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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What's your favorite ethnic food?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) January 31st, 2011

I love so many different kinds of food: Mexican, Indian, Japanese. It’s hard for me to pick just one.

What about you? What ethnic food do you love?

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54 Answers

lillycoyote's avatar

Indian food. That’s my absolute favorite. And I love Mexican food, interior Mexican food but I love Tex Mex, though I can’t get the real thing here. After living in Texas, it’s hard to settle for not quite Tex Mex, or not really even close to real Tex Mex. And really I like Asian food, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese. Japanese food is o.k. But Sushi? Not so much. And I love New Orleans cooking, that counts as an ethnic food, sort of, I think, close enough. There are some more… do I, like you, have a problem picking just one? No, not at all.

seazen's avatar

Burgers and fries.

But then I’m in the Middle East. If I were American – I’d say shakshuka.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Japanese. It just feels “clean” to me. A meal has so many textures and tastes. Spotless white rice, soft sashimi, fatty tuna, teriyaki chicken or beef, slippery edamame, ginger,...
And 2 hours after the meal your breath isn’t offensive. Great date food. ;-)

Lowrha's avatar

Can I do dishes instead of cusines? Malai kofta, tostones, & pad kee mao. Yum.

FutureMemory's avatar

Thai is my favorite – by a long shot. I also like Chinese and Vietnamese.

I also love Mexican food, but I don’t consider it “ethnic” since I have some Mexican blood in me.

absalom's avatar

Mostly Asian varieties. Japanese, Thai, and Vietnamese, in no specific order, but oh my god there is never a time I’m not hungry for a bowl of pho.

Roby's avatar

Gravy & Biscuits: Southern

TooBlue's avatar

That is such a difficult question. Every ethnicity has it’s own range of incredible dishes. But Chinese probably takes the cake, I love the sweet, sour, salty and spicy flavors hmmm.

meiosis's avatar

English. Especially the puddings. Spotted Dick with Golden Syrup. Jam Roly Poly with Custard. Mmmmmmm mmmmmm.

JLeslie's avatar

If I have to pick one, it would be Italian.

marinelife's avatar

For me it is Indian. I could eat it happily every day for the rest of my life.

JustJessica's avatar

Mexican is my favorite,.then Italian, then Chinese.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Southern Italian.

Jude's avatar


Kardamom's avatar

Indian is my favorite, but I couldn’t eat it everyday. It’s so rich and because it’s so unusual, I think it would not be as wonderful if I had it everyday. My favorite dish from Indian cuisine is Aloo Ghopi (a curry of peas, potatoes and cauliflower). I also love chutney, especially the kind made from cilantro and the spicy carrot chutney. And I absolutely LURVE the rice pudding dessert called Kheer (because it’s flavored with Cardamom!)

Next favorite is Thai. Favorite dishes are Pad See Ew and fresh Spring Rolls.

The cuisine I eat the most is Mexican. It’s consistently good and I can eat the same thing over and over and not get tired of it. Mostly bean and cheese burritos and cheese enchiladas. And I absolutely love salsa, and I love the fact that each kind of salsa at each restaurant tastes completely different. It’s always like getting a little surpise.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

nsima, It is zambian food that we all eat everyday morning, dinner, lunch or just when ever you want.
I really miss nsima because here its very expensive and you can’t even afford eating it everyday because its just too expensive :(
actually tonight I think I will cook some with nsima :)

OpryLeigh's avatar

Probably Italian on a regular basis but for a treat I love a good Chinese or Indian.

partyparty's avatar

I love Indian food. Not too hot though
@meiosis I make jam roly poly on a regular basis – with my home made jam… lots of different varieties.

SamIAm's avatar

Yumm… I don’t think I have just one. Since moving to California, I have grown to LOVE Mexican food (even more than before). But traditionally, I LOVE Japanese (Hibachi in particular), Thai, and I’ve been enjoying Pho lately.

JLeslie's avatar

I wonder if to people outside of the US American food even enters their thought process as ethnic? I doubt it, but it is curious.

lillycoyote's avatar

@Jude I tried Ethopian food once. I thought it was ok but I didn’t like the bread. At least I think it was Ethopian, it was a long time ago. Don’t they make a sort soft, spongy, greyish bread? I didn’t care for it.

Kardamom's avatar

@lillycoyote Ethiopian bread is called injera. It tastes similar to sourdough bread, but has the consistency of a spongy pancake. I love Ethiopian food, but I would prefer to eat it without the injera. But the injera is actually used to pick up the food, as Ethiopian food is traditionally served without utensiles.

