Meta Question

Jude's avatar

Ask the jelly above game; what would you like to know about the jelly above you?

Asked by Jude (32210points) January 23rd, 2011

I just thought this up. Not sure how this will go, as some people will want to remain private. Oh, well. Let’s try.

Simple. Ask the jelly above you a question.

For instance, how did you and your SO meet?

Or, were you scared of something as a child? If so, what was it?

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205 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

OK, Darlin’ I’ll bite… Are you planning to have children?

Jude's avatar

Yes, either my partner or I will. Possibly, invitro or adopt. :)

Now, some ask Jill a question.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Oh, I absoloutely must know how @JilltheTooth drinks her coffee!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Ha ha OK, easy peasy. Black, one sugar, but I love sissy flavored coffee. I’m such a girl!
Someone ask the Neffster one, now.

Vunessuh's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie Can you name something that has always intrigued you?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Easy, the weather.
Now it’s on @Vunessuh. :)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Vunessuh : How cold is it where you are today?

Vunessuh's avatar

It is currently 70 degrees and will get up to 78. :D

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

That’s about the same as it is here!

I’ve got to go hang out the laundry. Carry on without me. Be back in a bit.

Jude's avatar

What is one thing that you look for in a partner, physically speaking?

(anyone can answer as Jake is off to do laundry).

iamthemob's avatar

Now, I have to know what the one thing @Jude would think was a deal-breaking physical characteristic in a partner.

Jude's avatar

A mullet. :)

Answer my question, mob? :)

TexasDude's avatar

@Jude do you remember your best childhood friend?

Vunessuh's avatar

@iamthemob Do you have a favorite pair of shoes?

Jude's avatar

I’m fucking up my thread here, lol.

Yes, and we got together right before Christmas. We used to dance in our bathing suits to Thomas Dolby back in the day (when we were 8). ha!

tranquilsea's avatar

I’m finding it really hard to jump into this thread!

Jude's avatar

Someone do Nessuh and Fiddle.

iamthemob's avatar

@Jude – kissable lips.

@Vunessuh – Lord, do I ever. A pair of blue plaid all-star boat shoes that I wear like every single day. Those shoes did not cost three hundred dollars.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m back. The laundry is hanging in the sun. Ask me a question.

I’m an open book. Well, I’m not really a book. I’m a person, but you get the idea.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard : How did you ever get started with a hobby like gunsmithing?

Brian1946's avatar


Are there any active movements in Hawaii to legalize same-sex marriage?
Have you ever corresponded with the HRC (I’m a member myself)?

TexasDude's avatar

@hawaii_jake, it was a natural extension of being a collector and target shooter. Having guns repaired can get really expensive, too. Plus, I’m really big into engineering and DIY stuff, and I love knowing the ins and outs of all of my hobbies, so I just started reading some books, and now I’m pretty competent at it.

Jude's avatar

Just to make sure that we stay on track here. Jake will answer Brian’s question. Then someone will ask Brian a question.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Brian1946 : Yes! Well, sort of. The legislature is taking up a new civil-unions bill this coming week. The state electorate voted in discriminatory language into the state constitution in the late 90s against same-sex marriage, so civil unions are the best we can do at the moment.

I’ve never been an active member of HRC, but I fully support their important work.

syz's avatar

I’m so confused

@Brian1946 What the heck is a porous fry cook? Porous?

iamthemob's avatar

(the problem with the game focusing up is that we create a closed loop of responses, sadly).

Brian1946's avatar


“Porous fry cook” is my reference to one of my many sources of low-brow entertainment, Spongebob Squarepants. :-p

Jude's avatar

Someone ask syz a question.

Berserker's avatar

@syz Do you own a car? What would I find in the trunk? If you don’t have one, what kind would you like to have? (Or answer that anyways if you have a car but it isn’t your dream car.)
And if you did have a car, what would I find in the trunk?

cockswain's avatar

always ask the last asker a question and the problem is solved

Jude's avatar

@cockswain That’s what I’m sayin’. Easy.

syz's avatar

@Symbeline I have my trusty Honda Civic that gets 38mpg, and the trunk has a first aid kit and a bunch of junk. This is my dream car, and this is my dream car alternative.

