Are you this Jelly? The Jelly below me______ Part 8!
Asked by
AmWiser (
February 2nd, 2011
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
The Jelly below me drinks 10 cups of coffee daily
The response might be:
False! I hate coffee or,
Then they might state:
The Jelly below me has blond hair.
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Thanks to the Mods, we can continue this thread weekly until…. Happily, this is becoming the Never Ending TJBM Game. Hopefully all most Jellies will join in.
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475 Answers
The Jelly Below Me (TJMB) really miss Fluther when they are on vacation. TJ does. I’ll be home on the 14th. WooHoo!
So very true can’t wait to check the Q&A when I return home
TJBM is looking forward to warmer weather
TRUE TRUE .. . . . .TRUE
TJBM was last on the dance floor more than one year ago.
true….. far more than a year…..actually I think it’s been something like 15 or 16 years, how sad is that? Maybe in my next life I’ll dance more….
The jelly below me is still an X Files fan…...
Nope. Watch the show maybe, once.
TJBM has given someone a lapdance.
Uhhhhh….true.—It wasn’t a paying job,though.XD
TJBM doesn’t panic over predicitions of inclement weather. ;)
Hah! I barely even look at the forecast before I leave the house most days.
TJBM Is a fan of modern architecture
False. I barely even know what qualifies.
TJBM was going to stay home today because of the weather, but didn’t.
Not because of the weather but because of the pain I have daily but I got up and come to work anyway.
TJBM Has seen a UFO.
Well I don’t know what it was, but it’s nothing anyone I have talked to has ever heard of. I lived in a mountainous area, and it was dusk. I saw a bright orange disk or circle shape (it’s been decades so I don’t remember exactly) moving along a ridge line up a mountainside. It was not silhouetted against the skyline, and there was no helicopter etc. to make such a sight.
TJBM knows sign language for the deaf.
TJBM stayed home from work cause of weather
I can never get away with that. I only live about 10 minutes walk from work so even if there’s 10 feet of snow I have to get in.
TJBM is an will donate their organs after they die so others have a chance to live.
Should I pwn Lightlyseared?? Nah!
Well, I will, for what they may be worth. I don’t need ‘em. GO AWAY @Lightlyseared
TJBM loves to play Leap Frog…damn. Missed!
False, my cane would get in the way, oooooo I’d like to though…...
TJBM loves the feel of sand between their toes…..
False, I hate the beach
TJBM loves winter and snow.
I love winter and snow…..KY has not gotten much mess, I want more.
TJBM eats canned spinach like Popeye.
Nope. Cooking spinach makes the iron unavailable to the human digestive tract. I’m not fond of cooked spinach, and see no point. I’d play Popeye with fresh spinach.
TJBM likes to watch Animal Planet, and is a fan of Myth Busters.
I love Animal Planet but have never watched Myth Busters.
TJBM loves the song The Living Years by Mike and the Mechanics.
Never heard it.
TJBM knows to keep a small stream of water running to prevent the pipes from blowing up during cold cold weather.
This jelly wishes he had
TJBM wore long underwear today
False, I am at home staying nice and warm in bed.
TJBM is doing the same, staying nice and warm in bed.
False. I have been for a long walk on the moors with my dogs I’m shattered now!
TJBM Has already planned what to have for dinner tonight
False already had it.
TJBM likes Marmite/Vegemite?
never had it
TJBM is enjoying a fun snow day
False, there is no snow day, it’s a cold day that has closed most schools
TJBM has is going to the gym today
No gym for me! The closest thing to a gym for me is getting up out of my nice warm bed today.
TJBM would feel utterly guilty about staying in bed all day. Even the that’s what they’d really rather be doing right now!
Not even a smidgen of guilt. I have my laptop, phone, dogs and Netflix in bed on a freezing day.
TJBM thinks it would be really cathartic to give some particular person a good, hard slap upside the head.
TJBM did something they shouldn’t have today.
True… but is true almost every day
TJBM can’t believe it isn’t Friday yet
Shoot man. Won’t mean much when it does come because I’ll have only worked two days at that point!
TJBM is going to make up a weekday name for that thing that we all do where it’s, like, a Wednesday but “It’s felt like a Friday all day!”
That term is “dysdiemation.”
TJBM can’t remember the last time he/she visited an art museum.
