NSFW!!!! Do you find this attractive?
Asked by
SamIAm (
January 30th, 2011
Make fun of me all you want but I have a very guilty pleasure. I am kinda obsessed with the Kardashian family, and I don’t know why.
Anyway, tonight’s episode of Kourtney and Kim Take New York focused on Kim’s latest nude photo shoot. Here is one of the pictures.
My question is, to guys and maybe girls, do you find this attractive?? And what is it that makes you think that way?
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105 Answers
Hell no! The ass is massive, and actually a bit revolting.
haha! It almost looks fake… I was kinda surprised.
No, it is an odd shape and looks as if it is made out of metal.
I don’t find any of the Kardashians attractive. They are a testament to what Photoshop can do.
The first thought that came to mind after seeing the link was Hottentot
I’d still tap that, though.
@FutureMemory : AMAZING. wish I could give you more GA for that one.
I like her ass when it’s covered by pants or a dress, but nude it looks like a caricature. Since her left leg is mostly hidden, the camera angle makes it even more huge looking.
No no no no, and no. Her tits and ass look too disproportionate.
The last time I saw an ass that round, it was on a VW Beetle!
There are a bunch of little things that make that woman look freakish to me, but if that type of chick gives you the warm fuzzies (or more) then just close the door while you look at those pictures and clean up your mess when you’re done. We all have our thing, and your’s is definitely different from mine
Sigh…. you’re a tough crowd. I would call that an average ass. srsly. Ya’ll lookin for a boney Paris Hilton ass or what? Not every women can look like a model. Her ass isn’t even this bad, but you sure are acting like it. Geesh!
@jonsblond I like ass and tits that big only when the rest of the body is big enough to match it.
eww…........idk about that…
I like it, it’s her face I can’t stand.
well she says “I am a size 27 jeans… My measurements are 34, 26, 39. But remember I am 5’2″ and ½ and everyone carries their weight in different places.” You can find this info here.
In any event: boobs are always great.
P.S. She is the ultimate woman – the way God intended them to look.
I always thought that The Kardashians were an Alien race on Star Trek Voyager.
She looks like a good ol hillbillies wet dream. Pug ugly with no sex appeal whatsoever. You could shoot pool off that arse of hers though.
I could live without the silver paint, but other than that – looks pretty good to me.
I agree with @jonsblond. Y’all are kind of harsh.
for the record, I have no idea who this girl is. Never heard of her.
No I do not find her sexy. The Kardashians are one of those people who are shoved in our face by the popular media. They really don’t do anything to deserve to be on tv other than act retarded.
If I were her I would be more than a little upset with her art director on that shoot. She is a beautiful woman but I think the shots could have been done much better.
I love her real curves. She’s gorgeous. I like how the Kardashians are so popular cause they are different than everything else thats been shoved in the face of beauty. I’ve seen the show a couple of times, and the brother is hot too.
That isn’t a curve, that’s a horizon.
possibly a cardashian plane?
She is over the top and beautiful. :)
Now that I look, I can’t find anything to do with cardassian plane in math, the only reference is in star trek. Isn’t there something like that in math?
I’m indifferent to it to be honest. It certainly doesn’t excite me but it’s not repulsive either. Just normal.
Hi, I’m AW and I’m a womanaholic. I find all women attractive in their own way. Not the best picture ever, but she looks good enough. Add a little more brains and substance to her character.That’s where I find the K’s lacking.
Really big tits and asses don’t do it for me at all.
That is one wide load in the back end.
not attractive at all to me. no thank you. doesnt float my boat.
I bet you hear beep-beep-beep sounds when she backs up.
Well, I’m sure since all of you gentlemen look like better versions of Brad Pitt, you have license to be so judgmental. Is this a testament to the fact that most of you prefer stick-skinny girls who really look malnourished vs sexy? Or is this your subconscious holding her personality against her?
Her body ratio’s are just not normal…
I’m not a guy and she is putting herself out there like that to be judged so I think it’s totally valid to diss her.
@janbb I totally agree with you.
The OP asked us all to give our opinion on this picture and that’s what we are doing @Shegrin. It’s all about personal preference and so what if some men/people prefer a slightly less heavy girl or een a “skinny” girl? There are plenty of men that like the fuller figure also. We can’t help personal preference and when asked a question like this, shouldn’t be scrutinized when we give it.