Jude's avatar

@Symbeline Why the fascination with pillows?

Brian1946's avatar


Do you get hassled more at the border by the US or Canada?
We went from NY into Quebec and back in 2007; both the US and Canadian dudes were nice.

Jude's avatar

US. They want to know what you do, who you are going to see and how you know this person (where you met, even). They get you to pop your trunk and they rifle through your stuff, and, if you’re lucky, they pull out the rubber glove and ask you step inside. You may get some action. ;-)

Berserker's avatar

Pillows are soft and cuddly, and they’re like a source of comfort for me. They’re comfy lol! If there’s some deeply rooted psychological factor, I denno what it is.

@Jude What are your views on cable TV?

Jude's avatar

I don’t have it, nor do I want it. I do have Netflix, though.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Brian1946 what is your favorite quote?

cockswain's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie Have you ever been in a fist-fight?

Axemusica's avatar

@cockswain where did you come up with your name?

cockswain's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie details?

@Axemusica I’d heard the word for the first time somewhat recently before joining the site, and just thought it was the funniest sounding word I’d heard in a long time. Plus, I thought it sounded like a pretty funny job. I didn’t realize I’d misspelled it until later.

It has sort of a funny, dirty sound to it. Like me.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@cockswain that question implies that there was only one incident. Giving details would require me to narrow it down to one particular fight. Let’s just say that I’m feisty and leave it at that.

cockswain's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie could you describe your greatest victory then?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

PMed before we get any more off track… this thread is already confusing. :)
@Axemusica what is your favorite website, aside from Fluther?

Jude's avatar

It wouldn’t be if people would only asked one damn question, instead of 3 or 4. ;-)

@cockswain, stop fuckin’ it up!

Vunessuh's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie What wild animal (if tamed) would you want to keep as a pet?

Jude's avatar

@Vunessuh When are you coming to see meee (so that we can platonic snuggle)?

Vunessuh's avatar

I’ll be out that way in June or July…I promise. I know it’s a long way off which totally sucks. It is my work’s fault. I’m still not done bitching about it. Ask Banana. lol.

cockswain's avatar

@Jude Oh, so it’s ok to try and get a date with @Vunessuh but not to coax @TheOnlyNeffie to tell a good fighting story? I see how it is….

Jude's avatar

Haha, @cockswain I asked her one question, dude, and played by the rules.

Axemusica's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie I don’t have one. The internet bores me most of the time. Fluther is the only one I try to visit daily.

bob_'s avatar

Okaaaay, so since @Jude was the last one to ask a question, I’ll ask her:

What’s the fondest memory you have of the last decade?

Jude's avatar

Making peace with my family.

cockswain's avatar

@bob_ What’s the deal with all the sandwich jokes?

bob_'s avatar

I knew I was going to be asked that.

It started as a way to (jokingly) dismiss someone, and it stuck.

You won’t see me saying anything about sandwiches in General, though.

Jude's avatar

@cockswain Why should I care about The Greenbay Packers (or football, in genreal)? :)

wilma's avatar

@Jude which is your favorite Great Lake?

Jude's avatar


cockswain's avatar

Because you can’t guess the ending to a sporting event, like a crappy movie or TV show. Plus, if you’ve played a lot of sports you can relate to the excitement and adrenaline that goes with competing at the best of your ability. Further, as a Packers fan, there is a huge community of fans that can all relate. I can see a total stranger in a store with a jersey on, and we can talk for several minutes. My family and friends love getting together to enjoy the experience of cheering for them, while eating righteous feasts and drinking lots of alcohol.