I visit the art museum at least once a month. (We have free Tuesdays)
TJBM likes art “appreciation” much better than art “criticism”
Oh yes and music appreciation too.
TJBM could kick himself/herself over something!
Yes, over many things.
TJBM has cried in the last week.
Yes this last weekend I saw many transformed and open to creating a new life for themselves.
TJBM Stubbed his/her toe this last month.
Not that I remember!
TJBM has had a dream about their dream home.
No, but I did dream about dead kittens and an albino in a yellow Fedora and a red sports coat. (reminder to self: cut back on the colds meds tonight)
TJBM is addicted to American Idol (just like me!)
False, never liked the show and can’t wait for it to be canceled.
TJBM likes Conan.
TJBM thought this was funny.
Hells yes. And I could be the star of that clip one of these days.
TJBM also appears above me at least four times in this thread.
True dat! But I go back to work tomorrow so you won’t see me so much.
TJBM thinks cell phones are a waste of good money.
Absolutely! But I can’t function without one anymore :/
TJBM heard one of their favorite songs on the radio today.
Yes I did! I love it for a very special reason
TJBM didn’t get any snow :)
False. Got 18 inches with 4 ft snow drifts. Tomorrow’s the 3rd snow day in a row for the kids.
TJBM is drinking a beer.
Not tonight, wine Virginia grapes crushed and bottled in North Carolina.
TJBM has a truck,
False, I have a kinda shitty car that I am madly in love with.
TJBM got more snow than @jonsblond today (I think we did… I know our drifts were above 5 feet)
False. Not much fall but it is cold enough that the dog’s pee freezes on contact with the patio.
TJBM thinks there’s a market for “hot vanilla” since hot chocolate is so popular
TJBM knows that car batteries can freeze.
I didn’t know they could until it happened to my dads
True. When you have one car, you do whatever you can to keep it running.
TJBM watches The Weather Channel at least once a day. (We do. When you work outside, you need to know what’s coming.)
I look up my weather on wunderground or glance at my home page.
TJBM has blue eyes.
False. They are green.
TJBM was once fooled by birthday cake candles that wouldn’t burn out.
No, but my Great Aunt once was. Which is harsh considering her age and lung state. What’s worse is that it was unintentional. The person who put the candles in thought they were normal candles. My family is full of fail. *Facepalm
TJBM wishes they could be with someone on the other side of their country right now.
Definitely….in the mood for some california Love with just about anybody!!
TJBM loves Snoop Dogg!!
False. If you said Snoopy, then true
TJBM loves Woodstock (Snoopy’s little yellow bird friend)
Woodstock is a rockin’ dude, although I’d have to say my favorite is Linus.
TJBM isn’t afraid to get a little muddy.
I am not afraid to get muddy at all! Just thinking about it makes me giggle! XD
TJBM has a family member in the military.
TJBM has seen Avenue Q
False never heard of it (is that a good thing?)
TJBM can’t wait for the weekend to arrive?
False. I work weekends makes no difference to me.
TJBM adores Dunkin Donuts
I havn’t had a donut in probably 10 years, maybe longer, I honestly can’t remember the last time, the closet I have come to donuts is a cinnamon roll. lol
TJBM likes doing yard work.
False. I despise yard work. I’ve seriously considered paving my yard.
TJBM suffers from lower back pain.
False. Mine is upper back and neck and shoulders, where all my tension and slouchy posture goes. lol
TJBM is enjoying spring like weather.
Maybe…? If 40mph winds and 50 degree weather count for spring then yes…? It’s normally sunny and 90 degrees out.
(@jazmina88 thar’s so funny because I’m in california wanting to be on the other side right now…? twilight zone music plays)
TJBM is putting off their essay due in two hours… D:
False. Not taking any classes right now.
TJBM is going to have a busy day today.
Picking up my daughter at noon for a major girl day, shopping, etc.
Fun, fun, fun!
TJBM needs a haircut.
False. Just got mine cut last week.
TJBM recently went swimming.
Kinda. I float in my hot tub. lol
TJBM buys lots of beauty products.
False I’m still not in touch with my feminine side
TJBM has never been in trouble with the law.
Does a speeding ticket count?
TJBM has been craving for a donut all day.
TJBM has adopted an animal from a shelter
True. My orange kitty named Clyde.
TJBM has exercised today.
