I, pesonally, hate make-up and don’t wear it. If you wear it too much, it will ruin your skin, something you might have heard of. I will accept lotion, but just casual type(NOTE: Lotion is NOT make-up!!). Don’t wear perfume.
Second, I’d say it was okay for a guy to wear make-up. Just not too much. For women, I think they should lay off it. By the time they’re thirty, they’ll be looking older than they are. My grandma looked pretty good for her age(50), because she wore make-up occasionally. I’d say a guy can wear whatever he likes. Who cares? The world runs on chaos. If I were a guy and wanted some make-up(I don’t), I would choose from to wear, eh, eye-liner(seen many wear, who are famous), minerals(not really make-up, but it is because you do put on face to hide pimples, and it’s better. I would accept it), definitely not lipstick or mascara, and that’s about it.
Don’t be self-conscious about it, if you are a guy and considering.
I think that guys could, if they wanted to. People always judge you by your cover, but why does anyone care? It’s immature and annoying, wouldn’t you say? Without ‘freaks’ and ‘weird-dos’, where would the thrilling, rich sense of diversity be? So, yeah, guys and girls should do whatever they think they like because they want to and to express themselves.
I think it’s rude that people judge bi-people(I’m not one), because it’s a free-country and people should live the life they want. Now when I’m saying this, I’m not saying that you’ll look gay, if you are a guy and considering, or guys will look gay. Just as long they don’t put stupid, pointless things like blush(the blush hides the real blush inside), mascara, or anything of the sorts, I’m sure it wouldn’t kill them.