Okay… first a disclaimer:
I have the biggest ass fetish of anyone you will ever know. I consider myself a connoisseur of fine assess, and nothing arouses me more than an attractive backside.
That said, Kim’s ass is nasty. Do not want. Would not fuck with a ten foot pole and someone else pushing.
I thought opinions were objective. Y’all are cutting deep.
@Shegrin, methinks you are taking the opinions of the interwebz a tad too seriously.
I like it, there’s nothing wrong with some junk in the trunk
Good god what a gorgeous body. So big and round and fat…...I love it because it’s big, round, and fat lol. You can’t understand it until you’ve had sex with a woman like that. I’ve been with smaller women and their bony bodies hurt .
Oh HELL ya! LOL! I can’t stand the skinny, anorexic model look! The woman with a bit more meat on her bones is the one I find attractive. Comfort, not speed! LMAO!
I feel intimidated by such a huge butt. It’s a big turn-off for me. It looks phony and unhealthy. Is it made of silicone? I also wonder how much bigger that women plans on making her butt? It is already totally huge! At some point in time I wonder if it might collapse into its self like a black hole.
Well HARDLY! Ya needs sum cushion for tha pushin! : D
( Although that IS funny the way you put it! LOL! )
reminds me of the Venus of Willendorf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_of_Willendorf
I’m okay with large asses (although not my favorite) but that thing looks like it was glued on- her hips are not wide enough to support that much off the back end.
Comeon, folks! It’s not THAT big of a butt! LOL!
@captainHarley I know, right? I’ve had much bigger lol. Kim would be childs play to me.
@gondawanalon They can be intimidating, but the fun is also trying to conquer that wonderful beast : )
Pleeeeeeeze, dear Lord, make this family go away.
“I wouldn’t fuck her with your penis”- Opinion from a friend….made me laugh.
I think shes just perfect!
I like Kim’s body. Genuinely. I think she has a lovely figure. I like that photo, as well.
According to @ZAGWRITER‘s link containing her measurements, I have to say that I don’t buy it. My sister has almost identical measurements, a flat stomach – and her ass doesn’t look anything like that.
Doesn’t look real to me either.
I prefer small to medium-sized tits and a nice shapely ass.
If you took me to an art gallery and I saw nothing but paintings that were exactly like famous paintings, I would be so bored. I want a painting with something new to say.
In this vein, I think Kim Kardasian is enough of a departure from the “standard” that I find her interesting to look at. She has a pretty face, an air of confidence, and lots of moving parts. What’s not to like?
Mmmmmmmm….moving parts. I like a butt that you can push upwards and watch bounce up and down a little when you let it go lol.
I grew up around women built like her, so it’s, like, whatever. I don’t envy her figure, but I’d love to have all that hair. Y’all think it’s a weave?
Absolutely! Her and Christina Hendricks are the women that I love.
Kim is the only beautiful one. The sisters are ordinary looking. The mom is quite beautiful too. I think it looks ok.
Actually….I read that a woman’s bum is what subconsciously attracts a man to mate. Whether a man wants to admit it or not. That and wide hips were always signs of the availability of a woman to bear children. When men force women to be stick-thin (and lots do) it’s almost a sort of misogynistic act, really as most women cannot be shaped that way.
What I like about this photo…is that there are a lot more women that have a bubble bum like that….than are flat as pancakes like Kate Moss. What I also like about this photo is that she does it with no apologies. We need to have a return to more interesting body shapes other than thin, thinner, thinnest. Maybe it was “photoshopped” and the contrast on the photo is not flattering, but whatever its intention….it’s a lot more realistic than a Size 2 woman. If Jennifer Lopez was to allow a shot like this….it would look similar, no doubt.
I just think we need to get off the skeletal image of beauty…it’s dangerous, it’s not realistic and it has harmed women on all levels for too long.
Healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes. That’s what we need to bring back into social consciousness.
She’s naked and she’s beautiful and that’s enough for me.
@CaptainHarley Yeah, sorry, I was thinking about butts a little too much lol…..
ROFLMAO! Yeah, I got that! : D
They’re just so great lol…..a woman I’m involved with thinks I’m weird for worshipping her backside so much, but I think she likes it lol.