That reminds me of “The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions, running down their friends, side-stepping responsibility, and pushing their luck!” ~Author Unknown
TJBM lives less than three miles from their city center
Well, I live on a pretty small Air Force base, so that’s probably true.
TJBM usually drives at least one mile per hour over the speed limit.
@cprevite, have you consider replacing your yard with rocks, sand and fake grass instead of paving it?
True. At LEAST. I’m a bit of a Mario Andretti in drag. I know my car well, it’s fast, it handles well and it’s very forgiving. ;-)
TJBM recycles their DVD’s at Dimple records. Woo hoo, I have 50 DVD’s to trade in today.
I’ve never heard of Dimple Records.
The jelly below me is ecstatic to see Coloma is back!
False, she smells. ~
TJBM once ate a bug… on purpose.
Only forcefully, as in riding my bike at 30 mph and hitting a swarm that is propelled into my mouth.
@erichw1504 What do I smell LIKE? lol
TJBM has Fred Flintstone feet.
Since we’re talking about feet,
TJBM has or knows somebody who has hobbit feet.
Nope. But I bet if I looked I could find some at a costume shop.
TJBM has a big nose.
False. Average size, but, has a bump from being broken by a horse slamming it’s head into my face.
TJBM is thinking of what to have for dinner tonight.
Correct, looks like big salad will find out later.
TJBM is really – really – REALLY glad to see @Coloma back.
Oh I AM!!!!! Hi @Coloma
TJBM thinks it’s odd that I spent the morning fixing a hole in someones stomach with a tube of superglue.
Not I have done dolly repair before.
TJBM will carry-on while I’m out getting salad stuff. ^ ^ ^
That depends, are you still out getting salad stuff?
TJBM is getting sick of snow
False. We have had 2 weeks of ‘spring’ over this way, I don’t want to put my sandles away yet. I’m a sunshine kinda girl.
TJBM has been to Sedona Arizona.
False, the farthest West I have been is St. Louis.
TJBM has driven a hybrid car before.
False. My daughter had one, and my next door neighbor still does.
TJBM thinks anything east of Denver is “Back East” I do.
Close: for me that longitudinal dividing line is near St. Louis, MO and/or the Mississippi.
TJBM knows what determines whether the letters of a radio or TV station start with “W” or “K”.
yep…look left and right while on the mississippi
TJBM needs some sleep
Nooo,why try something new? XD
TJBM owns a sled
Nope- the one in my avatar is a rental.
TJBM has worn crampons.
I have not. I’ve gone winter camping though.
TJBM has gone winter camping too.
False, I won’t even go camping during the summer.
TJBM has some type of food allergy.
yes, i recently found an issue with walnut oils after having a great Waldorf Salad
TJBM is relaxing nicely on this evening/morning
@snowberry i love winter camping. even if it is 5 star hotel camping :)
A good day and now home, a wee bit high, and hot tub is gettin’ hotter. ;-)
TJBM has broken a finger.
True. When I was ten I cracked my finger trying to make a tent in my friend’s back yard by pounding a tent pole into the ground with a rock. I got my finger between the end of the pole and the rock I was using to pound it into the ground. Ouch.
At the house of TJBM everyone has gone to bed but them (and now I’m off to bed too).
False it’s not even 9 yet.
Though I’m about to finally kick my fiancé out of bed because he has to work tonight.
TJBM has a vivid imagination.
yes…so very vivid and flowing imagination
TJBM is also a night owl
Can be a night owl and an early bird, I have become a weird sort of bird, a cross between an owl and early bird. Messed up.
TJBM is expecting this game to go into PART 200!
I will when it gets to part 199.
TJBM has not disabled the geo tag setting on their smart phone.
True because I have never heard of it.I had to look it up
TJBM is thinking about having a midnight snack.
False as it is now midday.
TJBM loves gadgets.
True. And I wish I had the money to buy more!
TJBM didn’t want to get out of bed this morning.
Stayed in bed till 6:45 when the cats started jumping on me to get up and open the Friskies.
TJBM is having company for the weekend.
TRUE! How did you know…..
TJBM has sleep still in there eyes
It was a projection because I am having company too! haha
Just woke up about 30 minutes ago and everything is still foggy.
TJBM has a hole in their sock.
False. Once I get a hole in my sock I throw it out.
TJBM has their own website.
