Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Seriously, what's the most important lesson learned either growing up or maturing?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37809points) February 1st, 2011

Is it simply learning to share? Is that the lighter side of learning about the other, learning that “I’m not the only one”?

Is it learning math and arithmetic and other mindful games? or music? learning about the power of the mind?

Is it learning that mom and dad were right?

Is it learning to walk through fears?

Seriously, can life lessons be boiled down into one or a few topics?

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22 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

As cliched as it sounds wish I could do the accent, sorry my Dad was big on “Do the right thing”. It’s pretty damned good advice. The point at which I realized he was correct, was a big turning point for me.

marinelife's avatar

It depends on the individual what the most important lesson they learned was. It was whatever had the most meaning in their lives at the moment that they learned it.

For me, it was that everyone is the same underneath.

VS's avatar

For me, it was learning that you cannot change other people—you can only change your REACTION to other people that has made the biggest difference in my life.

bunnygrl's avatar

Treasure every single minute, every second you have with loved ones, never take them for granted, always make sure they know how you feel about them, because far, far too soon they’re taken from you and you’re left with a pain that is completely devasting in ways I can’t even describe.

Summum's avatar

That our lifes are empty and meaningless and that it is empty and meaningless to be empty and meaningless. It gives great freedom.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I have learned to treat others as I want to be treated and if they are not nice,pummel them into the dirt until they scream like a little girl and see things my way. XD

Actually,there are so many things but most of them boil down to treating others decently and being good to yourself

ucme's avatar

For me it’s simply to be myself & make the most out of life coz wow, does it go by quick :¬)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

What Jill and lucille said. And remember to put the toilet seat down.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

I learned that I am stingy but I do try to be giving.
I also learned that I should be thankful what all I have because there are people out there in the globe who don’t have what I have and they wish they did.
I also learned to be thankful for my step-father who I have lived with for 4 years and this is our fifth year. I have never seen my father other than when I was really young but I can’t remember him. So from now on my step-dad is my father and I am thankful for having him even though we do have our down low days.

downtide's avatar

The most important things I’ve learned:
The way to get on in life is to have respect for others.
The only way to be truly happy is to be true to yourself first.

I’ve always liked Bill and Ted’s philosophy. “Be excellent to one another, and party on, dudes.”

Sunny2's avatar

Realizing that, in the long run and span of time, your life is nothing . . . a dot . . teeniest bit you can imagine. But it’s also the most important thing to you personally. It’s all you have, so make the most of it. Be the person you want to be; the one that makes you feel good about yourself. Do the things you want to do. Learn as much as you can about the existence you are participating in. We’re all in this together.

Summum's avatar


That is perfect great statements. We are what we are and you know what/ We are what we are because we are what we are. We are our own creators and you can create anything you want to be. If like Sunny2 said you are nothing then what can there be with nothing? There can be anything and everything.

Supacase's avatar

It is okay to laugh at yourself.

MilkyWay's avatar

people who say you cant do some thing only say that judging from what they can’t do . . . dont let anything stop you from what you want to do.
time hardly heals, life is not a lesson(s) to be learnt. you just got to live it the best you can and meet it head on.

stardust's avatar

That I’ve got to be the change I want to see in the world
Life is unpredictable and nobody knows what tomorrow will bring so live in the moment

JustJessica's avatar

Learning that boys Really only want one thing, and giving it to them makes you feel worse and doesn’t make them like you anymore. A lesson I learned many moons ago but I wish I had learned it sooner.

stardust's avatar

@JustJessica Sounds like you’ve met some assholes, but there’s always exceptions. There are good guys out there :)

Matteo_of_Eld's avatar

The most important lesson you learn while growing up and maturing is that your whole life is ahead of you, and that nothing that has happened socially during your years of 13–19 (and for some people, 20, 21, 22…) actually matter. You learn that it is OK to make poor decisions; it’s what people thrive on. You learn that mom and dad were always partially right. If you’re lucky, you learn that the way to live life is to have no regrets. Always be moving towards the future. Oops, poorly thought out inspirational speech. Sorry.

JustJessica's avatar

@stardust That was in my younger days. I’ve lucked out and found the most perfect man now!!! But yes my past is littered with assholes and dicks…. After all, you know why god gave men dicks right?.... So they wouldn’t be COMPLETE assholes ! :-)

faye's avatar

The most important thing in life is kindness. I hope I taught my kids that. I know it’s almost the same as above statements. I really wish sometimes I could be a little ruthless, but, no, I just turn around and feed my ulcer!!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I believe it’s giving up of the ‘life plan’ – no matter how much we think we know or can plan for our future, it might never be that way. So it’s better to remain flexible.

mattbrowne's avatar

Making mistakes isn’t an embarrassment, it’s an opportunity.

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