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Who is the most famous person with whom you have a personal relationship?
I know there are a few mildly famous people here on Fluther (Andrew is an actor, MattBrowne is a writer) and perhaps a few folks with notoriety rather than fame (I’m often in the media as spokesperson for a radical organization, the corporate media accused me of being an extortionist at one point, and I’ve been mentioned in several books by my political opponents in rather unflattering ways). What I’m curious about is the “Kevin Bacon Effect,” degrees of separation from truly famous folks.
Whom do you know, personally, with wide celebrity?
I’ll do mine:
* Dan Hill is a friend of the family and usually stops by when he’s in town to jam with my father.
* I have exchanged email with Bill Quick who actually turns out to be something of a jerk.
* I’ve chatted online with Tani Jantsang for years, and she published some of my Mythos fiction in her magazine.
* A medium-famous mystery novelist (whose name I will withhold to protect the guilty) once sent me creepy emails about her weird sexual fetish, about which I had written a story, and which had apparently triggered all kinds of disturbing fantasies.
* I organize with some activists whose names you’d probably recognize, but whom I won’t mention to avoid making the State’s security agencies’ intelligence gathering easier for them.
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