What's eating you?
Asked by
Joker94 (
January 24th, 2011
Just wondering, is all. Is there anything particularly nagging you or bringing you down? I feel a little stressed lately, due to stuff at school and at home and was wondering if anyone was up for venting? I’ll share if you will ;]
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44 Answers
A horrible day of mediating (unsuccessfully) interpersonal conflicts at work.
It consumes me slowly in little bits and bytes. It drags me down; it turns me colors; it takes my elasticity and even my memory. It takes such tiny nibbles that I don’t even feel it until suddenly I look up, and another decade has gone and now people call me sir and hold the doors for me.
It’s time. That’s what’s eating me. Bit by infinitesimal bit.
Well, crap, @wundayatta , I was feeling perky til I read that….now I need to go to bed and mope.
What’s eating me is that I feel like I’ve just been spied on and used as some kind of internet guinea pig right here on Fluther. I am so creeped out. :\
@TheOnlyNeffie wft?
This chick (me) needs to get back into therapy.
Me being stubborn is what is getting in the way.
Stubborn no mo’.
Literally, what’s eating me? Tooth decay.
I have an abscess under my lower right rear molar. The dentist evaluated it and said it looked like maybe a cap leaked on an adjacent root canal, and set up an infection in the gum below the tooth that’s hurting. I was scheduled for a root canal on that hurting tooth on January 18th, but we got almost 2 feet of snow and Harvard Dental Center had to close. We’ve had several snows since, the last almost 9 inches. Last night hit -2 F. here in Boston. That’s the coldest weather the city has had since we moved up here in 2005. Tomorrow it’s supposed to warm up almost to freezing, but that triggers a dusting to 2 inches, then Wednesday we get another coastal storm with 6 to 9 inches more snow. In the 1st month of winter this year, Boston got more than its average annual snowfall. So that’s a headache for Mayor Menino figuring out how to raise rates on what in order to fund all the extra snow removal.
Fortunately, while Menino’s pain may just be starting, mine’s about to end. My rescheduled appointment at Harvard Dental is Friday Jan. 28th and the forecast is for 28 degrees F and sunny. Till then, I’m hanging in there on aspirin and when it gets too intense, 2 5/500 hydrocodones let me not know how bad it hurts. :-)
My son’s wife – the daughter-in-law from Hell. I don’t allow it to bring me down, but I am keeping a list, date and description of the worst offenses.
A friend of the family passed away on Saturday and my mom’s good friend’s son is now fighting another cancer since his battle with throat cancer that has left him unable to speak and swallow in which he must eat through a tube in his stomach. His mother came by today and spoke with us about his condition and I spoke with Pat on the phone, the sister of the woman who passed away on Saturday. Its just been one of those gloomy days and I feel bad for everything these people are going through.
@Vunessuh I kind of know how you feel. I wish you the best. My sister is currently battling cancer, and I know what a helpless feeling it is to watch someone you care about struggle like that.
what’s eating me?
No, not really. It would be funny if it was tho.
Maybe not.
I got nothin’
@Joker94 Thanks. I wish you the best as well. Sorry to hear about your sister.
@Vunessuh It’s okay, she is doing well right now, it’s just kind of tough to watch. Thank you :]
Seems I am in the middle of some sort of life lesson.
Ya wanna know wats eatin me? I’ll tell ya what’s eatin me. I got a full bladder is what’s eatin me. That, and there’s not a single commode on the first floor. I wanna pee, I gotta climb a lot of stairs. A noisy prospect. What’s eatin me is we don’t got no toilet on this floor. What I would give for a toilet down here.
Preferably one with plumbing.
School is starting up again for me and i’ve realizing how hard it’s going to be. But, I think the main thing thats buggin me is my birthcontrol. I’ve been on it for awhile now but I stopped because it was giving me headaches n migraines everyday. I couldn’t take it anymore especially with school starting up, so I stopped taking it. I’m perfectly fine with this option. My boyfriend is too. My mom is not. Because my boyfriend and I are active she is stressin about him getting me pregnant. I am 19 and he is 21. We both have discussed the outcome of our actions and were completly fine with it. I kno having a kid right now is NOT the best decision, but.. Idk. I love him, he loves me, we plan to be together for a long time. Were made for each other even his parents think so. They keep tellin us they cant wait to see little ones runnin around but my parents are the opposite. Idk. Maybe i’m just weird. I want to make babies with him, if it happens it happens and we’ll both be very happy it does minus our finacial status. :/ sorry this is so long. I just cant stop thinking about it. Especially since I can’t use condoms, so all our sex is unprotected and we dont use the pull out method. help? advice? plz don’t be mean :(
Any time “it” happens for a reason means you are not in control. Get a grip!
But doesn’t that mean its suppose to happen. Everything happens for a reason, right ? I am in perfect control. We understand what we’re doing, we are in control. It’s just a matter of “when” and “if” it happens.
@xMissMorganx if your financial situation is not great then the last thing you should be thinking about is having a baby! It’s romantic to think about bringing a little person into the world but after a month of no sleep, perhaps with a baby that cries seemingly for 48 hours a day, and suddenly you don’t know how you are going to pay for A, B or C….
If you can’t use condoms then use some other form of birth control.
The obliviousness of people towards other people. The disregard a lot of folks have toward animals.
