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troubleinharlem's avatar

So, what are your Oscar picks this year?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) January 25th, 2011

Here are the nominees and here are my choices:

Best Picture: “The King’s Speech”
(But I’d really like True Grit to win)

Best Actress: Natalie Portman

Best Actor: Colin Firth in “The King’s Speech”
(But I’d still like to see James Franco in “127 Hours”)

Best Supporting Actress: Hailee Steinfeld, “True Grit”

Best Supporting Actor: Geoffrey Rush, “The King’s Speech”

Best Director: Tom Hooper for “The King’s Speech”
or Ethan Coen and Joel Coen, “True Grit”
(maybe Darren Aronofsky for “Black Swan”)

Best Animated Feature: “Toy Story 3”

How about you?
Why is “The Social Network” being nominated? I can’t see that at all, but maybe that’s just me.

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12 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

The only one I care about is Hailee Steinfeld, she handled an extremely difficult role so beautifully, I think she deserves recognition for it.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I agree with your picks, except for a couple.

I think Christian Bale will win Best Supporting Actor for The Fighter, and I think David Fincher will win Best Director for The Social Network.

erichw1504's avatar

Most likely to win…
Picture: The King’s Speech
Actress: Bening or Portman
Actor: Colin Firth
Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo
Supporting Actor: Bale or Rush
Director: David Fincher
Animated: Toy Story 3

I want to win…
Picture: The Social Network
Actress: Portman
Actor: Franco
Supporting Actress: Steinfeld
Supporting Actor: Bale
Director: Fincher
Animated: Toy Story 3

stardust's avatar

The only film I’ve seen so far is The Black Swan and I think Natalie Portman is very deserving. I’m very eager to see The King’s Speech.

mammal's avatar

i think Rick Gervais deserves an Oscar for his courageous performance hosting the Golden Globules.

Neurotic_David's avatar

“The King’s Speech” is a shoe-in for Best Picture, in my opinion. I was really surprised by the Hollywood Foreign Press giving all the awards to, “The Social Network” which is not an Oscar-worthy film, in my humble opinion.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@Neurotic_David : I don’t think so either.
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities : Hey! I haven’t seen you around in awhile. And I didn’t see The Fighter.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@JilltheTooth : I know! She was amazing.

filmfann's avatar

All said, there isn’t a huge front runner for best pic. Most of these films are equally good.

Best Picture: “The King’s Speech”
Best Actress: Natalie Portman “Black Swan”
Best Actor: Colin Firth in “The King’s Speech”
Best Supporting Actress:Melissa Leo in “The Fighter” (how is Hailee Steinfeld supporting?)
Best Supporting Actor: Christian Bale in “The Fighter” (I was surprised he can actually act! Who knew?)
Best Director: Tom Hooper for “The King’s Speech”
Best Animated Feature: “Toy Story 3”

MacBean's avatar

I’ve only seen half the Best Pic nominees so far, but I should be caught up by this weekend, and then I’ll probably come back and have more to say, because that’s how I roll when it comes to this stuff, but at the moment this is where my wants (not necessarily my expectations) stand:
Best Pic: The King’s Speech
Leading Actor: Colin Firth
Supporting Actor: Christian Bale
Leading Actress: Natalie Portman
Supporting Actress: Melissa Leo
Best Director: Darren Aronofsky
Animated Feature: The Illusionist
And nobody else said anything about Best Original Score, but if anyone but Hans Zimmer wins that, it will be a TRAVESTY. None of the other nominees even come close to it.

erichw1504's avatar

@MacBean I agree with you about Hans Zimmer for Best Original Score. I will dropkick someone’s grandmother if he doesn’t get it.

filmfann's avatar

@filmfann You got every award right! You really do know your stuff! I wish I could give you 10 lurve!

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