I’m going to take an unpopular position here. You need to shore up your performance in addition to standing up against someone else’s poor behavior.
Now I don’t know the moral or conscious make up of your boss and I’m not saying you’re not justified in standing up for something that’s right, but….
Do you suppose your creating a catch 22 for yourself?
To quote you “Some days I’m all geared up to take this man down and the next I just want to give up.” So what I’m hearing is you’re in one of two modes at work, subversion or apathy. In response to this any boss, regardless of right or wrong would have the wagons circled and guns loaded. Do you suppose he senses you want to take him down and how do you suppose that affects his behavior and attitude towards you?
I know that sounds harsh, but I am a boss and am dealing with an employee that performs in such a cavalier disregard for appropriate work behavior that I am in the opposite position from you. I have to document everything she is doing wrong so that if she can’t get her act together, I have documented why I will have to ask her to leave. Most days her sense of entitlement precedes any commitment to her responsibilities. I’m sure I have not played this out perfect but I’m struggling with wanting to see it work out, I’m trying to be loyal to my commitment to her as an employer.
Your post is void of any reasoning of what you might be doing or not doing to feed into this conflict. Only a, I’m going to take him down attitude. If he is a cruel unjust person, than more power to you, but if this more of a personality conflict than an, “I want to take him down” attitude, only exacerbates the issues.
Let me project your accusations into my situation as if it were my employee making them to me.
Impossible work load:
She often leaves early and spends an excessive amount of time socializing, so maybe the work load is too much or maybe not but we won’t know till an appropriate amount of effort is put forth.
The sideways remarks:
I am also highly frustrated with the issues between us and vent in the wrong way. I shouldn’t be doing this.
PLEASE understand, I am not justifying your boss’s behavior, but there are often two justifiable sides to every situation and I am suggesting you take a long hard look at what you might be falling short on in addition to standing up against what is wrong.