False. But..I am opening an online shop by March 1. to sell retro clothing & various other 60’s & 70’s items.
TJBM cuts their own firewood.
False. Though I would rather do that than deal with my dinky gas fireplace.
TJBM loves breakfast burritos
TJBM must have caffeine in the morning in order to function.
NO, but it sure brings me out of a zombie mode quicker.
TJBM has a tattoo that not everyone knows about.
False. I do, but everyone I know knows about it.
TJBM can’t wait for Spring.
It’s been a mock spring for the last two weeks in the Sierra foothills.
Average temps around 64 degrees and massive sunshine, I have been so active, but want lots more rain and snow for my corner of the planet.
TJBM is hankerin’ for an out of the county jaunt.
Absolutely! I need someone who is far away.
TJBM loves the aftertaste of bittersweet chocolate
Meh… false-ish
I am a Milk chocolate lover for the most part.
TJBM is saying TGIF!
TJBM is going or has gone out for dinner tonight.
True! I just returned from a pizza place that has THE best pizza I’ve ever had. Aurelio’s Pizza. If you haven’t tried it, you need to. I will never eat at Monical’s ever again.
TJBM is looking forward to the return of Pee-Wee Herman.
Not if I have to wear that Red Bow Tie ! ! !
TJBM has a feather pillow.
I have hypoallergenic synthetic pillow stuffer stuff.
Shush…the geese might be listening!
TJBM likes to roast marshmallows over bonfires.
False. I’m not the biggest fan of marshmallows.
TJBM knows how to put make-up on properly.
False. I wouldn’t even know where to begin.
TJBM likes really hot chilies like Naga Vipers.
I’ve never tasted them, but I do like really hot food (as in spicy). Sadly, where we used to live I’d say that, and someone would say, “Here honey, let me warm that up for you in the microwave.”
For me it’s the hotter the better.
TJBM has a fully stocked freezer.
Down to 2 fillets of salmon, a bag of frozen shrimp and some frozen veggies.
TJBM needs to have a talk with someone who is pissing them off lately. ( projection, lol )
Probably, but I keep walking away from the mirror.
TJBM likes to sing along with the movie Grease
@Blueroses, hah, very good, indeed!
I do sing in my garage a lot though, the acoustics are great. haha
TJBM loves raw red bell peppers
YES, YES, oh YES….
TJBM still loves watching Saturday morning Cartoons
I would if I could find any. They don’t seem to exist anymore.
TJBM ate something yellow today.
Not yet!
TJBM is looking forward to a mellow Saturday kicking around the house.
Nope, heading into Boston for a fun day of non relaxing.
TJBM is planning a spring vacation
Possibly. Either a road trip to Yellowstone or maybe another asian excursion in the fall. Dunno yet.
TJBM likes to go to yard sales.
Eh…. in my experience, yard sales happen in the morning, and I’m very much an afternoon kinda guy….
TJBM needs to read more Douglas Adams
False. I’ve read it all and played Starship Titanic several times
TJBM can think of a justification for drinking beer before 11 am
Not before 11 am!!!! But before 3:00 p.m….occasionally.
TJBM is pondering what they’d like to have for breakfast.
Since it’s well into the afternoon, it’s unlikely I’ll be having breakfast today. I have already eaten though.
TJBM is does not like fake whipped cream like Cream Whip. They prefer the real stuff.
@Blueroses Sometimes I love being wrong :D
I’m not sure what you mean by “fake”, but I’ll take homemade over store-bought any day!
TJBM prefers short sleeves
Doesn’t matter to me as long as it looks good!
TJBM has had an epiphany lately.
I’ve caught on to some manipulations in a relationship recently.
TJBM is still in the PJ’s
False. Got up early and took a relative to the airport.
TJBM hates houseplants.
I am very good with outdoor plants but not houseplants.
TJBM has a gardener
Nope. Well, sort of. I live in a development that hires a landscaping company to cut the grass and take care of the shrubs. They don’t do that great of a job, and if I were paying them, I’d have fired them.
TJBM likes junk food.
I do like junk food but I avoid eating it, and I don’t have it lying around the house.
TJBM thinks up TJBM questions left and right when they’re away from Fluther, but TJBM’s mind goes blank when he or she is ON fluther!
True, I thought I was the only one having that memory issue.
TJBM woke up to more snow today.
I woke up 20 minutes ago to snow and it’s still falling
False, it’s raining here with high winds.
