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XOIIO's avatar

Where could I get an MRE?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) January 29th, 2011 from iPhone

While watching my beloved Tremors, I constantly wonder what an MRE meal ready to eat would taste/look like. Where could I possibly get some if these?

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14 Answers

MomOfTwins's avatar

At a military or Army Surplus store.

lillycoyote's avatar

You can get them at the Also, here’s an article on buying mres from It gives a good overview and some information on making sure you get military grade mres and about shelf life issues, etc.

incendiary_dan's avatar

You can also sometimes find partial or whole ones at discount stores. I used to find a few at Ocean State Job Lot.

As for what they taste like, it’s like cafeteria food that is extra fatty and salty. It’s usually fatty to have concentrated calories. The salt is preservative.

XOIIO's avatar

@incendiary_dan Hmm.. maybe I won’t try one.


Unfortunatly the only military surplus stores we have are for clothes.

On a side not, is there a place online that I could buy a grenate? The read deal, but empty. I believe you can put the pin back in once it’s been pulled out, right?

coffeenut's avatar

Most online Army Surplus stores sell decommissioned Bullets, Grenades, guns, Bombs, ect…You should try a few IMP’s or “MRE’s…they have a….unique flavor/texture Some are good..others…not so much..

incendiary_dan's avatar

The only one I haven’t liked so far was the vegetarian pasta fagioli. Blech.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Some vendor at the yearly gun show in our area sells then. They’re loads of fun – when you don’t have to eat them.
Go to an Army Surplus store and ask. If they don’t have any they will point you in the right direction.

XOIIO's avatar

@coffeenut Damn, those flashbangs and missile are sweet! I could get some wicked shit.

Fred931's avatar

If you’re the kind of guy who wants to try an MRE just for the sake of it, then whatever bad taste gets left in your mouth will be negated by the “fun” factor. No matter what, it’ll be worth thinking HOLY FUCKSHIT THAT’S REALLY HOT BUT IT WAS COLD TWO SECONDS AGO BUT ITS BURNING MY GODDAMN HAND OFF NOW WHOA!!

You can even make bombs out of the hotpacks.

coffeenut's avatar

This is an interesting MRE site

XOIIO's avatar

@Fred931 Sweet! Maybe I can but just the hotpacks!

Nullo's avatar

MREs are a good addition to your earthquake kit, since they keep for so long.
Which reminds me: I’ve got a seven-year-old MRE lying around. Is it still edible?

incendiary_dan's avatar

@Nullo Should be edible as long as the bag is still intact.

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