Social Question

Am I being played with?
I met a guy, who is my age. We had our first date a little over a week ago. He pursued me, at first I didn’t want to date him because he is a smoker. He asked if we could work something out, and to give him a shot I said ok.
He kept up communication, texting and calling me everyday. We spent pretty much last Wed to Tuesday together, granted it was only an hour or two a day but it was still together.
But since I’ve shown him I am interested, his communication and his interest has slacked off CONSIDERABLY. He didn’t want to come over for a couple days, and I was fine with that, but not fine with the fact that for two days he said maybe he was coming, then didn’t show up and didn’t call to say hey I am not coming. Just a little common courtesy?
Then his communication really dropped off, with barely a word during the day. So I asked him to be straight with me. Did he want to date and get to know each other like he’d told me he did. His response was, that I was going to fast for him. Then later on he told me that he was scared, because every other relationship he’d been in had been rushed and it ended. He said he’d told himself when he met someone his age and that had kids (me) he was going to take things SLOW. Again, I have no problems with going slow.
But really, if he was into me, he would make a point at SOME point int he day to actually speak to me…even if it was just a hi, or something…right? He told me he was into me, wanted to get to know me and didn’t want to rush things with me. I get that also…but how can you want to be with someone, no matter how slow you want to go, and not communicate with them?
My guy friend says it’s just how he works. He wants to go slow and this is how he sees going slow. Me, I see it as very frustrating.
So what do you think…am I being played here or does this guy really have good intentions?