Social Question

What do you think of this plan to save the U.S. economy and improve society?
Ok, I have a feeling this is going to turn into a real shitstorm, so please read all of this carefully before you accuse me of anything.
What the U.S. needs to do is create forced labor camps.
Inmates of these camps will work in manufacturing goods and services for domestic use and export. Unlike the forced labor camps of Nazi Germany, no one will be placed there by actions which are beyond their control. Only those who have chosen of their own free will to go down a certain path will be placed there.
They will not be paid. They will live and be treated humanely, have acsess to three meals a day, free time, and eductional courses. They will not be pampered, and will be expected to work for 8 hours a day.
The time they spend in the camp will be based on their classification (i.e. their reason for being there) and their willingness to better themselves. Only those convicted of the most serious offences and those who are unwilling to change will be imprisoned indefinatly. Upon release, they will be given an ammount of money based on the time they served in the camp.
Inmates will be classified as follows, shown by a colored square on the sleeve of their uniform. Classification will decide the minimum ammount of time that an inmate must serve before being considred for release.
Black square – those convicted of premeditated murder
Black square with deaths head insignia – serial killers
Pink square – serial rapists
Green square – child molesters
Orange square – zoophiles and those convicted of extreme or repeated cruelty to animals
Red square – anti-government offenders. Members of militia groups and some anarchists
Brown square – anti-social offenders. Those who preach the superiority or inferiority of one race, religion, gender, or sexual identity. A KKK member, a preacher who says gays are evil, and a native who supports anti-white causes could all be imprisoned under this classification.
I realize this will never happen and there are many ways that this system could be abused, but I can’t help but wonder if things would be a lot better for everyone under this system.