Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Have you ever been modded here on Fluther and what did you think of the experience?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) January 22nd, 2011

I have, and I remember thinking “Wow, they actually follow their own rules. Cool. I can do that,” and then I went on my merry way, skipping down the yellow brick road.


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54 Answers

Seaofclouds's avatar

Yeah, some at my request and at least once that I know of for being off topic. I kind of expected the off topic one to go, but someone had posted some misinformation that I felt needed to be corrected. We both ended up getting modded, which was fine because without their misinformation, the correct information didn’t really need to be there anyway (since it wasn’t really on topic anyway).

If there have been other times, I don’t even know about them.

anartist's avatar

Yes, interested, and in one case I presented my defense after hearing the reason and was un-modded.

chyna's avatar

I’ve never had a mod pm me about a response, but I have had responses deleted by a mod. That hasn’t happened very many times, but when it has, I knew my response should have been modded.

filmfann's avatar

I have been modded, and they were probably right, but I have gotten mad each time.

it feels like I have been bitch slapped

gailcalled's avatar

Yes, from time to time. The reasons they have given have been reasonable and fair.

mrentropy's avatar

If being modded means having a comment deleted then, yep, I have. But every time it happened (that I can think of), I knew it would happen. I just couldn’t stop myself. I’ve never been sent a message by a mod telling me to step straight, though. So I happily go on my way down to the Yellow Brick Toad.

AmWiser's avatar

Yes. Won 1. Whipped into submission on 2 others.:D

prolificus's avatar

Yes. And I don’t want to talk about it <bows head in shame>.

Vunessuh's avatar

I’ve had several responses moderated and I pretty much wrote them knowing that they would eventually be deleted and one time I PMed Auggie and said, “man, ya got me!” XD

Sarcasm's avatar

Back during the AB migration, I had a mod PM me asking me to be nicer to the immigrants.

I’ve had 2 questions censored (Out of 36). One of which was a total non-question. The other of which was flamebait (I still wanted an answer. But I didn’t care enough to resubmit it).

I can’t recall seeing many of my quips censored. I only remember one, I wrote in all caps (I think the asker wrote in all caps, or something. I swear, I felt justified in doing it in caps), and got a PM from @dog asking me to not do that.

When I first came to Fluther, I’d come from a total cesspool of a QA site, where we didn’t really have standards, we asked all sorts of dumb questions. So for the first couple of months, I was part of that, “Omgz, mods are too strict!” club. I realized pretty quickly that I liked the standards here. I still post things that I would totally moderate, if I were another mod.

So. I’ve had a pretty good experience with the mods and moderation here.

Fred931's avatar

so ye i was all liek yaaaaaaaaaaaaa but it was longr an it went off th paeg and mods wer likee rawr and i wus :( and >:(

Dog's avatar

When I was new here- almost 3 years ago- I wrote a question that was moderated.
To make things worse the email I signed on with had ceased to work and I never got the email saying it had been sent back to me to edit and explaining why.

I was confused and for a moment did take it personally. It happened so fast that I even asked a moderation question wondering if new members questions were held for approval.

The responses assured me that this was not the case.

Once I thought about it I did realize the question was not up to standards. (At that time the guidelines were much stricter and my question was too social/chatty. Today it would have been fine for social)

The Internet is a weird thing. It make a person feel self-conscious when learning a new e-culture. I try to remember this when modding. This is why I encourage people to ask us if they are concerned about moderation. A little reassurance goes a long way toward feeling at home here.

@Sarcasm I feel special knowing I was your first.~ ;)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Um… @Dog… You should be careful about sharing who you were first with. Just sayin.

TexasDude's avatar

Yep. Once.

I cried for hours, cut my wrists, wrote some poetry about it, cried on a cold pillow in an empty room, and then I posted a question in meta asking about how the fascist communist Nazi mods get away with such brutal oppression.

Cruiser's avatar

I’ve had my wrist slapped a few times….it didn’t hurt one bit!!! ;))

SavoirFaire's avatar

Yes, and I’ve also reported myself for moderation. It’s taken me by surprise a couple times, but I figure those times are like the zap of an electric fence: they showed me where the boundaries were, even though I couldn’t see them.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I have and most of the times I’ve thought “i deserved that”.

AmWiser's avatar

@SavoirFaire Yes, I’ve reported myself once or twice too. I like to help out when I can.:D

Dog's avatar

@hawaii_jake—Sarcasm liked my modding. Just sayin’ ;)

incendiary_dan's avatar

Frankly, I’m surprised I haven’t.

augustlan's avatar

I have. I’d been around for a while, but wasn’t a mod yet and I asked a question with a title like “To staple or not to staple, that is the question” about whether or not I should staple a two page resume together. My title didn’t explain my question, so it was returned to me. I was really surprised, because of course, I thought I was soooo clever. ~

It was no big deal, though. Edited, resubmitted, and it was back in minutes.

I wish Andrew were around to answer this… I’ve modded him a few times! :p

tinyfaery's avatar

I’ve been modded a few times. Most of the time I deserve it. There have been a few times where I was a bit peeved about it, but I got over it. It’s not worth fighting about.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes; did nothing; changed the wording; stopped doing it; ignored it; didn’t notice it.