TJBM is doing laundry as they fluther.
My space is in order and it’s an amazing day, pushing 70, breezes, bliss out. I am building a fire on my deck right now to enjoy the sunset.
TJBM is thinking of take out tonight.
Already got pizza! Chicken bacon ranch… freakin’ delicious!
TJBM did something positive for another human being today.
UM…I encouraged my neighbor and told her a joke.
TJBM does not like carbonated drinks.
False. I do so enjoy sparkling cider
TJBM is multilingual
Not so you’d notice.
TJBM is a fan of old time movies.
How old @snowberry? We’re watching “Phenomenon” with John Whats-His-Face, Warthog, Travolta which I picked out at the movie rental place. And it’s odd that you asked that question because as I was picking out movies at the rental place I thought I need to ask “Let’s pretend you can only rent one movie. Would you be more likely to pick an old movie that you know is good, but haven’t seen in many years, or take your chances on new release?” And there. My question is all written out so now I shall just copy and paste!
TJBM is clairvoyant.
Fa… No, umm… * Looks up clairvoyant in dictionary *
TJBM does know what “clairvoyant” means.
And I am not. lol
TJBM is enjoying nice weather this weekend
True. Low 30’s with 2 feet of snow on the ground. It’s how I like it. :)
TJBM is looking forward to the Super Bowl tomorrow.
True, and that’s partly because I’m going to try setting up my new, 37” Samsung flat screen tonight.
TJBM has a snow blower.
False I live in an apartment complex so the maintanance guys clear the sidewalk.
TJBM is going to have a superbowl party tomorrow
Not me. I’m not a sports fan. But maybe the family is.
TJBM has a family member who recently had some sort of surgery.
Yes, step-daughter.
TJBM wishes they paid more attention to “Western Civilization” in school.
Not really. I took a Western Civ class in High school and although I only got C’s in the class, I really enjoyed it. However I never had a desire to continue that line of study in college.
TJBM is planning on going to church tomorrow.
I am.
TJBM has trouble sleeping most nights.
Used to be true. Now I “medicate” at night, and all is well =)
TJBM has accomplished something big this year already!
True, I quit smoking today is my one month anniversary for being smoke free.
TJBM has had a couple adult beverages tonight.
False. I don’t drink. well, maybe two beers a year
TJBM still has a toy or stuffed animal from their childhood.
True, I do it’s a teddy bear it’s stays on my bed too.
TJBM hasn’t fallen asleep yet.
I haven’t fallen asleep yet I’m still up
Just woke up actually. It’s 12:13pm and drizzly in Dublin today.
TJBM plays a wind instrument
I used to play the trombone.
TJBM hates conspiracies.
Have you seen one, tell the TV network!
TJBM Has more than 3 siblings.
I am the only child of an only child and I have an only child.
A long and distinguished history of only children in my family. lol
TJBM had an amazing sunset in their zone yesterday
FALSE…Was in rain and freezing rain blahhhhh
TJBM has swam with sharks
I walked by a shark tank one time when I was in Boston, does that count? :-)
TJBM will be at a superbowl party and rooting for the Steelers.
False– The only part of the Superbowl I can about is the commercials
TJBM is enjoying the warmer weather today.
False, it’s snowing
TJBM is has some big news today
I bought a brand new, 60 inch TV!!! That’s big news for me…
The jelly below me doesn’t want kids.
I don’t want kids at the moment. I may change my mind later on in life… I have no clue what I’m even eating for dinner tonight. I can’t plan that far ahead yet.
TJBM would like to swim in a pool filled with gelatin.
@kenmc Thinking of swimming in anything besides a hot tub right now gives me chills! Have you been outside lately??!!
TJBM will be making 7 layer dip today.
I am working for my boss who is having a Super Bowl party. me? I could care less. Havn’t watched a Super Bowl since about 1990. lol
TJBM lives in Ug boots all winter
Truish- boots and houseshoes that are similar to Uggs.
The jelly below me will order pizza and hot wings during the Super Bowl this afternoon.
False. We are making our own food. Various dips, quesadillas and a big pot of chili. Can’t wait. The house is starting to smell sooo good.
TJBM has never had good food or service at Crapplebees Applebees.
I can’t remember ever eating at Applebees….
TJBM makes a mean oyster soup.
