Men: What have you desired to do, but haven't done, because it is considered "unmanly" according to your or others' standards?
Asked by
prolificus (
January 23rd, 2011
from iPhone
It could be anything, from participating in an activity, to showing a certain emotion; from admitting to liking a tv show or song, to wanting to learn how to _________ (whatever it is); from wanting to wear a dress or silky undies, to wanting to be a stay-at-home “mother” instead of a workaholic dad.
What has kept you from pursuing your desires?
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37 Answers
Drink a martini or a glass of wine at a bar. I’ve done it at a wedding, but there was an open bar so everyone was trying different things.
@Blackberry, I will never understand why martinis are suddenly seen as unmanly. I turn 21 next Sunday and the first thing I’m going to do is order a 3 olive martini at the local bar, and I don’t give a fucccckkkkk what anyone says. Go forth and have your martini!
As for me, I want to learn how to knit stuff. So I’m going to.
Nowt! If I want to do something I generally go right ahead & do it, regardless or in some cases in spite of anyone elses opinion/attitude. Just do it… the corporates at nike say. Couldn’t care less, happy carefree approach that’s me :¬)
I want to learn how to cook a whole lot so I can always keep myself fed when I live on my own (or too cook a romantic meal for my future s/o). Also, I want to get my band to play a show for our school in dresses like Smashing Pumpkins wore for a time. Just to do it. However, doing anything slightly “unmanly” in highschool automatically makes you gay. Or weird. And not the “good weird” that hipsters cling to now.
Riverdance. I know I would be really good at it too! ;)
I play volleyball, and I’m a grown man.
Um, I pretty will do anything. I’m comfortable with being your typical weirdo and manly at the same time. Although, that being said, I really can’t even think of anything that wouldn’t be manly that I’d want to do.
Nothing really, though I’d like to wear something full-length and flowing, but women’s clothes really are made for women, so I doubt a dress would be comfortable or attractive.
Toga would be cool.
I haven’t worn thigh-high stripey socks in years, but if you bought me some, I’d wear them.
Fuck living life inside the Man-Box.
Can we all be honest that, indeed, it takes a real man to wear a dress?
@The_Idler – women’s clothing are made for particular figures – not women. Granted…they’re mostly figures had by women…but I bet we could find something for yah that would work. ;-)
Sean Connery and you convinced me….I’m gonna do it : )
@Blackberry I drink wine on occassion and I kick asses while I drink it.
I do whatever I want. Manly or not. Everything I do is manly. Even things that are unmanly are manly once I do them.
Well i like gardening and cooking a lot…. Thats totally macho. What about when Im in my pink G-string and assless leather chaps, cooking a bbq with strapping young lad blaring at full volume, sucking booze and high on coke, giving a running commentary on the progress of the situation? Is that manly? Or am i just some kind of weirdo fuck off queer freaky redneck?
It’s unmanly to refrain from doing something that isn’t illegal or immoral or hurtful to someone else if it’s what you want to do (or an emotion that you feel) – and sometimes, even if it is.
I’ve worn pink shirts before (and if I still had one I would still wear it), and I’ve told friends publicly that I sew and I’ve been to cooking classes – not that any of those things are in the least ‘unmanly’. I also cry when it’s appropriate to do so while reading or watching dramatic shows (when I can get that involved in them) though I don’t weep openly or wail at any time.
Except for some things that I do because I have to, most of what I do in my time to myself I do because I want to do, and there aren’t a great number of things that I want to do but haven’t – and not a thing that I can think of that I haven’t done because of ‘what others might think or say’.
@The_Idler if you want full length and flowing, you could always go with the classic duster or the trenchcoat and your manliness will not only be preserved… it will increase.
Fuck societal expectations. I wear a kilt, knit, call shit ‘cute’ when it damn well is, cook all the damned meals in our house (because I want it done properly), and I’m in touch with my emotions beyond just angry and horny.
But hey, when you’re a big shouldered, hairy, Kalashnikov wielding anarchist who sticks his hands in deer guts, you get some leeway from the general populace in the manliness department.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Mazel tov on the birthday! I drank mead on my 21st birthday. If you’re interested in knitting, check out Nifty Knitters. They’re a series of different sized and shaped “looms” for knitting without needles. I find it faster an easier, even if my friends call it the cheater loom. Also, since every knitting group I’ve ever been to has included talk of guns and ammo (go figure), you’ll fit right in.
I’m a man who works in the health care field and all of my coworkers are women. One day my female boss started talking trash about men in general. One of my coworkers said to my boss that “there is a man” in the lab. My boss said that “He isn’t a man”. I blurted out “Girl friend, I’m more woman than you’ll ever be and more man than you’ll ever get!”. HA! She had said that before and this time I was ready for her. She has a big mouth but she’s otherwise a great boss.
Any way, I’ve always wanted to lean how to knit.
Oh, and for any men looking to wear “women’s” clothing, do not look for women’s clothing marketed for men. You’ll get ripped off. Someone I know used to buy very large women’s clothing at thrift stores and sell it online for drag queens at quite the premium.
I guess I’ve been conditioned by society pretty good, because I can’t think of any “unmanly” things I would want to do.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard @Blackberry martinis were my dad’s choice of drink for about 30 years. 20 years in he switched from gin martinis to vodka martinis but that was about it. Unmanly?
My mother wouldn’t touch ‘em. She drank rye. My dad’s mother drank Manhattans or whiskey sours.
I asked him for a taste of his martini when I was 10. He let me. I have never touched one since, tho I drink most all else and have even swallowed the worm in the mescal bottle. I am of the female persuasion.
@anartist yeah I never believed that martinis were unmanly. It’s just a goofy meme that I hear unconfident males throwing around. I bet you could drink me under the table.
@anartist, we should do this. I freaking love Nepal. I want to go chill with the Gurkhas.
Yep, I’m actually buying martini glasses today along with vermouth and gin.
I think we should blame Sex and the City for making martinis seem unmanly. ;)
FWIW, my 6’2” mountain man of a husband loves a good martini.
Did someone say ass? Where’s my whip…
this is getting hot. I’m in too.
@cockswain we could always use more cock around here.
Participate in Star Trek: The Musical.
Spider-man, right behind ya.
Oy vey.
Watch Disney in public, like strawberry shortcake berry adventures, and SpongeBob intro , no I will not flop like a fish more than once.
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