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XOIIO's avatar

What is the music in this South Park episode?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) January 30th, 2011 from iPhone

In the episode when Towelie get an intervention, what is the music that plays whenever the screen cuts to black and shows some fact?

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6 Answers

seazen's avatar

Uh, link?

XOIIO's avatar

My PC is backing up right Noe so I can’t get the link, a google search should ding it, or a clip on YouTube.

XOIIO's avatar

here we go, I’m not sure exatcly when the music will pop up, but it’s very common.

this is the first time it pops up, but there are toher parts in it. I need to find what song it is from originally.

XOIIO's avatar

Yes! I think an alteration is in sniper assasain 2 as well, I have to find the full song with soundhound. I thought I recognized it.

Simmilar, but it doesn’t have the for lack of a better word concussive—part that the south park onehas. I think it might be different.

Also, in the first link I gave, what is the music at 1:00, that’s pretty good too, although that isn’t the real episode

XOIIO's avatar

Okay, finally got the real wpisode here the part I want to knwo is at 4: 20 or so. Thanks in advance

jonsblond's avatar

This has bugged me too. I know I’ve heard it somewhere. My husband might know this. I’ll have to ask him later.

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