Is my friend avoiding me?
I’m a college student living on campus. My first semester, I became pretty good friends with this sweet gay guy and we hung out a lot. I met him through my boyfriend at the time but when we broke up, I noticed my friend hanging out with me less and less and sometimes never returning my calls.
Last semester we hung out maybe 3–5x tops but he always said he wishes he could see me more and would make plans with me as if nothing was wrong just to never show up or return my calls later.
Now it’s the first day of a new semester and I give him a call to see what’s up. The phone rings and rings then I hear him pick up. I get all excited and then hear an audible click followed by silence. I think he hung up on me! Just to make sure, I sent him a text asking if he could hang out tonight and no response.
I’m really bummed/disappointed by this and was wondering if maybe I should ask him if he’s mad at me or something? We’ve never had a fight before and as far as I know I’ve never upset him which is why I’m really dumbfounded that he would actually ignore me…
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14 Answers
Sometimes when couples break up, mutual friends break up too. I’d outright ask him the next chance you get; there’s no point in playing games about it.
Hey Seelix:
Thanks for the prompt response. I wondered that as well but he was never that close to my ex and barely talks to him either. I don’t think it’s necessarily a loyalty thing to him or anything but maybe that was our main connection. :(
@BringsTheNight – Hmm. Well, it doesn’t seem that he’s decided to “side” with your ex… Maybe he’s just busy with new classes? Still, I think you should talk to him. If he’s just going to keep avoiding you, I suggest you leave it be. I know it sucks to lose a friend, but sometimes it just happens, seemingly without reason. Good luck :)
I wouldn’t contact him again though, wait until you see him again or until he contacts you, because you’re going to be really annoyed if he ignores you again. If he is still strange with you next time, it’s his problem and his loss. Some people are strange.
Yes he is ignoring you. It is sad but some friendships don’t last a lifetime and sometimes one of the friends in the relationship is not ready to move on. For whatever reason though, your friend is sending you clear messages that he doesn’t want to continue with this friendship. Let him go. It is upsetting I know but it is out of your control. You can’t make him want to hang out with you.
Gay guy is probably more interested in hanging out with/meeting others who play for his team than hanging out with a heterosexual female.
He’s an acquaintance. Likes you, glad to see you, will say nice things about you, will chat you up when he bumps into you, but not interested in a 1×1 relationship with you.
Maybe he has/had a crush on your boyfriend? There are so many things and reasons which you could speculate. I wouldn’t waste any more time on the friendship, remember friendship is (supposedly) a two way street! Good luck.
I’d tend to agree that he’s sending fairly clear messages that he doesn’t have too much invested in the friendship. I’m sorry if that sounds hurtful. I’d wait until I bump into him and if you feel strongly about it, ask him what the problem is. Otherwise, I’d move on. Good luck :)
His actions have spoken. He doesnt want your friendship. Move on, and when you see him, just say hi.
Thanks for the responses everyone. I understand why you would think that I’m a moron for not seeing what should be obvious. I guess I’m a little shocked because he was always talking about how annoying people are who don’t invest in quality friendships and how he considered me a good friend and blah blah blah. But, anyway some people are flaky I guess. He’s not my only friend but I would be lying if I said I this doesn’t make me sad.
It sounds like he’s moved on from your friendship. That really stinks. I’ve had it happen to me. It’s hard to make friends when you’re new to college and you want to hang on to the ones you make really hard. If i had to make a guess, he got a girlfriend and is flaking on the whole world. Plus she might be the jealous kind who doesn’t like him hanging out with other girls.
good luck
@robinad He does have a boyfriend now. (he’s gay actually) I’m just a little surprised by this because he always told me I was a good friend of his and we spent a lot of time together. Today was his birthday and I wanted to wish him a happy one and maybe buy him a drink or something but now I don’t think I’ll ever bother with him again. :(
That really sucks. some people really are horrible at keeping up friendships when they’re in a relationship. I bet if this relationship doesn’t pan out, he’ll show back up. I don’t know if i’d want to be his friend if that’s the case. Good luck!
you should try to sit and have a talk before any conclusions
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