Minus 22 degrees F this AM, what's your favorite Summer image?
Second Monday that the temperature started around 20 below 0. I’m thinking of the beach and all kinds of sun, swimsuits, nice bodies, and a nice hot summer sun. Got any other things that make you think of Summer? Cookouts, a nice fire and friends having a beer? Send some warm thoughts this way.
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24 Answers
“Hot town, summer in the city,
Back of my neck gettin’ dirty and gritty…”
@janbb That put a smile on my face. Feelin warmer already.:)
My favourite image of summer never changes. Line after line after line of lovely fresh laundry blowing in the warm breeze. Sad I know but it makes me feel sooooooooooooooooooooo good. It’s the reason I look forward to summer :-)
There is a beach along Lake Michigan that has a river next to it that people hike to and cover their bodies in fine clay mud. Nothing like watching beautiful women all covered in mud…now that is hot! WOOF! ;)
@bunnygrl Nothing smells better than line dried laundry.
@Cruiser Beautiful women covered in mud? I’ll take your word on that.
@Adirondackwannabe ooooooooo yes I agree honey. It makes you look forward to getting the day over with just to be able to go have a lovely shower, climb into your lovely fluffy (freshly laundered and line dried) jammies and snuggle into your beautifully soft and gorgeously scented fresh bedding which feels all the more luxourious because of that fabulous “outside fresh” smell <sighs> wonderful, just wonderful :-)
Being under a shady tree on a hot summer day.
“We go fishing we go sumpthin or maybe we go swimmin in the sea…...Life’s for livin’ yeah that’s our philosophy!”
Gosh….green shady trees along side the lake. Floating about in a tube or something.
Jogging along the beach and when I’m done, taking a dip in Lake Huron. :)
Maybe my favorite image is a shot I have of my daughter’s boyfriend when they were about 15. It’s later in the evening and the light was that warm yellow color you can only get in the summer (usually precedes a storm)....they were just relaxed and warm and happy. The light just said it all.
We can always count on you to give us something to smile about. For some reason, I’m thinking laundry drying by the blooming lilacs. You can’t buy that. Oh, for the simple things.
@MissA thanks for that. I love lilacs. I have four of them I walk by every morning.
Sitting out at night while the sun is just setting, glass of wine in hand, and the bats just waking up and feeding in and around my garden after spending my day blitzing the slugs and snails of course!!
Taking my boat home on a warm evening as the sun starts to set.Ahhhhh….5 more months. :)
Eating watermelon with my family at a type of place that no longer exists in Fort Worth—outdoor watermelon stands. You sat at a long picnic table with other families and ordered a whole melon, which somebody brought fresh out of a giant refrigerator. You ate slices till you couldn’t eat another bite, spitting out the seeds (no seedless melons in those days) anywhere you wanted. Watermelon has tasted that good since.
Erg, I meant watermelon has never tasted that good since.
I like seeing the leaves come back on the trees-especially the hot pink ones on crepe myrtles.
But really, the #1 thing I look forward to is warm air on my face. And that comes in spring.
I’m imagining sitting on my patio, sipping an ice cold beer, watching my hubby grill steaks or hamburgers. I’ve got my sunglasses on and the sun is warm on my legs, as I swing my flip flop covered feet back and forth from the lawn chair.
The kids are swinging on their “disk swing” hanging from the fig tree in the very back of our yard, and their shrieks and laughter are infectious. We call them over to eat dinner together, there on the patio, and as the sun starts to set, we light the tiki torches and play cards until dark.
My toddler grandsons were outside in the yard all afternoon yesterday, and I sat in my lounge chair watching them play. We can do this all but a couple of dozen days a year.
Totally hot as here, kicking back in shorts and thongs.
<————-Singlet, Sunshine
@WillWorkForChocolate I think that image was nice enough it should carry me through the rest of this winter. Thanks.:)
@Adirondackwannabe You’re welcome! Just a typical summer day for us. Oh dear God, please give me back my summer! I stay cold all winter and it sucks.
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