What's a word you struggle to spell?
Is there a word that you struggle to spell despite seeing it the correct way 100’s of times? Why do you think you get stuck on that word?
My word is: exercise which by default I always spell excersize. I don’t know why I do it, it just feels like thats how it’s supposed to be.
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35 Answers
I have problems with words that have more than one set of double letters. I can never remember if accessible has two c’s and 2 s’s or what. Other words like sucess and necessary make me slip up, as well. English is stoopid.
One word I can never seem to get down is restaurant, restraunt or resturant. WTH is it?
I always get words with an ie and ei mixed up. Piece, etc. And for some reason I always want to write definately instead of definitely. But mostly I am a spelling nerd, have always been good at spelling. I always won the spelling bees in grade school. We had more girls than boys in the class so the teacher would even it up by putting a few girls on the boys team. The boys would always shout out to have me on their team! Nice to be popular.
Separately. I have no idea why, but this is the only word I ever have a problem with.
necesserilly did I get it right?!?!
i am horrible with typing. I tend to hit the space too soon
I’ve never struggled with spelling, but my nemesis is “definitely.” I want it to be “defenitely.” Which is definitely wrong!
I’m a spelling nerd too. It’s not my spelling but my typing that gets me into trouble.
I always have had to look up medieval.
Words with an “e” in them in one form but not another like “judge/judgment.” I’m a pretty good speller normally, but I always write “judgement.”
I’m going to say what I always say when this question crops up. Diarh…...diarr….oh shit, you know what I mean :¬)
Occasionally and recommend.
I never spell them correctly without spellcheck.
Weird always looks wierd to me.
Characteristic. I always want to add an extra h—> Charachteristic.
@tedibear @Earthgirl For help with definitely, just remember that it has the word finite within it. Problem solved.
For some reason after years of spelling it correctly without thinking I now stumble over “occasionally” I put in only one “c” and don’t know I goofed it until I put in 2 esses. Then it looks wrong so I go back.
I fear it is the first stage of senile dementia!
@anartist I struggle with double letters too. The word “committee” can cause me all sorts of problems.
Good words everyone! I recognize a few others that I struggle with in the ones that have been provided so far.
@Earthgirl I also have a hard time with IE… I comes before E except after C.. but not all the time, and it messes me up!
Licence or license We use these at different times in the UK. May be different in the USA.
@mrlaconic – i before e except after c or the sound of the “A” as in neighbor and weigh. Weird, huh?
Ceiling. I second-guess myself every time, despite the “i before e” rhyme. Also, I often have a hell of a time remembering whether things end in -ance or -ence.
i before e except after c, if the sound is ee.
Doesn’t anyone use a browser with a spell checker? I use Chrome, and it underlines any word it doesn’t like in red.
Antidisestablishmentarianism is a very long word. Can you spell it?
@flutherother great word I actually learned how to spell it in the 8th great while watching pirates of penzance
@mrlaconic Great word. Just don’t ask me what it means.
@wundayatta, I use Firefox, and its spellcheck is weird and wrong a lot of the time. I have had to add several rather common words to its dictionary.
@mattbrowne That is a cruel, cruel phobia name. It always makes me laugh. I’m horrible.
@flutherother I learned ‘antidisestablishmentarianism’ in the second grade because I was told it was the longest word in the dictionary. [28 letters] Just to show off.
I never actually said the word in a sentence. Can you?
@anartist I learned the word from my mother. ‘Antidisestablishmentarianism is a very long word. Can you spell it?’ she used to say.
I’ve always had a hard time with broccoli! Ps. I just spelled it the wrong way the first time I wrote it on here. :P
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