Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What question have you not asked on Fluther, because you thought it was too dumb or silly?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37808points) February 1st, 2011

What have you wondered about, started to ask the question, and then slapped yourself on the forehead thinking it was just stupid?

Are there really no stupid question?

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27 Answers

ucme's avatar

Yeah, What name can I give my cactus? I felt such a prick I thought better of it :¬)

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@ucme : You could call it “prick boy” or “pins and needles”.

ucme's avatar

@hawaii_jake Oh I think that ship has already sailed, remember the stealthy manner in which it was asked a while back? As it happens i’d probably name it Spike…oh no, here we go again :¬(

JilltheTooth's avatar

<eyes squeezed shut, hands over ears> LA LA LA LA LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!!!

ETA: Actually, Jake, there have been a few but I won’t say them now, either. Just. Too. Dumb.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

No, I pretty much ask whatever pops into my mind. If I ask stupid or goofy questions, it’s usually because I’m in an incredibly weird mood.

WasCy's avatar

Not that I think it’s “dumb or foolish”, but I had been thinking recently about the placebo effect that we all think that we know about. I was wondering if there’s a corollary “anti-placebo effect”, where drugs, pain relievers, etc. that should be effective won’t be, because of a mental disposition of a recipient to disbelieve in its effectiveness.

But as I started to look up “placebo effect”, it seems that there’s a lot of disagreement whether there really even is a so-called “placebo effect”. The research on the topic is quite interesting.

cockswain's avatar

@ucme Don’t you guys call it a John Thomas over there?

ucme's avatar

@cockswain Well maybe the posh boys do. You know, public school toffs. I don’t use that particular example myself though.

Prosb's avatar

Probably something along the lines of: What is a good way to focus without getting easily distracted? Before I can finish asking the question, I always . . . get . . . . . .
(Walks away to find something to eat)

downtide's avatar

All the questions I’ve not asked on Fluther have been not-asked because I was able to google the answer in a few minutes.

bunnygrl's avatar

Where can I find a pink miners helmet with little light attached for my puppy so she can continue to explore her new career in our back garden? Pink is, of course, her signature colour… even her little toy box is pink :-)

lillycoyote's avatar

I ask stupid questions, they just get modded. I once asked “Do you think elderly weebles have trouble convincing 911 operators that they haven’t just wobbled, but have actually fallen down and can’t get up?” Questions don’t get much stupider than that. It got modded, of course, I knew it would. That was before the advent of the social section but I don’t think it would make now either.

If you think some of my questions are stupid, imagine what I’ve asked that didn’t make the cut. I’m not really an asker.

ducky_dnl's avatar

I don’t think what I decided to not ask was stupid, but more on the lines of too personal. That’s why it was sent to Y!A. ;)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Is this silly enough for ya? It’s been a weird afternoon, trapped in the house because of bad weather.

wilma's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate why was that discussion closed? Was it modded? and if so why?
I don’t ask very many questions and this is why. I’m terribly insecure about being modded.
and I have never poked but I have been poked

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@wilma Ha! It’s because I spelled “consensual” wrong and they wanted me to edit it. It’s back now.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I always wanted to know why gum chewers chew gum. What is the point? I don’t get it.
There must be something to it but apparently I didn’t get the gum chewing gene.

creepermax's avatar

Why do the eyes stare after they stop breathing?

seazen's avatar

I have proved that there really are no stupid questions. I have asked about 750 and most of them are crappy. There are simply questions: some get moderated. Oh, they have made moderation mistakes… but there are simply questions: moderated and not.

ETpro's avatar

My wife says I’m forgetful. How come I don’t recall being forgetful?

Austinlad's avatar

This one! JUST KIDDING, @hawaii_jake. I’ve sometimes asked questions or made comments in the background because I thought they might me poked fun at, but after reading_some_ of the questions that have been posted, I’m confident enough to ask just about anything tose of a highly sexual nature. (I don’t have any of those, anyway.)

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen that’s been made out of wicker?

(I was inspired by a lamp I saw in a condo).

MasterAir16's avatar

Someone call 911?

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