It is just really exciting. On a deeper level, we all fill the void in numerous ways. One of my ways is by loving football.

bob_'s avatar

@wilma What was the last thoughtful gift you gave someone?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@bob_ Do you think you’re better in bed than me?

wilma's avatar

I sewed matching aprons for my daughter and her 3 year old daughter out of fabric left over from a special dress that I had made for my daughter when she was a child. confusing?
My daughter cried when she opened hers and then cried again when she saw the matching one for her daughter.
Silly maybe, but we are sentimental that way.

bob_'s avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Better for my girlfriend.

I will, however, stipulate to you being more experienced.

Jude's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Do you think that you’re better in bed than @bob_ ?

bob_'s avatar

@Jude Do you think you’re better in bed than @Simone_De_Beauvoir?

Jude's avatar

Better for my girlfriend, @bob. ;-)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Jude Do you believe in constantly working on yourself in order to be your partner’s greatest choice of love?

bob_'s avatar

@Jude XD

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Hey, you skipped me! D:

Jude's avatar

Let bob answer that, Simone. :)

bob_'s avatar

No way, I want my own question!

* cross his arms and sits on the corner *

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@bob Do you think you’re a better man than your father?

Jude's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir . I feel inspired by my g/f and I feel that she brings out the parts of me that I like the most.

I feel like I want to use my talents and do the things that make me who I am because I do want to be the best for her. I feel like I am happiest when I am expanding my horizons, challenging myself, learning, and doing new things. I want my SO and I to have a beautiful life together and to experience many wonderful things. I don’t think that I need to be somehow better than what I am though. I just need to be who I am and live consistently according to my values.

Axemusica's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir How do you think my bed room skills are?

Yea, I know I’m sticking with the dirty mind, but hey… That’s how I do, lol

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Axemusica I have always wanted to find out
BTW, would you be nervous if you took me out on a date?

bob_'s avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir We have our pros and cons. He’s much more selfless than I am.

cockswain's avatar

@Axemusica What are you pretty good at?

Axemusica's avatar

@cockswain wow you don’t know me at all. The guitar.

on a side note, both @bob_ and @Simone_De_Beauvoir know me a little too well, haha. :P

cockswain's avatar

I suppose I should have guessed that…

cockswain's avatar

Just checked out some of your stuff. You’re better than pretty good, so you can answer again if you want.

TexasDude's avatar

@cockswain, if you could have any super power, what would it be?

Axemusica's avatar

lol ok @cockswain I’m pretty good a Billiards Pool.

cockswain's avatar

The Power…to move you.

Jude's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Why do you have to be so damn handsome, taken and much younger than I? Why, dammit?

Vunessuh's avatar

@Jude When you have children, what do you want to name them?

@cockswain Whoa. I’m moved…...and now horny.

Jude's avatar

Rhett (Everett) and Ella

cockswain's avatar

@Vunessuh Now we’re talking, darling! What are you wearing?

Vunessuh's avatar

I’m wearing a lacy, black, partly shear tank top that @lucillelucillelucille gave me and black shorts.

@Jude Very cute. I say Rhett, Ella and…Vanessa sounds nice. XD

Jude's avatar

@Vunessuh Ha. Our third will be after you, girl. ;-)

cockswain's avatar

Sounds hot. I should have picked teleportation.

lillycoyote's avatar

@cockswain Do you actually steer or navigate a boat with your… with your you know what? Is that really how you keep the other rowers, e.g. motivated and rowing all together?

cockswain's avatar

I keep tempo by steadily beating a drum with it, staring blankly into the eyes of the rowers. A tough shift for me is when we start to fall behind.

lillycoyote's avatar

@cockswain O.K. I was kind of wondering. Beating the drum sounds like a better idea that beating your…. well, never mind.

cockswain's avatar

You may have misunderstood how I beat the drum.

Jude's avatar

Why am I only interested in asking the ladies questions (except for Fiddle), lol?

bob_'s avatar

@lillycoyote What is something that makes you smile?