@lillycoyote What would be considered US American food? Maybe southern barbecue or grilled cheese sandwiches with American Cheese (which isn’t really cheese) or hamburgers or potato salad (but even the last 2 have German heritages)? Macaroni and cheese? Baked beans? I think corn would fit the bill as it was introduced to the Pilgrims by the native Americans.

JustJessica's avatar

@Samantha_Rae I’m originally from San Diego. Cali has the best Mexican food, besides Mexico that is!

JLeslie's avatar

@JustJessica A Mexican place we go to here in Memphis has a sign that reads something like “all of you from California, Texas and other border states don’t tell us how the food is supposed to be prepared, that is not real Mexican food where you live. And, no, we will not put cheease on a taco.” LMFAO! The owner has little signs all pver theplace, it is hysterical. He has another sign that says we take time with each of our customers and if you are in a rush come back another time. The guy is too much. The food is super good. It is like the real deal. My husband grew up in Mexico City.

JustJessica's avatar

@JLeslie I must like Tijuana food then.

JLeslie's avatar

@JustJessica Hahaha. I am not saying the Mexican food in Cali and Texas isn’t good. And of course there are places in Cali that have the real deal. If we can get the real deal in Memphis, I am sure you can get it in Cali. I just find that guy so funny. His son went to the same high school my husband did by coincidence.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Filipino and Thai. Vietnamese comes close.

wundayatta's avatar

Indian for me, too. But I like most of the others I’ve eaten, too. The only one I’m not so fond of is West African food.

incendiary_dan's avatar

@wundayatta Really? I’ve only had West African food once (Senegalese) but it was great.

stratman37's avatar

Oh, I thought you meant which one dish… I love Baklava.

JLeslie's avatar

@stratman37 I love baklava, but I think of it as dessert not food. But, I guess dessert is food.

Kardamom's avatar

ooops I was trying to refer to @JLeslie about American Food.

Rarebear's avatar

Jewish deli. My favorite sandwich as a kid was chopped liver and cow tongue. No joke.

JLeslie's avatar

@Kardamom I agree with what you wrote, maybe BBQ? I once had an Australian who asked me what is considered typical American food, and I said we specialize in everyone elses cuisine. In a way pizza, hamburgers, hotdogs, are American, even if they might have started in other countries, we are probably more known for those things, at least made in our Americanized way.

@Rarebear Blech. I never was fond of tongue or gahakte leber, but I gave you a GA.

Rarebear's avatar

@JLeslie Sometimes I’ll order it just to gross my wife out.

JLeslie's avatar

@Rarebear Hahaha. Sounds like a good reason. My mom liked both tongue and chopped liver. I swear Jews are their own worst enemies, that food will give you a heart attack. If I am going to die with you in the deli it will be pastrami on rye with deli mustard and a Dr. Brown’s cream soda. Oh, and a mini black and white at the end. Gawd, I live in Memphis, nothing like that here. Not that is decent anyway.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Tongue and liver are very high in necessary B vitamins. :)

Rarebear's avatar

mmmmmm…..Dr. Brown’s Cream Soda….....mmmmmmmmmmm

JLeslie's avatar

@incendiary_dan And the liver has very high iron, which I need need, but the cholesterol is unbelievable. Meanwhile, yuck. I hate liver.

sakura's avatar

I love sushi nori and lurve home made samosas and naan bread oooo and Ken’s Chinese chicken fried rice. To be honest I’m just a bit greedy!!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Definitely Indian food and specifically masala type curry dishes.

stardust's avatar

Indian, Thai, Mexican and Chinese are some of my favourites.
The hotter the better.

jca's avatar

It’s funny because I see someone put “Italian” and that’s ethnic but I think of it as not ethnic.

I love Mexican food.

I love Indian food (Indian buffets are the best, including their bread, nan, and their rice pudding which is made with cardamom).

I love moussaka (Greek, very similar in structure to lasagna, but different ingredients).

JLeslie's avatar

@jca Because we eat so much Italian food in America.

I love moussaka also. Yummy.

filmfann's avatar

Chinese food! Sweet and Sour Pork is da bomb.

faye's avatar

I love Mexican food!

jca's avatar

@JLeslie: I am somewhat of a moussaka connoisseur and the Hastings Diner makes it best!

JLeslie's avatar

@jca Has the diner been there forever? I don’t remember a diner. I only remember Larry’s pizza parlor.

jca's avatar

yes the Center Diner – 4-ever. I used to go there when I was 13, so that’s forever! next to Hastings Stationery, next to the aisle that leads to the parking lot.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca I have to tell my parents. They will jog my memory I am sure.

jca's avatar

About four storefronts from the corner of Main.

stratman37's avatar

@JLeslie – sometimes dessert is entree for me!

Schroedes13's avatar


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