Why do products made/manufactured in Canada, always seem to be of better quallity and taste?
I bought frozen waffles at WalMart and a package of cookies at Everythings A Dollar. Both were made in Canada. Both products are superb in every way and the price is right. Question: is it just me or do all products, made in Canada, just seem to have a better quality and taste compared to products made in the U.S.A.?
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11 Answers
Less capitalism?
A lot of products, in fact most of them, are cheap raw materials disguised as something of value. This is something I learned from a few jobs I have had, we would take $100 of sheet metal, $20 of plastic bits and pieces, and $10 of MDMF “wood” and turn it in to an $800 product. The same on many construction sites, and such.
The more money motivates you, the more you look for cutbacks and savings, the more quality suffers. It does not mean that you are perhaps less proud of your work, or have a bad work ethic if you produce cheap things, but quality will suffer if you cut costs too much. lets face it, if we had to name the most money motivated country in the world, USA would be it, if not in the top 3.
As for taste, I would say thats subjective and you just personally like their products more. Others could very well hate them.
They always use Grade “Eh?” ingredients.
I reckon it’s all lot a little bit of maple syrup in it.
Maple syrup makes everything taste better!
I disagree. I once bought a big box of honey granola that was ‘the right price’. It was a giant box, like 2 or 3 pounds, and it proudly proclaimed it was a product of Canada. It sucked. It was all oats and I felt like a horse, eating it. No clusters, no nuts, just barely sweetened oats. It also gave me terrible heartburn. (Yeah, it was the oats)
Because we’re awesome. Eh.
Damn you Canadians and your heartburn granola.
@thorninmud LOL!
And there is always at leats %5 baby seal in our products
so ashamed of the seal thing
Simple answer. Made in Canada. That is all! :P
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