Axemusica's avatar

@bob_ what’s your favorite thing for breakfast?

bob_'s avatar

Machacado con huevo and fresh orange juice.

lillycoyote's avatar

@bob_ When one of my friends does or says something sweet, out of the blue, something that reminds me that they really know me and/or really get me and they still love me either because of that or in spite of that, I’m not always sure or if it even matters; or when they make me laugh; that’s even better

Vunessuh's avatar

@Axemusica Can you name a film in which you cried and why did it make you cry?

Axemusica's avatar

@Vunessuh when I was 11 I cried at White Fang when the guy was telling the wolf to get. I’m sure I don’t have to explain why, lol. Although, I was asked why I was crying by my step mother (of all people). Thinking back now, was she serious? lol

iamthemob's avatar

@Vunessuh – Now I ask you…what movie that moves a lot of people to tears do you think is just…plain…hilarious.

iamthemob's avatar

PS – for me, it’s “Beaches”

bob_'s avatar

@iamthemob What do you want the first line of your obituary to be?

iamthemob's avatar

@bob_…I like the first line to be something like “As it was expected would eventually happen, he is now dead.”

More importantly, I want my coffin lowered into the earth while someone dressed as Lloyd Dobler holds a boom box playin the Emporer’s March from Star Wars at full blast.

Vunessuh's avatar

I can’t think of an emotional movie that I necessarily found hilarious, although I wasn’t impressed with A Walk to Remember which was suppose to be a real tearjerker and Nights in Rodanthe was complete bullshit.

Edit: And I recently saw Blue Valentine which was pretty fucking bad too. Barfola.

cockswain's avatar

@bob_ What’s your favorite Clint Eastwood movie (that he was in or directed)?

Vunessuh's avatar

@cockswain Do you prefer Pepperidge Farm Goldfish, Cheez-its or Cheetos?

bob_'s avatar

I’m not a big fan of his, but I liked In the Line of Fire.

cockswain's avatar

Check out The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

Goldfish, 100%. They’re awesome and like crack.

Jude's avatar

@Vunessuh You’re a stunning woman. I’m sure that you get dudes coming onto you often; how do you deal with that?

Vunessuh's avatar

Well, that’s a nice thing to say. Thanks. :)
Men don’t walk up to me that often, but I use to act completely oblivious to anyone’s advances and if that didn’t work I would tell them I was married or in a relationship. However, I’ve recently discovered that if you tell a man you only like pussy, he loses hope in record time. It’s sad, really. lol. If that doesn’t work I punch em’ in the head. I wish saying, “I’m not interested” was enough, but sometimes, it’s not.

XOIIO's avatar

This is a neat idea.

@Vunessuh Your profile picture. Is that you, or does it have some sort of significance to you?

MissAnthrope's avatar

@Vunessuh – That’s interesting. My experience has been that guys get more interested once they hear you’re into girls. Haha. But, glad it works for you.

@Jude – No, seriously, WHY would you give up living in the magical land of Canadia?

Vunessuh's avatar

@MissAnthrope The keyword is “only” and I exaggerate it. XD
@XOIIO It’s not me. I just love the photo.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@Vunessuh – Well, me too! But they visibly perk up anyway. I dunno.

Vunessuh's avatar

@MissAnthrope I make sure I sound really bitchy. Maybe that’s it. XD

MissAnthrope's avatar

Okay, since Jude went to bed.. @XOIIO, what’s your current earworm?

and then I’m owed two questions. :P

augustlan's avatar

@MissAnthrope How old were you when you moved across the country the first time?

Also: When do you start your new job?

MissAnthrope's avatar

I was 23. Poor, little, naive me had no idea what she was getting herself into! (straight into the lion’s den, to be devoured alive and then spit out)

And the restaurant is opening at the end of the month, so hopefully ASAP.

Brian1946's avatar


“What is your favorite quote?”

One of my favorites is by Benjamin Franklin: “Eat to live, not live to eat”.
I find that to be somewhat ironic, in that Benny seemed to be rather portly. ;-)

Brian1946's avatar


Have you ever been to a concert at the Wolf Trap theater?

