Social Question
Can God be beaten at chess?
If God were so inclined to play chess with one, or all combined forces, of his creations, could He, the unerring, be defeated?
Say we had Him paired against someone who could conceivably not make any mistakes, or a combination of world champions and advanced computers that closed in on perfection.
The question is if someone knew what every best move was in the game of chess, is there any possibility that they could be defeated?
Is there a possibility that for instance white’s advantage if played by the fallible side, would make it impossible regardless of how perfectly black moved to win in the end.
The number of moves in chess that are possible is more than the atoms in the universe, so I am sure this is well beyond the reach of our minds.
What I hypothesize is that He could be defeated at the game, because it is an imperfect game where one side may have an advantage, albeit infinitely small, and only relevant when playing against God Himself. It does not detract from His perfection, it just shows that there is an ultimately insurmountable advantage in the confines of the game play.
Maybe there are as many as 100 or more ways to beat a perfect opponent.
Maybe in the end black has the true advantage.
It makes Chess more fun to think that I can in fact play Chess against God someday, and hope to win!
What say you?