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Nullo's avatar

What would become of someone who showed up out of the blue one day and demonstrated unequivocal telekinetic abilities?

Asked by Nullo (22033points) January 26th, 2011

Just the world as we presently know it. Maybe he uses it to keep from being flattened by oncoming traffic, or something similarly mundane.

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19 Answers

6rant6's avatar

We would all be moved.

ninjacolin's avatar

^ lol.

He would be studied. If not by government scientists, then at least by me. :)

The tv show “Heroes” explores this idea in depth: What if people with “powers” weren’t super heroes, but just people trying to get along and live a “normal” life.. how would society react to the inevitable demonstrations of their abilities and what would they decide to do given the existence of their potential.

Blueroses's avatar

Hm. I think the phenomenon would immediately be justified… “sun was in my eyes”
“bad shrimp for lunch”. “I need a nap”.

I like @ninjacolin because I loved the original series of Heroes, when Hiro gleefully shouts “flying man!”

I’d like to think that I could be that accepting of something extraordinary.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Everyone would try to have babies with them.

downtide's avatar

He would be killed by the government, and dissected.

coffeenut's avatar

He would be screwed if he ended up on youtube…

LuckyGuy's avatar

He’d be on TV faster than you can say “Fox and Oprah”.

meiosis's avatar

@downtide This is why I haven’t demonstrated my powers in public…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Wait a minute…...................... “Hancock” with Will Smith

ragingloli's avatar

She would be hunted down by governments and religious extremists, and shunned by the vast majority of society.
Hunted by governments because they want to weaponise the powers, and by religious extremists for being an evil witch/spawn of satan/antichrist/generic ungodly abomination/etc.
Shunned/persecuted by society simply for being different.

flutherother's avatar

The CIA would lock him up in a secret room so his powers could not be used by our enemies. His mysterious abilities would create massive paranoia in the corridors of power. His life would hardly be worth living. If I had telekinetic powers I would keep it to myself.

6rant6's avatar

He would get his own reality show, would date a starlet, cause trouble on the set, enter rehab, leave rehab, get an FUI (Flying while intoxicated) , return to rehab, show up at the Golden Globes where Ricky Gervais would lampoon him horribly while he sat grinning stupidly, father an out of wedlock child with Jennifer Aniston and appear on the Actors Studio or Oprah and confess that he always wanted to be a dog trainer, give up flying, return to flying, give up flying once and for all, take up flying again, write a book explaining why he took up flying again. The book would sell a bazillion copies, but be panned by the critics. Later, Jim Carey would play him in the movie.

Just guessing.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@6rant6, you forgot “the incident” with Deena and Snooki – and The Situation.

6rant6's avatar

@aprilsimnel How embarrassing. For me and him.

FutureMemory's avatar

He would be nailed to a cross just like the last guy was.

FutureMemory's avatar

Oh I know, I just said that to irritate you.

ragingloli's avatar

just matter replication, matter transmutation, antigravity, advanced external, internal cell regeneration abilities, neural network reorganisation abilities. This suggests that he was most likely a member of a technologically highly advanced alien race from outer space

Nullo's avatar

@ragingloli You left out dimensional transference, which – if you read the account – is more the mechanism in the resurrection than cell regeneration. This only suggests aliens if you want aliens.

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