose? I am so glad food was introduced, a favorite subject and pastime in our house. I made American Biscuits yesterday afternoon, they are a great alternative to scones, here in Blighty. Must have some tea now. Weird being on a different part of the planet, yet somehow… wobbling along together…!
I’m not reading all 148 responses to this. But I’ll say that the use of ”+” bugs me. I’ll also say that if a post looks too crazy (full of caps, bold, italic, abbreviations, etc.) I won’t bother to try to decipher it.
@Seelix Oh dear. You missed one of the great sagas of fluther. You really should read the whole thing. Well, skim it, anyway. There’s a movie in there somewhere. Where is @Vunessah when we need her?
Well, I feel it’s very important to mention that Rick and I ate at Joe’s Crab Shack in Kansas City today! GOOD stuff Maynard. We give it 10 +++++++++++. Which makes a fence. That is important to say too.
Though it pales in comparison to the posts like “Joe’s” I did make home made pasta sauce. This is unique because I did not burn it and it was really very good. :)
Fences for you too @Dog!
A yard has a perimeter of 20 yards. The width is half the length. Find the length and width.
+___________________________________________ +
+___________________________________________ +
+___________________________________________ +
+___________________________________________ +
+___________________________________________ +
+___________________________________________ +
oh, now you’re just showing off.
@Fred931 Okay I’ll play + + + + > >
20 = 2L + 2W
2W = L
20 = 2L + L
L= 20/3 and W = 10/3 and the area of the yard is 200/9
Wait. Why is everyone building a dog run??? I promise to behave! Promise!
@Dog We did the food fight, now we’re building BIG yard.
<—-Zuppy says: YAY! WOOF! Can’t wait to play with my Ropey there!
Town Dog and the gang want to play too!!!
My flag finger twitched so hard at the first plus sign that I had to run away. I knew if I just kept still, someone else would do it. Does this make me a slacker?
I think it makes you easy.
So @Jeruba ‘s the new neighborhood “easy” girl? Hmmmm. That’s an interesting concept!
And ^THAT^ is why I’m still following this question.
I love you people. So. Much.
I just realized that we didn’t answer the OP’s question.
Yes. Yes, it is ~
Sharky mediators? Do they eat Jellyfish..? Oh, sorry ‘snarky’, had to scroll up a gigafluther’s worth of entries to recall the question. Has it been answered?
It was fun, you should read it. Food discussion started shortly after the 38th response and it just got yummier….
What’s REALLY funny is a year ago would this thread have been allowed to live past the first three comments??!!
You know @Fred931 I should be able to do that problem without a second thought. But I ain’t gonna. Now, build me a two story fenced-in yard with an an outhouse and sleeping quarters. Dog is a part of the family, you know, and he should be treated as one.
Cool, @chyna. How should I behave in order to live up to my new reputation? Do I start writing in txtspeak?
:D I also really like to have a Hot tub under the stars and a wine cellar. Just in case you all were going to ask.
Chuck! Go tell Grampa ta haul the horse tank out from the barn, and help him settitup over by th’ wudpile. Then put a bottle of beer in the wudpile Uh, make it two bottles er Dog’ll get s’picious.
@Dog My dogs will share their “blue kiddie pool”.
Don’t have a hot tub.
I only have about 50 bottles in the wine rack, maybe not enough. LOL
@Dog Good, Bring a couple of yours, the estate wine bottle opener is empty and waiting. . . .
@JilltheTooth – I was being a bit… snarky? Or sarcy! But, do find it weird and wondrous how this thread has evolved from the original Q. I check in during the morning here in the UK, so miss all you late wobblers having food fights, comparing sleaze, calling in the dogs…! Me an’ ma cats, we just chuckle!
How are you by the way? I haven’t completely updated my fluther from the choppersangel gang, still treating this pool of wonder as a new place to splash. Though I’ve developed a fluther ‘crush’, which I understand is common, not sure if I should admit to it…
In good English of course.
@auntydeb Admit it… it’s me, isn’t it? It’s ok, because I lurve you, too.
