General Question

XOIIO's avatar

How can I strengthen a ginger drink?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) January 29th, 2011

I love the Real Brew ginger drink, it has japanese and chinese ginger. When I first tried it, It would burn my throat, but now I am used to it. How can I make it really strong? Would plain ginger extract work?

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11 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

@longtresses Not bad, but I can’t order online and I haven’t seen anything like this around.

cazzie's avatar

You could juice your own ginger root.

Or you could try an Asian food store. They usually carry things like minced up garlic, ginger, chillies and the like.

XOIIO's avatar

@cazzie Cool! we just got a big ginger root today.

cazzie's avatar

So, pop that baby in the freezer and cut off bits as you need it.

SmashTheState's avatar

If you have a Jamaican grocery or restaurant in your town, odds are good that they make their own ginger beer. Or you could always make it yourself.

Cruiser's avatar

I love this thread! I love ginger brew!! Yum! GA’s all around!

Judi's avatar

Here is an essential oil that you can add
you have to scroll down to the Ginger.
Doterra oils are great because their purity is checked with GCMF and most can be taken internally.

cazzie's avatar

Ginger root eo is disgusting. I don’t recommend it.

crisw's avatar


I agree. It’s got a taste that is much more earthy than ginger.

You could always steep some powdered ginger in your drinks; powdered packs much more punch than fresh. Many Asian stores carry a pretty potent ginger tea powder, although it can be hard to find one with no added sugar.

Kraigmo's avatar

Get powdered ginger at a health food store such as a co-op, or worse, Whole Foods Market.

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