I can’t use condoms and birthcontrol gives me headaches and migraines. <- Which i can’t really tolerate while in college. I kno what it takes to be a parent, I work with children i’ve done all that. Minus the getting up every 2 hours. But, I have no doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t be able to do it. Financially yes your right.
@xMissMorganx There is a saying, if you aren’t preventing you are trying. If it happens it happens is trying to get pregnant. I used “rhythm” for two years and never got pregnant, I recommend you at minimum do that if getting pregnant now is a bad idea. Typicallly women ovulate 14 days before their period. So if your cycle is 26 days, you ovulate and day 12. If you start paying attention you might feel a little discomfort on your side that time of the month, the sides will alternate each month, and you will have more discharge that is like egg whites sort of around that day. Also, if you are right, and it is a Tuesday, your period will come two seeks from that Tuesday, on Tuesday.
If you avoid sex a couple of days before during and after ovulation you are no likely to get pregnant. Still no guarantee of course, if you have a whacky month that could mess ecerything up.
@xMissMorganx There is a big BIG difference between working with children and being responsible for them 24/7×20 plus years. This is something that is impossible for you to know until you are in the trenches of raising a child.
The lack of funds causes a lot of uncomfortableness when it is just you you are taking care of. It becomes 100 times more difficult when you are responsible for the wellbeing of a baby and child.
Although @JLeslie is right about the average of when women ovulate that egg could pop out at any time. My third child was conceived 8 days after the start of my last period. I was surprised as hell to find out I was pregnant.
Things will be so much better for you if you could just delay getting pregnant to a time when you have more financial stability. Wouldn’t you want to best possible start for your baby?
@tranquilsea Do you know that was your conception day? Or, just the day you had sex? Sperm can live a few days. Also, did you tend to have cycles less than 28 days? Again, we ovulate BEFORE our periods, not after.
@xMissMorganx I hope I did not come across as lecturing or judging. I was trying to help you acheive what you want by understanding your cycle. Most women have no real clue how it all works.
I’m not an expert on these things, being a guy, but aren’t there other things you can do to prevent pregnancy besides condom and pills?
Or do you want to have a baby now? It kind of sounds to me like you do. You’ll probably have to drop out of school if you do, unless your parents or his parents are prepared to babysit, or you have enough money to be able to afford daycare. I’m assuming that, like most students, you have a limited supply of resources.
Will your boyfriend work? Is he already working? What about you? Work, baby, and school is a huge burden. Not impossible, but it drives most people ‘round the bend and so they drop one or two of those things (usually not the baby).
If you want to get pregnant, stop agonizing about it. It’s your choice. It doesn’t even sound like you’r trying to “accidentally” get pregnant. So it will happen sooner or later unless one or both of you are infertile. I think you should start planning for it, and figuring out what you will do when it happens.
It might sound cheesy, but I honestly worry a decent amount about the clashes between political, environmental, economic, and global corporate interests. I wish the global economy (and thus corporate interests) were better aligned with sustainability. There is horrible waste and over-consumption by humans, and it’s getting worse as other nations develop. Throw in global warming and impending water crises, hindered by political deception and corruption, and you’ve got a massive problem I worry about. Corporations controlling politicians, growing profits without sustainability as an overall goal, always lobbying in their own self interest, not that of all people. All perfectly legal.
This is not a great analysis, but I’m going to lunch. Hopefully you guys get what I’m talking about.
Too much work, too much school, no money, no sleep, it’s like an endless cycle and it’s pissing me off lol.
@JLeslie yes I know that was the day I conceived because I left the very next day for two weeks away from hubby. We didn’t have sex again until after I had confirmation that I was preggers.
@xMissMorganx I know I came across as judging you but I’m really just trying to let you know what you really may be in for. Raising children is wonderful but very hard work even under the best of circumstances. It is my wish for you that you have to best chance as possible to raise a child.
@JLeslie Is it possible that it happened 3 days later?...yes
@tranquilsea I think at first I thought you were trying to say to @xMissMorganx but I reread your answer and realize you were simply showing having sex before ovulating can lead to pregnancy, or an egg can pop out early. Recently I had a back and forth with someone on this topic and she just was not getting it. I think I projected it onto you. My mistake in interpretation.
Not a teenager, not an adult, but just on the cusp of trying to figure out who I am and what I should be doing. I started out wanting to be an artist, then I tried out nursing for a semester and hated it, now I’m back knowing I want to be in the medical field.. so ha I guess I do know a little about what I should be doing, but what’s eating me is still feeling so confused about it. I worry to much about the future when I should just relax but my mind won’t allow it. 10 shades of suck is what it is.
@JLeslie no problem :-) I was just trying to impress that sometimes you cannot rely on typical ovulation times.
I also am juggling a lot of responsibilites with school and musical, and am extremely worried I’ll underperform. Oh, and heartache, too, I guess.
@JLeslie and @tranquilsea
Thank you for what you said. I understand, I kno what I was getting myself into :) I don’t think you were judging me, I kno you were just giving me the advice and guidance that I lack. Haha. Thanks for being honest :)
@xMissMorganx I’m glad you can understand where I am coming from. Please try and take any precaution you can at least until you are through with college.
The rate we keep burning fossil fuels overusing our atmosphere.
@mattbrowne Amen to that, and clear-cutting forests, overfishing and polluting our waters.
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