How have your kids been... lately?
Asked by
seazen (
January 31st, 2011
Perhaps this could be a moment to reflect upon how they are doing – how is your relationship with them – what are you proud of and least proud of, lately…
My daughter will be 19 and I’m feeling old. We had a nice chat and her kiss on the cheek was worth a million bucks. Prior to this – our relationship had been a bit strained of late. So it was a welcome change for the better.
You, dear jelly?
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I am finding my children rather challenging at the moment. They are arguing with one another more then usual and it comes to blows more often then I would like. Don’t get me wrong, they aren’t pounding each other or anything, shoves are about as intense as it gets, but I am still not a fan of them putting their hands on each other. Perhaps it is because of the weather and all of us suffering from major cases of cabin fever. Another snow day tomorrow. Or maybe it is because they know I am getting married soon and they are nervous about how this will impact them. Or maybe it is because two of the three are perched on the verge of adolescence and are starting to test the boundaries of what is and isn’t ok. Anyway, I love them like crazy and so far have not felt compelled to give any of them cold showers or force feed them hot sauce so all in all I can’t complain too much.
Mine are fine. One is working and likes her job, the other is re-evaluating her education options, and is at a crossroads with friends. I try to stay out of their business unless asked. The youngest is a real kind, sensitive person, and as a result, gets taken advantage of by people.
Every relationship will thrive on open communication, so the more, the better.
My son just had a piano recital and everyone went apeshit over his performance. Now he’s really into these new pieces, and his teacher gave him a piece (a Bach Invention) that should help him learn to read music. He really hates reading music (not so fond of reading words, either, but he does it).
He is such a sweet and considerate child with an obsession with smart phones and tablet computers. The other day, out of nowhere, he said he was going down to the kitchen to get something to drink and did I want something. Whoa! Where did that come from? He still thinks that “good manners” at the dinner table are worth the air vibrations that carry the words, but it seems there is hope.
My daughter is so funny. She hides in her room, either studying or chatting with friends on Facebook. She must be studying because she is doing quite well. But she also says she is bored (even with AP and honors classes galore), and hopes for as many snow days as possible. It’s a bit worrying that she’s bored. I guess that’s the difference between private and public schools, even though this one is the best public high school in one of the ten largest cities in the country.
So she comes downstairs, my power student, and all of a sudden she is a giddy little girl jumping into my arms or dancing around with legs wobbling and arms akimbo in a way I can’t even begin to describe. Then she tries to tickle me. Funny girl.
I think they’re both doing pretty well. I’m grateful, anyway, that we do have these moments of grace, where we really can’t complain, before new problems arise to be dealt with.
@seazen Glad for your kiss on the cheek.
Mine has been going wonderful as it always has been. Being a single parent effectively 24×7 since day one has created an incredible bond. I have always enjoyed an amazing relationship with a daughter who is becoming a very independent girl.
I have also had the pleasure of a work from home career for many years which has allowed myself and her to be active in her private school, music, sports, life.
I do miss the nightly reading at bedtime that we enjoyed from birth till about age 8, but everynow and then she calls me in to read some to me and asks me to read at times too. I am most proud of her recent report card and working through a tough 5th grade year. I am also proud of her working through the fear of going snowboarding with the school club (which was a question I posted here 5 weeks ago to get advice). I am always proud when other parents tell me how she acts when she is at their house for playdates with friends. I will savor every moment as I know this will not always be like this especially as the teen years hit. But I will continue to laugh and joy and tearn and learn and share respect for each other as she grows.
I feel blessed as when I reflect on what I may be least proud of is all “small stuff” and I don’t sweat the small stuff.
I still get a nightly hug and kiss on the cheek and I love you dad from her. The morning school drop-offs share the same sentiment, but in a little more hurried pace.
Bottom line I wouldn’t miss a moment of it as I know it flies by.
My kids are doing great (if you don’t count the flu). My oldest is 16 and he’s in drivers ed (that scares the crap out of me). He is very bright, and such a caring young man who is very in touch with his feelings. I’m so proud to be his mommy. I’ve been very lucky (or maybe I’ve done a good job) because when I was his age I already had him, and was well on my with my addiction.
My youngest he is almost 13 (my little star) He has so much charisma, and energy that he’s bursting at the seams! He has always been way ahead of his time, his teachers call both to tell me how smart he is and that they love him being a part of their classes is and how he never stops talking and loves being the center of attention (I have no idea where he got that from). I’m very proud to be his mommy too.
All in all I have a great relationship with both of my kids. My door is always open and they know that. They are both affectionate and still love on their mommy everyday (I love that). I wouldn’t trade them for the world!
My 2 adult daughters are living with me because of work and student loan issues. It’s very helpful mostly. My son is happily married and turning 30 this year- my oldest. Talk about feeling old @seazen!
Thriving is the best way I can describe them. My baby will be 1 in less than a month! I can’t believe it :( He is cruising, and a speed demon at walking. He is starting to let go of me more, but still very attached. I’m not ready to let go of the baby stage, but I do find myself frustrated when I can’t do things because of the baby on my hip.
My oldest, 3.5, is going stir crazy. Stupid snow. I can’t stand winter because there is nothing to do…we used to do a lot of museums and the zoo, when it was just me and him. I often wonder if he remembers when it was just us. He was my little buddy and we were never apart, and he’s had to share me for the past 11 months. He still acts out because of it. We’re working on that.
I have 2 great boys and the oldest is at that time in life where GF’s who can’t make up their minds and friends who shift allegiances at the drop of a hat is giving him pause to reflect on what is meaningful to his young life. The harder part is his younger brother who wants to protect his older brother from those trying times…he is very protective of his older brother.
My daughter is 15 and despite the rocky past couple of years we have had she is doing great.
She is kind considerate, respectful and will give the shirt off of her back to anyone.
She obeys any rules set to her and does not get in any kind of trouble. For a 15yr old the biggest worry I’ve had is getting her to clean her room. She is a book worm, she is very quiet, and even though she is 15 I can see the face of a child. The roughest time for us was when she was age 3–12 the longest terrible 2’s I have ever experienced! As she would always try to push every button if she couldnt have things her way. She is now waiting until April as she’s getting itchy to learn how to drive, of course I own a brand new manual car so I told her she has to get in car classes with experience in a manual car other than mine! LOL. She said she is just going to learn on my mothers car. Ok I just inadvertently saved myself from having to have my car borrowed all the time…sweet for me yeehaw!
So anyway she is in the best and hardest to get into highschool which she had to write a 500 page essay to get in, she was the only one in her public school to be accepted, and she handed it in late. She is pulling an 86% average.
She is in air cadets and is the highest ranking cpl. in her squadron which will help her exceed to gain her pilot license when she is ready and should be paid for, of which she is extremely excited.
I’m happy to say our relationship is very good we were playing the board game “Life” tonite..she won.
My daughters are wonderful. They are becoming independent – beautiful young women and we are becoming closer and closer because we can now talk and relate to each other as adults. My son…. aah… he is still challenging! I think this is fairly normal for teenage boys though. He knows everything and his whole life revolves around his friends. As my friend says… this too will pass…
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