Hey! I thought it was me! And you all are invited over for Mac and Cheese if (and we’re just keeping our fingers crossed here) my new stove arrives before the storm…
Didja notice how I brought it back to food?
OoOoOoOoh… @augustlan – I have only ever had one true ‘girl’ crush… until now?
@JilltheTooth I’m definitely up for Mac n’ Cheese. I made a fantastic almondy fruit cake yesterday, should I bring that too?
I still feel such a newbie, does that ever go away? Is it ok to think that everyone here is bonkers? With good grammar? (Attempting to stay within guidelines here of course).
I have a headache and just want to lie down.
@auntydeb Bonkers, with good grammar… I like it!
@wundayatta Take a nice nap in a dark room. Hope you feel better soon. :)
+ + + + +
That’s all I have to say about that.
Even after all this, I still say “plus” when I see +. God, I am such a dork.
And “plus” is not a conjunction.
@963chris has… left fluther it seems. I thought I’d look him up again, after all this malarky, but got a lovely fat Neptune instead. Mind you, Neptune is cool.
It’s bedtime here in Blighty, we had the most fantastic roasted chicken drummers with honey and (+?) mustard marinade for dinner. Bloomin’ gorgeous. We ate the meat, the cats had the bones, there is nothing left. We had a bottle of Cotes du Rhone as well, which is why I’m waffling. No reason, ‘cept I couldn’t get my blinkin’ document to format properly, Hubby came home and found me in a state, so soothed. Lurverly.
Nighty night.
Do Jellyfish sleep?
well I’m sorry @963chris left.
In spite of the chip on his shoulder, he still contributed interesting things, and if he’d stayed around long enough he’d find mod gripes are no big deal and part of the fun as it were.
It is only proper to SPELL the word + out. Like this: PLUS.
I just realized that this question refers to mediators, rather than moderators. We don’t have any mediators, so I guess the answer is indisputably “NO”.
I was wondering when we were going to see a mediator on this thread.
If you ain’t a mediator, Auggie, then I don’t know what is!! Referee + moderator + mediator + meteor + butt whooper….you are all of that!
@Dutchess_III Despite everything on this thread, I still expected to see an ”=” sign after all those ”+” signs. Should have known better…
Dang! Why didn’t I think of that!!
Referee + moderator + mediator + meteor + butt whooper=Auggie!
Digression alert: As long as we’re being so precise—isn’t it butt whupper? I think “whoop” is a vocal sound.
I whoop when I’m whupping. Just sayin’.
Another case of the mods are never wrong. ^ ^ ^ ^ LOL
Auggie singing as she’s whupping…“DOOOOO WHOOP!!!!” like the Hanson Brothers.
Have we gotten off topic? Um…what WAS the topic, anyway?
Bunker Hill? Just a little historical context for the intellectuals :-/
Debunking this whole question, heheheh!!!
Rambunktious, without a doubt.
And now we’re back to food. :)
lunchtime it is in Olde England, er, channelling Yoda I seem to be. Anglo Saxon verbiage anyone?
My hair is currently in a bun…..
But my shampoo smells like food. Doesn’t that count?
Has anyone else noted that the next older question at the bottom of the page is about unhealthy obsessions with food? I think it may be a sign…
Look how productive and entertaining this question has been! So far 220 responses, and yet still only one GQ.
@SavoirFaire, I think that “Next Activity” question below comes from your own “Activity for You” list and is not necessarily the same for everyone.
@JilltheTooth Do you love waffles and crab salad for breakfast? I just got the strangest damn craving at the restaurant this morning. No buns though. Had buns last night though. Two of them.
why is everyone whispering? Waffles and crab salad sounds great for lunch… but breakfast? A ‘strange sort of craving’ indeed. D’you get these cravings often @JilltheTooth? Buns definitely, everyone should have one…
Well if you skip the waffles and just have the crab salad, it sounds like you are an advocate of the Atkins diet. The waffles blow that theory however. I do sometimes have tuna or egg salad for brekky on lettuce though not waffles. That is when I feel the need for some protein instead of the usual carb heavy type fare.
LOL! @auntydeb thinks @JilltheTooth had the weird breakfast! That’s great!