I would if I could but I can’t so I don’t…
TJBM always eats all of their vegetables.
Lately I am addicted to the ultra tiny baby carrots with red wine vinagerette.
I think my skin is turning orange.
TJBM is feeling really good today
False, I have only gotten a couple hours sleep, my ears are ringing, and my head feels like its on a string.
TJBM is so hyped up on caffeine, that they are bouncing across the room
Let me finish this latte and get back to you on that one.
TJBM enjoys tent camping.
True. Our last vacation was tent camping in the Rockies. The people that went with us slept in their RV’s. pussies :P
TJBM is longing for a good pillow fight.
But..I do enjoy a good squirt gun fight.
TJBM is BBQing right now
No…watching a moronic half time show. I’d rather be BBQing. I DID make a 7 layer dip that’s good, though!
TJBM doesn’t even like foot ball but he or she is bummed out at the moment because of it.
Absolutely. That half time show had my family alternately covering their eyes, making fun of it, and laughing.
TJBM’s shoe size is 9.
False, size 5½ or 6.
TJBM has facial hair.
False! I finally got rid of it a couple hours ago.
TJBM is familiar with the “Lake Wobegon Effect”.
Absolutely, and we buy into it wholeheartedly!
TJBM has a pet that plays in a weird way. Our dog flips on her back to expose her tender underbelly, and FIGHTS FOR HER LIFE!
LOL! My Dutchess Dawg gets into food fights…with her food! She’ll get a piece of food out of the bowl, trot into the living room with it, toss it away and….the fight is on!
TJBM knows that, although after the win the Green Bay guy said, “All to God,” God was for the Steelers.
I didn’t even know who was playing, such is my sheltered life. haha
TJBM always burns the popcorn
@Dutchess lll
Who me? lol
Nope. Mostly I don’t fix popcorn, and it’s been a long time since I burned any.
TJBM has a relative in law enforcement.
Brother-in-law is a State Trooper in Vermont.
TJBM Has traveled to more than seven foreign countries.
True. I’ve been to 8 (Canada, Mexico, Italy, France, Belgium, Switzerland,China, England)
TJBM needs to update their Passport.
False. I don’t even have a passport.I think the USA has much to offer, though I wouldn’t turn down an all expense paid trip to Germany. :)
TJBM has a bad habit of biting the inside of their cheek.
No. It sort of happens all by itself. Ouch!
TJBM works at night.
False, my fiancé does though
TJBM never gave the game today a thought.
I didn’t I was reading
False. My husband has been a Packer fan since he was a young child. We have a Packer’s mailbox. Big deal for us.
TJBM hates chocolate.
Hate would be a bit strong, but I never seek it out. One bite every couple/few months is enough for me.
TJBM would rather watch a drag queen competition than a gridiron contest.
Are you kidding? I’m all about Football.
TJBM is also starting the day with an herbal tea.
Nope… Coffee for me. AND I’m watching the Superbowl because I had to tape it. It came on 23.30 my time and I wasn’t going to stay up all night to watch it. I’m a Cheesehead in my heart.
TJBM would rather live in an old, small house with a view, than a big mansion with all the mod-cons in a suburban cul-de-sac.
Sure! As long as it isn’t a money pit.
TJBM is a fan of QVC and other channels dedicated to selling stuff.
False – I can’t stand them!
TJBM is not as fit as they wish.
Unfortunately true, but I’m certainly making progress.
TJBM has a secret love of parsnips
True. My terrible secret is exposed!
TJBM wishes they could take a jet-pack to work every day.
Yes,and I work out of my house. XD
TJBM has an aquarium.
Not at this time, but boy….I often think about how cool it would be to have a large aquarium built into the wall! But…maybe too much work me thinks.
TJBM gets frustrated with procrastinators.
True. Especially when it’s someone who has borrowed something from you and you have to go and collect your own thing. Grrr.
TJBM is on a diet
Well, yes. And have been for 20 years. I don’t even have to think about it any more.
TJBM spends money they don’t have…but on important things.
Sure. Robbing Peter to pay Paul has been my life for some time noe.
TJBM reads comic books.
I have a hilarious Calvin and Hobbes book but that’s about it!
TJBM enjoys Calvin and Hobbes too.
Absolutely! Far Side too.
