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Jude's avatar

I am having a bad anxiety day, how can I calm myself down (I don't take meds)

Asked by Jude (32210points) January 24th, 2011

My anxiety is through the roof (heart racing) and I am having a hard time settling myself down. What can I do?

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35 Answers

YoBob's avatar

Assuming your problem is just stress and not a cardiac event, a good vigorous trip to the gym usually works for me. If you don’t have a gym handy, go for a nice walk/run.

Of course, if you do believe you might be having a heart attack, get help immediately!

marinelife's avatar

Do you do yoga? That and a course of yoga breathing should calm and center you.

Do you have chamomile tea? That is very calming.

Jude's avatar

No chamomile. I will pick up some when I leave work.

nikipedia's avatar

Are you anxious about anything in particular?

Do you do any meditation or mindfulness practice?

I was having some problems with anxiety yesterday, and strangely one thing that helped settle it down was to identify it and just let myself really experience it for a minute or so. One of my meditation teachers says that negative feelings lose a lot of their hold when we acknowledge them and let ourselves feel them, because once they’ve been felt they’ve accomplished their purpose, and they start to lessen.

xjustxxclaudiax's avatar

Warm shower.
Fresh air.
Deep breaths.
Soothing music.
Put away whatever your doing, get away from that area. Find a quiet spot and think of happy thoughts, like the beach..close your eyes and take slow deep breaths..

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Are you still having the same feeling? I was off fluther for awhile

JustJessica's avatar

@Jude I’m serious I was just going to ask this same question! So I will be following and getting some tips I hope. I’ve tried most of the things above, but I’m still crying uncontrollably, even as I write this and can’t seem to settle down.

I’ve been taking some medication that wasn’t prescribed to me out of pure desperation and I think it may have been a BAD idea!

Jude's avatar

@nik, I am looking into a student visa (going for my Masters in the states). Just trying to figure out my next couple of years.

Aster's avatar

I’d go with the walking/yoga/moving around ideas. Afterwards, I’d watch a good movie. Take fish oil , too and 6K iu’s of D3.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I keep some relaxing art or landscape pictures and I get very close to them, so that’s all I can see and that lets me chill out for a few minutes to regain my focus.

Jude's avatar

@JustJessica That’s awful. Sorry that you’re having a rough go.

Jude's avatar

Just took some fish oil capsules.

YoBob's avatar

I understand that taking a B complex also helps relieve stress. However, I suspect that it applies over the long term rather than as a quick fix for acute symptoms.

blueiiznh's avatar

If relaxation is not working like music, bath, etc… then you need to find a way to distract yourself from the anxiety. Cook a meal, write a letter, engross yourself in something completely different.
Ginger Tea if you have some.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

The tea sounds good. Any kind of warm beverage might help. Hot chocolate?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Jude How about I answer your ask the jelly above me question and you get to ask me anything you want and I have to answer. Will that distract you for a little?

SundayKittens's avatar

Lists lists lists and mediation. I hear ya.

Jude's avatar

@mammal made it worse, lol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Jude Does knowing you warmed my heart and put a smile on my face help calm you a little?

bunnygrl's avatar

<hugs @Jude and @JustJessica > hope you’re both feeling better honeys. I’m so sorry you’re feeling like this <hugs>

I used to have really bad, I mean really, bad, panic attacks. I’d shake, cry, god it was awful. I get wobbly now and again still but nothing like I used to anymore. <touch wood> Anyway, a nurse told me once that if it happened I had to just stop what I was doing. Didn’t matter if I was at home in my bedroom, or in a shop outside, find somewhere safe to sit down if I could (if outside), close my eyes, and block absolutely everything out except the sound of your own breathing. Take slow deep breathes.

She didn’t say so, but I always found that it worked best if I could hold onto something tightly. At different times, I grabbed hold of people (hubby has had deep scratches on his hands/arms from my nails digging in from me holding on so tightly) or whatever was close enough, the bannister in a stair well, the handle of a shopping trolley in the supermarket, whatever was within reach. Eventually, I started keeping one of my favourite crystals in my pocket, if I felt myself losing my grip even a little, I’d hold it in my hand and try to block everything else except my breathing and the presence of the crystal in my hand out of my mind. I know its just a distraction and the crystal isn’t doing anything really, but it worked. Pick something that means something to you, something personal, for me it was my crystal.