@Blackberry My husband always said boobs are for babies. He prefers a nice butt. ;)
‘Boobs are for babies’
Ha, I like that : )
Coming from a woman with a humongous ass, believe me it’s a man magnet! Kim K is almost perfect she just needs some more hips to go with all that in the back. But she’s beautiful in her own sense of the way. But yea big butts ROCK.
@Blackberry Believe me I know all about the ass worshipers they are the best!
onionbooty.com asses so big it makes you wanna cry!!!!!!
I’m just saying this is what I like, and I have seen even better examples around my school, but if you like them big then here you go.
@JustJessica is it bad that I’ve known about that site since like highschool lol?
@Blackberry Ass fetish, leg fetish boob fetish, foot fetish, hair fetish. They are all innocent and can be very fun with the right woman! :) Well some fetishes are not innocent but the ones I listed above are perfectly ok and very fun!
Definitely some junk in the trunk there. Certainly attractive, but probably more beer would make her more attractive. Photoshop does wonders for the cottage cheezy texture that is probably all over that butt.
I like big butts and I cannot lie!
I liked her before I found out she had plastic surgery.
And I don’t know what’s going on with her ass. It doesn’t fit her body or body type… No thanks
There seems to be a false dichotomy rearing its ugly head in the responses to this question. Apparently, if you don’t like Kim Kardashian, you are obviously into super skinny twig-girls, and if you do like her, you are only into chicks with hyperbolic, unnatural looking features.
Guys… there are women out there with body types that are somewhere in between this and this. Just because you aren’t humping Kim’s leg doesn’t mean you aren’t into “real women” and just because you are humping her leg, doesn’t mean that anyone shaped differently is anorexic.
Strive for balance, grasshopper! : D
I personally don’t think Kim’s butt is all that big, but there’s no accounting for taste! : )
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard: is it possible to keep a butt that big (like in the first picture link you posted) in shape? Or are they all “cottage cheezy” as @majorrich put it??
That may be another question all together but I’m curious.
Exercise is exercise and you can keep virtually anything you got in shape if you work at it hard enough. : ))
No. It doesn’t look natural…and the body paint, or whatever, makes her even less appealing. I’ve never heard of this person.
I gotta say an ass that big has to be nick-named Bill O’Reilly.
I do not find it attractive.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard…..You know, I had a friend who was shaped like that first woman in the photo you posted. Perhaps a bit bigger. Absolutely beautiful woman…but her hips and bum were really large.
She had dozens of guys asking her out. And this was in “super body-conscious” California.
My spouse often asks about various women, “If you find her attractive, how can you find me attractive?”
Ladies, it’s ALL good.
@DarlingRhadamanthus, which is all well and good, but I’m more directing my comments at the folks in this thread who seem to claim that if you don’t think Kim Kardashian is hot, you must therefore be into anorexic women… or you’re an idiot. There is a happy medium.
Heh! Almost all women come with the same basic features, and all the equipment is already chosen by the factory. The only real differences lie in the onboard software, but the variations there are noticable. I picked one with the compassion, intellect, creativity, loving and kindness options, and I’ve never had a second thought. No dealer prep, no regularly scheduled maintainence, no visits to the repair shop, and she purrs like a kitten! : D
The facial structure is great and her hair is beautiful but with her money, any girl could have extensions. Here butt seems too big (disproportionately so) and I think the picture would have been classier if she had covered the nipples. Boobs are good and perky, but the nipples distract. The whole Goldfinger thing with the coloring is rather off-putting. I have no opinion about the Kardashians other than finding them to be over-exposed (no pun intended there) – never seen the show, don’t plan to see it.
No. I’m a female who finds female bodies attractive but not matronly ones or voluptuous on the point of collapse kind.
Her butt does look oddly out of proportion with the rest of her body. In most of the other pictures linked in this thread the women looked in proportion.
That being said I think she is beautiful woman with her clothes on.
Are we talking of her protruding uh “features”? I was just going by overal appearance (with the whole, supposedly, artsy body paint thing). I like a bigger butts myself ..I find them very attractive :)
OMG! This link of Kim Kardashian naked just went to the top of “My Favorites”!!
I don’t find any of the Kardashian’s attractive, they’re just too fake in my opinion. And slighty gross. In my opinion.
When is her next sex tape coming out?
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