Yeah @auntydeb. I’m telling you, the girl gets weird cravings! I heard once that…..well, I’ll tell you on PM!
Waffles? Did someone say waffles? Just so you know, I always carry my own personal jug of real maple syrup with me—wherever I go.
I would like a pet snark. It does not have to mediate. It can just lounge around on the sofa and snap at floating dust. ;)
^ heheheheh. I wonder if a pet snark looks like the snipes we used to try to catch at camp???
@Dog, you could try joining Lewis Carroll in hunting a snark just to see if it works out any better for you. But do beware of the Boojums.
Ooh, ooh! Shouldn’t that be ‘Snark’ with a capital S? What’s a Boojum @Jeruba? we call our cats ‘Poojums’, are they likely to be related?
Personally, and I admit this knowing myself to be in safe(ish) company… My pet fear is Woozels.
Thought I was following Heffalumps, see, but they turned out to be… is it ok to put this link here? Will remove if breaks the rules, but does explain the depths of my Woozel-phobia.
@auntydeb Nice blog! You should post a link to it on your profile page. :)
Aw thanks Auggie (is it ok to call you that…?), must admit hadn’t even thought of it. Lack of confidence etc… lol
@auntydeb : I’m pretty sure it’s OK to call her “Auggie” when you consider some of the other things she’s been called!
Thanks @JilltheTooth! So nice to be here, especially now I am full of traditional Cornish Pasty, made by Berryman’s of Redruth. They simply are the best we’ve tasted. Never let anyone fob you off with one from Rowe’s or ‘The Cornish Pasty Company’. They are made with the right ingredients, but simply don’t have the right ‘touch’.
Felt the need to bring food back onto the post…
Oh and none of the names here are what you would call a ‘brand’... oh, except the Cornish Pasty Co. But they’ve sold out anyway. You can buy them in airports and railway stations. Nah, it takes Cornish hands and Cornish air to make a true pasty…
@auntydeb…Just so you know, Auggie is the one the OP is calling Snarky. Snarky Auggie. Has a certain….. ring to it, no?
I personally like Snarky Auggie as name.
I do to. We hereby knightess her dat…..Snarky Auggie. We will write odes to her.
“Snarky Auggie was a snark.
Snarky Auggie had no…heart…” (Um..‘had no “Fart?” “Tart?” ’.....I think I need some help with my ode-writing here….)
LOL!! I’m trying to get ready for work, but this is just tearing me up! I got something like this running through my head:
“Snarky Auggie was a snark.
Snarky Warky had no snark.
Snarky Arky warky narky,
It’s difficult to apply mascara with that kind of thing stuck in your head. I keep poking my eye!
Snarky Auggie had a lark,
when friends christened her a snark,
but suggesting that she has no heart
is well beyond the pale…
Perhaps ‘tis true she has no ‘fart’,
or takes umbridge when called a ‘tart’;
but all in all, dear jelly-mates
her mediation rates
among the best we’ll get…
Snarky Auggie befriended a snark
who liked to hang out in a park.
One day they had fun,
Putting trolls on the run,
Thus inventing the snark park lark!
Ark ark @wundayatta! (That’s a Snark laughing, BTW…)
@auntydeb I know…Odes are supposed to be true, and saying Auggie has no heart just does NOT work there! Which is why I needed hep!
@Dutchess_III – perhaps, angelic as she is… she has a harp?
Harp, parp,
lark, snark,
fart, tart
ark ark!
You guys just made Snarky Auggie snort!
Snorting Snarky Auggie, Howzit? Now I’m laughing!
Jellyfish weather in Cornwall this morning. Home-made muesli for breakfast;
no snoring, or snorting Snarks to be seen, just mizzle. Typical for the time of year. Make yerselves at home – it’s mild too.
My pet snark ate all the ground coffee. It is now shredding the sofa.
I am heading to the store for coffee.
…My tounge ith all wisted up nows. I clan’t taks sfraight ernymore!
@funkdaddy That question was the first one I answered after I joined! lol Being moderated was my introduction to fluther! :O
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