Sarcasm's avatar

@Dog I just hope it was as good for you as it was for me.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Yeah, I get a bit chatty in General sometimes, and pissy bickering of mine has been modded out, as well. Mostly I laugh about it. I don’t know if Katawagrey has ever modded me, but I imagine I would have heard about it…”Mooom! Why did you saaaay that! I was sooooo embarrassed!!!”

iamthemob's avatar

@augustlan totally just did it to me! Of course, her characterization of the situation and where it should have been settled was right…but dammit, I kind of liked it as a part of the theater of the ridiculous.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@iamthemob ; We pay her to mod you, because your responses to it are so eloquent. And hitting the computer with a Nerf Bat is sadly unsatisfying.

iamthemob's avatar

I knew it! @augustlan, first you change your outfit on me…then you accept payment on this hit…what kind of fascist draconian nazi censor bullshit FREE SPEECH! ;-)

JilltheTooth's avatar

you forgot “Gestapo”

mrentropy's avatar

Gazpacho Gestapo

Dog's avatar

Just to clear up some questions I don’t suppose @Augustlan will mind me sharing a photo of us at the last Fluther board meeting.

@Sarcasm Yes it was… ;)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

A few posts were modded for spelling or structure but aside from that I don’t think any responses have been deleted, if they were I don’t know.

cockswain's avatar

I’ve noticed I’ve been modded at least a couple dozen times, probably way more. Usually puts a grin on my face, sometimes gives me a brief pang of guilt. About half the time I’ve been modded I anticipated it. Sometimes I’m surprised I’m not. Once a mod PMed me that my answer was hilarious, but it was going to be modded.

Once I felt I was unfairly modded, in that another user’s response was equally inappropriate but not modded. That bothered me slightly for maybe 30 min.

It just isn’t a big deal. The mods keep the site held to higher standards than other sites, they are human and can make mistakes, be contradictory, or biased, but so what. Unless one starts being a constant disruption and stops adding value to the site, there is little to worry about.

As the great ucme once said: “Words on a screen, baby, words on a screen.” That’s it.

cockswain's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Just saw your post. You really have a great sense of humor. Crying on a cold pillow in an empty room. Awesome.

TexasDude's avatar

@cockswain, thank you sir!

@Dog, am I a horrible, bad, awful person to be slightly turned on by that pic?

Dog's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Wait Weren’t you at that meeting in your Crusader uniform? Ha ha ha

TexasDude's avatar

@Dog, you know… you’re right. I was ready to conquer the fertile crescent all over again, if ya catch my drift….

josie's avatar

Yes. Looking back, I probably deserved it.

filmfann's avatar

On this question tonight, which asked “What are some things you rarely read about in fantasy books but could plausibly exist in fantasy worlds?”, I posted the reply “Unicorns with erectile dysfunction”. It was my thought that such thing hasn’t been seen, and was funny to boot. A mod did not agree, and deleted my comment.
I found this a little grinding, since, though it was obviously written for the humor aspect, it did actually address the question with an answer. I believe a very funny fantasy story could be written about such things.
I wish, in such instances, instead of modding, we could be instructed to edit the answer to correct whatever the mod found unhelpful.

cockswain's avatar

@filmfann I said “nerds” in the same question. Undoubtedly we were modded by the OP. Part of the bias, but not too unreasonable in my opinion. Likely she was insulted and had the power to undo the insult. But I do agree having a “second chance” isn’t a bad idea.

Dog's avatar

I was not here earlier but….

Weellllllll…... Unicorns with erectile dysfunction? Ha ha ha ha. Great for the social section but since unicorns do not exist in this world already (possibly due to erectile dysfunction who knows? ) it really was more of a joke response was it not? Being as the question was in General it might appear to be placed for the sake of fun over seriousness. :)

Nerds? How could the future exist without nerds? But still- the question seemed more toward reaching into sci-fi literature you had read for a plausable response. Had it been framed with a reference to a novel it likely would have stayed rather than been misunderstood as a short joke response.

Also you may be surprised to know that often flags come from users who are not the question authors, but who feel the question is interesting.

Anyway guys, try not to get offended. I know things are not perfect here with the sections but Fluther will be evolving and perfecting the way it runs.

Okay so here is my question to you both- how would you feel if the questions were divided up differently? How could we streamline what we have? How would you set it up?

cockswain's avatar

I’m unoffended and like the way things are set up.

filmfann's avatar

since unicorns do not exist in this world already
The question clearly was about fantasy, not Sci Fi. Unicorns are a staple of the fantasy genre.

it might appear to be placed for the sake of fun over seriousness.
Granted. However, fun as it is, it can be quite helpful to the OP.

I do appreciate the mods, and will cow to their judgement.
I also appreciate the ability to appeal this decision on questions such as this.

YARNLADY's avatar

@filmfann I thought it was funny, but inappropriate on a family site (the OP is a child).

augustlan's avatar

@cockswain Mods aren’t allowed to moderate in their own questions, or any question they’re heavily involved in, either. So it definitely wasn’t the OP who removed those answers, but another mod.

@YARNLADY KatawaGrey isn’t a child.

JilltheTooth's avatar

What @augustlan said. ^ ^ ^ Those two remarks were very early in a general Q (I flagged them both, as I do for quips like that if they’re in the first 10 posts of any General Q, not necessarily my daughter’s, so flog me instead of the mods).
@YARNLADY : The OP is 22

cockswain's avatar

Mods aren’t allowed to moderate in their own questions

That’s a cool rule you have for yourselves. Regardless, even if it was katawa or jill, I bear no umbrage or concern. Flag away.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Just an FYI, I probably wouldn’t have flagged if they’d been further down, I quip sometimes in General, too. Then I chat. Then my remarks magically <poof> disappear…

KatawaGrey's avatar

Wow, usually people mistake me for a child in person. Usually people here on fluther think I’m much older than I actually am… Oh well, I guess this is like that time someone thought I was grad student when I was fourteen only in reverse. :P

JilltheTooth's avatar

Well, you’ll always be my baby!!!

filmfann's avatar

@YARNLADY You’ll stop making mistakes like that after you’re 18.

YARNLADY's avatar

@filmfann Well, my birthday is in 5 days, and if you put a circle on the bottom of the 1 you will see my true age.

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