Jude's avatar

Miss A, we’ll live not far from the border, so, that I could go back and forth all of the time to visit family and friends. There is a chance that she’ll come my way, as well. We’ll see.

Jude's avatar

@Brian1946 I know very little about you, tell me something interesting about yourself. :)

erichw1504's avatar

@Jude If you were a smell, what would it be?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Vunessuh a leopard.
@erichw1504 what is your favorite song?

Jude's avatar

A combo of vanilla and lavender

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Jude in that case, may I place you under my pillow at night?

erichw1504's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie Probably 23 by Jimmy Eat World.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@erichw1504 What’s your most detested song?

Jude's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Why don’t you come and take care of me? The missus won’t mind.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I would love too, but my s/o will most likely tag along with me or kill me. I’m not sure which one. Or maybe John Bobbit me. She doesn’t put up with much.

erichw1504's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Probably Wannabe by The Spice Girls.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It was pointed out to me I skipped Neffie. @TheOnlyNeffie What’s your most favorite part of/on your hubby?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Agh, I was just teasing.
His smile. It is big and contagious.

erichw1504's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie If you had the option to live forever, would you?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@erichw1504 hell no.
Now I’m all kinds of confused, so I quit. :)

wilma's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe do you ever wish that you could have a different kind job than you have?

erichw1504's avatar

@wilma If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Jude's avatar

(wilma, dear, you were supposed to ask eric a question. Ah, well.)

erichw1504's avatar

@Jude What is your favorite smell?

Jude's avatar

Mix Birch, Cedar, Sandalwood, Vetiver and Amber.

MissAnthrope's avatar

By my count, @erichw1504 is now owed three questions. See, I’m all about fairness.

1) What was the name of your first pet?
2) Who was the last person you kissed (platonically or otherwise)?
3) In what part of the country do you live?

erichw1504's avatar

1. That’s a common security question for online login accounts, sorry
2. My wife
3. In the Midwest

wilma's avatar

Oh sorry , no one asked @Adirondackwannabe and I didn’t want him to feel left out. Oh wait… maybe you did. sorry

To answer @erichw1504 The old Dick Van Dyke Show because I can’t get enough of this and this.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@erichw1504 – Awwww. True. I hadn’t thought of that. I just get a kick out of what people name their pets and kids seem to come up with the best ones.

Jude's avatar

@MissAnthrope If you and I were out for a night on the town, what would you want to do?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@wilma Thanks that was nice. Yes, I’ve thought of other things, but there aren’t alot of opportunities right now in this area.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@Jude – Oh man, that’s a tough choice because there are so many things to do here! Then, it’s like, do we stay in the East Bay, or do we go into the city? Since you specified ‘night on the town’.. first would be dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, either on this side of the bay or the other.

Then.. well.. the Chabot Space & Science Center has a giant telescope that’s open to the public on Friday and Saturday nights. Or if we were going into the city, obviously the Castro! Try to find a girl party. Or a wine bar, for conversation. Then we could drive up to Twin Peaks and look out at the city lights, or drive to Ocean Beach and enjoy the waves crashing and the ocean air..

Too much stuff to do. I know I’m going to think of something really awesome later and be like, Damn it, I should have said that instead! Oh well.

Jude's avatar

It’s a date. ;-)

augustlan's avatar

@Brian1946 I’ve been to Wolf Trap many times! I love it there.

@Jude How did you meet your gorgeous SO?

Jude's avatar

coffee shop

Jude's avatar

What am I? Chopped liver? :)

MissAnthrope's avatar

@augustlan – When you look back over your life, what is one “golden” period, where everything felt perfect?

augustlan's avatar

@Jude One beauty deserves another. You are stunning!

The summer I was 14 / 15. For the first time in my life I was free of fear (this was right after my abuser moved thousands of miles away), I was becoming a woman and felt quite powerful because of it, had absolutely no responsibilities yet, and I was still healthy and strong. I had a fantastic group of friends, and I was pretty enough that the boys dug me, too. What could be wrong with all of that? :D

@MissAnthrope Do you have any sentimental items you’ll never part with, no matter how impractical?