Something else I was taught to do, was to lie down flat, like on your bed or sofa, close your eyes. Again, deep, slow breaths, and, starting at your toes, concentrate on completely relaxing all of your muscles, moving on to your feet, working up your legs, etc etc till you reach your face. Don’t allow any thoughts to intrude, only concentrate on relaxing your muscles, and listening to your breathing. It took me a while to be able to do it but it’s great when it works.
sending hugs xx

tinyfaery's avatar

Maybe looking so far into the future isn’t healthy for you. Tackle one goal at a time. No pressure.

Jude's avatar

You’re getting to know me very well, R.

Glow's avatar

Oddly enough, exercise, such as light cardio can really help. It has for me. I would take a short walk at a calm and beautiful park. Maybe even take my camera and practice my photography. I breath the air, stretch, and not worry about who is watching me. Sometimes, this can help to clear the mind, ease the muscle, and unwind.

(oh yeah, btw, get off the computer! ;) The internet and computer is often used as a form of escapism by those who are having trouble coping with stress and frustrations in the real life. It won’t help. It would only waste valuable time you could be using to unwind)

MissAnthrope's avatar

I agree.. one thing at a time, for sure. Otherwise, it’s too overwhelming.

I hate feeling like you describe (in fact, I was just there for about a week, by the end, I could barely breathe or focus). This is bad, but alcohol helps, like having a beer or two relaxes my body and I can breathe again. Breathing deeply can help, too.. my therapist had an exercise for this, where you think about a place and/or time that you felt totally safe, happy, warm, etc.

Then, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and imagine this place. Not just imagine, but think of every detail you can, really put yourself there. What does it smell like? Who is there? What’s on the walls, what are people wearing, what are you wearing, etc.. high level of detail.

torchingigloos's avatar

I used to suffer REALLY bad anxiety, meds only worked temporarily ( I couldn’t afford the DR visit to get something different) and I ended up having to kick it on my own. What worked PERFECT for me was an herbal sleep aid you can buy at any GNC store called “Calm’s Forte” (it’s like $9.99 for a bottle of 100 pills I believe). I’m far from the “herbal” or “All Natural” remedy kind of dude, but at that point I was willing to try ANYTHING! I would keep one of the pills in my pocket and when I started getting anxious or nervous about a situation, I’d take a pill and about 15–20 minutes later I didn’t care anymore. I called them my F$%k-it pills. While they ARE a sleep aid, taking one pill didn’t make me drowsy, and I would take 2 on occasion for a better night’s sleep (don’t take three or you have weird lucid dreams where you wake up like WTF). It took me about a week to feel confident in myself again and after about a year and half of taking those on VERY rare occasion I finally kicked Anxiety 100%. BTW when I had the original diagnosis for Anxiety the DR said I have about a 98 on a scale of 100 on the anxiety intensity meter. I seriously thought I was losing my mind. For all I know those pills might be a placebo, but they saved my life and many others whom I’ve helped discover them to fight anxiety. Also, remember that regardless how bad things are… it’s all mental and you are actual in control of your anxiety attacks and you WILL be able to over-come them… but a little pill of confidence also helps :) BTW another thing that helps if you don’t have your f%^k-it pills handy is to chew some gum, and laughter… a funny movie or some jokes.

cheebdragon's avatar

…Sex!....lots and lots of sex!....?

WestRiverrat's avatar

Take a few deep breaths.

Jude's avatar

Sometimes, I feel as though I give more than I get in return. My head is not in a good place right now. I am out.’

Thanks, everyone.

mightyj's avatar

Exercise does the trick wether it is a simple walk or hitting the gym. Also this link may help as it’s a great blog about health and piece of mind “The Daily Mind”:

Jude's avatar

Right now, I am in flight mode. Feel as though I am going off the deep end. Need to get some help.

Jude's avatar

Feeling better. I have decided on sticking with therapy (and going every few weeks). I still feel as though I haven’t grieved enough (loss of someone close).

This is wonderful, as far as helping me relax. I dug this out of my storage bin this morning. I used to listen to it 10 or so years ago.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Glad you’re feeling better. I lost my father before you were born and I’m not done with the grieving. Just don’t beat yourself up about it. Very Nice piece of music.

MissAnthrope's avatar

I’m also glad to hear you’re feeling better. Therapy is awesome and can be really helpful.

That album, I feel like I’m watching an old WB cartoon or something. Hee.

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