Social Question

Is this guy playing me? He hasn't called in 2 days! Help, please?
I’ve been dating this guy since beginning of the month, and we just hit it off perfectly! He’s 39 and I’m 34. We both come from long failed marriages, so together we feel like teenagers all over again! We talk about everything, we call each other all the time, text, email, etc. Problem is I haven’t heard from him since Monday night. Today is Wednesday night. It has been 2 days! We never went this long without communicating. Last night his daughter called me to say he called her from the pay phone to say his phone was down, and asked her to tell me he loves me. I was happy to hear that, but at the same time confused because he could also have called me from the pay phone or emailed me. I called him twice yesterday, but it goes straight to voice mail. I don’t think he’s lying about the phone, because another friend of his said he hasn’t gotten a hold of him for 2 days either. Anyway, I am concerned!! Paranoid, really!! I don’t want to get heart broken again, after a long painful marriage. He’s pretty straightforward person, so I would imagine he would have told me he’s not into me anymore already… but this “hanging in the air” type of thing is killing me!!! Is he testing me? Does he need space? Is he playing me? I don’t get it! I don’t like to play games! We’re too old for that. We both agree on a mature, committed relationship. Now I’m left hanging… should I just think it’s over? Or freak out over it? Any suggestions, please??? Thanks a lot!!