MissAnthrope's avatar

I do, yes.. I am a ridiculously sentimental person. I think I get attached to items (and people) as reminders of transitory times and experiences because, growing up, I changed living situations every year or two and I was never rooted, really (and, as you see, not much has changed). Having some souvenir was both proof and reminder of a time, an experience, a place, a person, etc.

There are things I’d have trouble parting with, but I could if I really had to. The ones I would not leave the burning building without are: my somewhat tattered baby blanket, my flute, my old school 80’s Nikon 35mm SLR, my photo box, and my bear. His name is B.F., which stands for ‘Best Friend’. I was 9. The name stuck.

TexasDude's avatar

@Jude, in another lifetime, my dear.

Blueroses's avatar

@augustlan What subject in school most turned on your mind and made you see the world in a different way?

cookieman's avatar

@Blueroses: Do you have rhythm? Can you keep a beat?

bonus: If ‘yes’, which foot do you tap with when tapping along to a song?

Blueroses's avatar

I do “feel” music and tend to follow the bass line more than percussion or melody. Never thought about which foot :) I guess it would be the right one.

@cprevite‘s turn to be asked

augustlan's avatar

@Blueroses Mythology did have an effect on my thinking, specifically on my thinking on modern day religion. But the subject I loved the most was English. Words are beautiful things, to me.

@cprevite How did you and your daughter come up with the cute names you have for each other? (For those who don’t know, will you also share what they are?)

cookieman's avatar

@augustlan: Well, I’m “Bah” which is a variation on “dad” is Chinese (ba ba).
When we first brought her home from China (she was one), we couldn’t seem to teach her to say “Daddy”. She said “Mama” just fine, but would only say “Bah” in response to “Daddy”. After weeks of trying, my friend pointed out that “Ba Ba” is Chinese for “Dad”, so we just stuck with “Bah” for me – figuring she knows best.

She goes by “The Boopachetta” which is just a play on words.
When we first received her in China, she refused to look at us or interact with us at all. She would barely let us feed her. Very dour-faced. This is when you realize that to you, it’s an adoption – to her, it’s a kidnapping. Anyway, after four days of being ignored, I placed my laptop on the bed with her (on a whim) and played some be-bop jazz. Within minutes she lit right up, smiled and started swaying from side to side. My wife said, “Look, she’s boop bopping away” – which then became “boopy baby” then “the boop” then “boopa” and finally “The Boopachetta”. Now it’s like her superhero name.

apologies to non-parents who may find this stuff boring. ;^)

@augustlan‘s turn to be asked

cockswain's avatar

@augustlan Can you describe (without naming) the worst Fluther user you’ve ever encountered? Or at least the most offensive comment you’ve modded?

augustlan's avatar

Well, there have been a lot of “N” words, gay slurs, and the like posted publicly and quickly whisked away, but the worst thing I ever encountered happened a long time ago, via PMs between two members in a fight. One member tore another to shreds, using the harshest, meanest methods and language imaginable to do so. I’ve never seen anyone be so hateful, even in real life. It basically ended with something along the lines of “And by the way, I fucked your wife.” Neither the offender nor the victim are members here any longer. One by choice, the other by force.

I considered both of them to be friends, and dealing with this situation made me cry. A lot. Worst part of my job, for sure.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@augustlan That was kind of rough. What’s the best part of your job?

cookieman's avatar

OK, @cockswain‘s turn:

@cockswain: Are you ambidextrous?
If ‘yes’... were you born that way or is it self-taught through repetition and practice?

If ‘no’... do you find that your non-dominant side is practically useless and only provides balance to your body?

cockswain's avatar

I am definitely NOT ambidextrous (left-handed in fact). But by playing lots of sports and practicing martial arts I’ve become reasonably competent using the right side of my body. Just not great. It still looks really funny if I throw a ball with my right hand.

seazen's avatar

What were you thinking when you decided upon your nickname?

cockswain's avatar

about swayin’ cocks

Blueroses's avatar

I think this thread is confusing, but fun

@seazen Does the zen in your name really have anything to do with your life’s philosophy? and do you really have a thing for chicks and boobies?

augustlan's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Dealing with all of the truly wonderful people here. Also, I really enjoy writing for the blog and newsletters. It really is pretty much my dream job!

