How do I convince my friend she is losing weight the wrong way?
My best friend is trying to lose 40 pounds. So am I. I try to eat healthy, nutritional foods. I don’t count calories, i just make sure to watch fat and sugar intake. I usually have 1 or 2 salads a day and a healthy breakfast. I try to work out for an hour-an hour and half every day. I think this is the healthy way to go about it.
My best friend is drinking coffee and vitamin water for breakfast, eating very small lunches with no nutrition in them, and she only eats supper because her parents make her. She works out 2–3 hours a day and constantly talks about wanting to throw up her food if she ate too many calories. I’m really worried about her. Any suggestions on how I can get her to try to lose weight in a healthier way?
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8 Answers
Have a conversation with her; point out the merits of eating healthy as opposed to eating tiny meals and then throwing up. Starving won’t make you healthy, it will only make you sick. I’m certain you have reading material about nutritional living, share those with your friend and encourage her to work out with you and plan meals together; it can be a whole new bonding experience! It sounds like your friend might be on the verge of developing an eating disorder, but its never too late to pull out, especially when its just started. Act quickly and be a good role model!
She’s got the misconception of less is more. This isn’t entirely false, but it is unhealthy. Show her that based on her weight, height and age that she’s probably not coming close to going over her calorie budget. Most people think, “Oh I need to cut out breakfast, lunch and or dinner.” This isn’t true and unhealthy. Me being nearly 200lbs and 6’2” my calorie budget to keep my weight is probably around 2000+ calories a day. Which is A LOT, to me anyway. Her’s is probably around 1500. From what you described it sounds like she’s not even coming close to that.
Show her statistics and logic and she’ll probably change her mind. Otherwise your friend will have to learn the hard way.
Convince her to talk to her doctor.
ask her what she’ll do when she has lost the weight. if she goes back to eating the way she did before, she’ll gain it all back pretty quickly.
“Wow, your boobs are getting smaller, but your ass is still huge!”
You can’t convince her of anything. It sounds like she is seeing this as a competition with you. Just do what you’re doing and lead by example. If you are really really concerned you may want to let her parents know, but that could hurt your friendship.
Take card of yourself, and remember that even if she looses faster than you, your weightless will be sustainable because it’s healthy. Congratulations for making healthy choices! It’s not easy in this fast food world!
She needs to understand that what she wants to lose is fat, not weight. Fat is useless and unflattering ballast that you’re better off without; weight includes fat but also all the important stuff. Such as muscle tissue.
Muscle tissue is good. Yes, even for girls. It helps you lose fat more easily and it’s useful for a bazillion things. Anyone should cultivate their muscles and feed them what they need, not starve them to extinction.
The way she’s going now, she’s not becoming slender and fit, she’s just becoming skinny, frail and weak.
just read my post Damnyouautocorrect!
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