General Question

Trustinglife's avatar

What are your favorite qualities about yourself?

Asked by Trustinglife (6671points) April 13th, 2008 from iPhone

I’ll start: My sensitivity. My passion. My insights. My desire to have a wonderful, fun, fulfilling life. My desire to contribute to people. The joy I have coaching people. My self-acceptance. My love of spaces that are safe for people to express themselves. My passion to always be growing.

How about you?

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47 Answers

peedub's avatar

I like that I: stay optimistic, remain creative, and was raised to have compassion for others.

simone54's avatar

I’m so modest.

wildflower's avatar

My interest in others and ability to accept opposing views even if I don’t agree with or understand their reason.
Oh and my indecision and mood swings -Never get bored ;)

bluemukaki's avatar

The length of my… patience.

Randy's avatar

My honesty, and sensitivity.

Riser's avatar

I have a big enough ego to want to answer this but enough modesty to know not to.

guesswho's avatar

I am emotionally very strong, and have learned how to adapt quickly to painful situations.

Lee_27's avatar

my passion, kindness, playful spirit, honesty, and my love of life

sable's avatar

I always try to be nice to people. I like that about myself. I’m always better at the things I think are wrong with me though!

WastaBwoy's avatar

I like that I’m weird

steelmarket's avatar

Modesty prevents me from answering…

simone54's avatar

Uhhh I already did that joke.

TheHaight's avatar

modest prevents me from answering…

El_Cadejo's avatar

wait why did TheHaight get a great answer she said the exact same thing as steelmarket who was just saying a joke thats already been used twice….. confusion.

TheHaight's avatar

hey… Why are you hating? Here’s a great answer for you to make you feel better.

peedub's avatar

I Don’t feel so good

TheHaight's avatar

haha are you bs’ing me so you can have a great answer too???

scamp's avatar

Modesty prevents me from answering

wildflower's avatar

My curiosity and fondness of free exchange of thoughts and ideas is strong enough to overcome my modesty and post a 2nd reply to this question

El_Cadejo's avatar

I would have to say my open mindedness and maturity. That and im a book of random knowledge. 1 in 2,000,000 American lobsters are born bright blue. ^_^

peedub's avatar

You are a blue lobster.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Yea i know im one in 2 million. An amazingly awesome guy like me doesnt come around that often ;)

peedub's avatar

@uber- another modest person I see

El_Cadejo's avatar

i go for more of an humorous egotistical. But you know it is hard to not be full of yourself when your just soooooo perfect.

simone54's avatar

Your picture sucks.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@simone54 i love you too sweet thing…. (remember i always win)

peedub's avatar

I can attest to the fact that Uber officially rocks.

Randy's avatar


peedub's avatar

Randy as well.

Randy's avatar

Now, if your gonna throw me in there, peedub, you know I have to add you. After all, you came up with the greeting contest! You’ve already made a larger impact than I, plus all your answers are awesome. Humor meets seriousness in style! Yeah man!

So, to get back on track, I love all the qualities of everyone who participates and makes this community so great to me. I especially care for ______ (<== Insert yourself here. I don’t wanna risk leaving anyone out by naming names).

TheHaight's avatar



wildflower's avatar

Now let’s all form a circle and pat each other on the back….and then let’s go hug some trees!!

Randy's avatar

Trees? I’m hugging YOU GUYS!

TheHaight's avatar


wildflower's avatar

Alright so, let me just get my birkies and I’m ready for the hug-in

peedub's avatar

haha, do you smell patchouli wildflower?

Randy's avatar

Come on all you other jellyfish! Get in on this love! Don’t hold out on us.

@peedub, Smells nice! lol.

peedub's avatar

Haha, I do, kind of like baked ham. I just went running.

wildflower's avatar

Hehe… Its not just the smells…. Its the colours!! Woo…I can see through time and we’re all floating in the cosmos….

peedub's avatar

I smell and look like the inside of an old VW.

TheHaight's avatar

How attractive!

peedub's avatar

Charming up until a point.

wildflower's avatar

The point where you open the door?

peedub's avatar

Something like that.

Trustinglife's avatar

I have a smile on my face reading your responses. I definitely appreciate y’all Flutherers – it’s why I keep coming back here.

I want to speak to why I asked this question, and share my thoughts about modesty.

We have this thing in our society about tearing people down who seem arrogant. You know, when people say things like, “So-and-so thinks he’s all that.”

But isn’t it possible to share what’s great about you – without being arrogant? I mean, aren’t there really great things about you? Does saying so out loud make you arrogant? There’s a great book called: “Tooting your own horn without blowing it.”

Personally, I know I love it when people own what’s great about them. And it annoys me when people talk about why they think they suck. I think of modesty as “I know I’m not very good at this particular thing.” But there have to be things in other areas that you are actually good at. There have to be. One person can’t suck at everything, right?

So that was the reason for my question: to challenge us all to celebrate what’s great about ourselves.

Randy's avatar

Wow Trustinglife, your question takes on a different meaning after that. Now that I see the grand picture, I wish I could give you three or four more great questions because it truly was that.

Trustinglife's avatar

Randy, I’m moved by your acknowledgment. I’d like to think I’m good at challenging people to think differently about things. But you guys get to be the judge of whether that’s true or not.

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