Blueroses's avatar

your vocation is very apparent, Auggie. Thanks for all you do.

augustlan's avatar

Thanks, darlin’!

seazen's avatar

@Blueroses It started out as ironic – i.e., I am not zen-like at all. I like to think of myself as someone who wants to be more zen like. It was also my nick from before here – which I was surprised to find available – simply Zen at the time. Then New_Zen, Zen_Again, Zenele etc.

Boobs are the best thing in the world. Damn – what were we talking about?

cockswain's avatar

as an aside, I get 5 GAs for saying “swayin’ cocks.” I get zero for this.


Vunessuh's avatar

@cockswain Welcome to Fluther!

Axemusica's avatar

Sex sells @cockswain. Sad but true.

cockswain's avatar

That’s how I got through college

bob_'s avatar

@Blueroses What’s something on which you will never give up?

Besides this.

Vunessuh's avatar

Aw, man.
I’ve just been rick rolled. DX

Blueroses's avatar

@bob_ I should slap you for rickrolling me
I will never give up on my one true love. (there, happy? Now make me a sandwich)

Blueroses's avatar

@Vunessuh when did you realize you were an adult? Was it a shock?

Vunessuh's avatar

@bob_ can answer that. It’s his turn. :)

Blueroses's avatar

oh, go ahead and answer, @Vunessuh I already know all about bob and this is a confusing thread

Vunessuh's avatar

Well, I don’t remember going through a period where it all of a sudden hit me that I was an adult. It was a rather smooth transitioning period in my life, I guess. At 18 I moved away from home, hence took on a lot more responsibility but I’ve really, really enjoyed my independence, regardless of the obstacles and hardships that naturally came with it and I have a lot of support back home which helps tremendously as well. :)

augustlan's avatar

@bob_ How and why did you choose your avatar?

@Blueroses How and why did you you choose your username?

Blueroses's avatar

Mine is easy. It’s a line from a Tennessee Williams play. The Glass Menagerie “I said I have pleurosis and he thought I said Blue Roses”

Facade's avatar

@Blueroses Do you have any habits or quirks that have stayed with you from childhood?

bob_'s avatar

@augustlan In addition to being a big fan of Cyanide and Happiness, I thought it went with the general low-profile nature of my nickname.

@Blueroses I should rickroll you more often. Also, I’m sorry, but sandwich-making is a one-way street.

@Facade You were supposed to ask @augustlan XD

Facade's avatar

Oops! @augustlan Do you have any habits or quirks that have stayed with you from childhood?

augustlan's avatar

One that I can think off of the top of my head. I had a baby blanket with satin edges I liked to hold in my hand while I sucked my thumb. Though the thumb sucking is but a distant memory, I still sleep with something satiny in my hand, and also use it when I need comforting. These days, it’s the satin tag on a sheet. My version of a teddy bear, I suppose.

cockswain's avatar

@Facade Why did you choose psychology as your major?

Facade's avatar

I’ve always been interested in psychology, and I wanted to find out what was going on in my head.

MissAnthrope's avatar

@cockswain – I noticed that you are the kind of person who likes to talk about sports. I don’t understand this, myself, so I’m wondering if you can tell me what it is you like about them?

cockswain's avatar

Something similar to this.

Plus I’m of the opinion that I need regular exercise to stay in shape, remain healthy, and be capable of performing a wide variety of physical tasks. But routine becomes dull, and much exercise becomes routine. Sports are a great way to get exercise and have fun hanging out with your buddies at the same time.

There’s also a huge zen aspect to a lot of sports, but I’ll leave that alone for now. That’s probably what satisfies me the most, staying calm and effective while moving quickly.

seazen's avatar

You rang?

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