TJBM has a list of funny sites they like to visit. Here’s one of my favorites:
Sadly no, I depend on these – Thank you
TJBM is addicted to M&M’s
Love calvin & Hobbs, Bloom County, Far Side, Opus
Kinda…I LOVE the Almond M&M’s and so does my ass. lol
TJBM needs to take their car in for an oil change ( projection )
Bloom County rules!!
Actually yes. The light’s been on on my dash for about two weeks now.
TJBM likes butter and jelly on their toast.
False. I eat peanut butter toast every morning since 2nd grade. I love Calvin and Hobbs, Bloom County and Opus.
TJBM has been thinking of having a will drawn up.
Yeah, I do need to do that. Wouldn’t want the gobment to get my $220.
TJBM prefers to do his or her own construction work.
False, I can barely hang up my own pictures.
TJBM was not impressed by the Super Bowl halftime show.
was not impressed by the game, commercials, half time, etc
TJBM is enjoying tea time
False, I usually don’t do tea.
TJBM is hungry.
But, fasting for most of the day after eating a giant bag of kettle corn last night watching a movie. V-8 juice and radishes for lunch. haha
TJBM is re-evaluting a relationship with someone right now
False, happily married.
TJBM had a weird dream last night and want to describe it.
Nope. I have not had a dream that I can remember in ever so long. However, as a certified storyteller, I’d be happy to tell you a tall tale of my own making.
TJBM likes hyperbole and a half and if they are not, they will be after they read the latest addition.
Oh man, I love Hyperbole and a Half Alot
TJBM will think of one of their favorite inside jokes as soon as they read this.
Sure. At my house, and now at the homes of a number of friends, we all have a special security system. They’re little green army men. I have one pointing at the front door to protect us from intruders, and another two by the computer to protect us from identity theft and viruses. My daughter has one by the refrigerator to keep her on her diet…Hey, it’s awesome! We haven’t had one intruder or break-in yet!
TJBM has a healthy imagination.
TJBM has built a stone wall
I have! It was part of a Revolutionary War period reenactment.
TJBM is living outside of the United States.
Cool, I have always wanted to try to build a stone wall. :-)
TJBM has a head cold
False, but my head was cold on the way to work this morning!
TJBM works the “9 to 5”.
False. I’m on call 24/7. stay-at-home mom
TJBM has an interesting hitchhiking story to tell.
I do, but I am not sharing it here :D
TJBM knows how to properly place the silver when setting the table
I do, and I know the difference between a cake fork and an ordinary fork. But I’m old school and been around the block a few times.
TJBM has seen a UFO.
I have, it’s true. I’m not even kidding. It was actually less than a year ago. A ball of light hovered in the sky with little ones dancing around it. It drifted to the left, vanished leaving an eerie glow in the nighttime clouds, then reappeared several miles to the southwest, hovered a little more, and then vanished again, leaving that same weird cloud glow. Through binoculars the light was multicolored; kinda blueish-yellow-red.
TJBM is a native of California!
I have seen a UFO. Near Mt. Shasta Ca. in 2004
TJBM has an injury of some sort right now.
Oops, double answer
Okay, I’ll fix this..haha
False. My birth state is New Mexico
TJBM is ready to ponce on this
Oh, I’m not poncing, but I am happy to find a way back in ;-)
TJBM has won “big money” in the lottery.
True, if big money is $25.
TJBM has been to an MLB game before.
Who’s MLB?
TJBM is looking out a window with a view right now.
True and my view includes Big Ben, the houses of parliament, the london eye, St Pauls cathederal, boats on the river thames, the Tate Modern…. it’s a pretty fantastic view basically.
TJBM has abseiled from a piece of tat.
False, I have no clue what that means (and I don’t think I want to).
TJBM would like to inform what the MLB is to @Coloma.
Sure. Major League Baseball – the only pro sport I care about at all, but I prefer watching the rookie leagues. The players are still excited about the game and working hard for their jobs :)
TJBM has seen quite enough snow for one year, thank you.
Yes,,,... snow and ice. I’m pretty much blocked in with ice and had to make bread today instead of buy some at the store. But by hook or by crook, I have to get to the store tomorrow, so the 30 minute walk on shoe spikes can not be avoided.
TJBM has never ridden on a train.
True. I have ridden in a subway, but not a train yet.
TJBM has jumped off a roof before.
TJBM plays online games
False. I used to be huge into video games (back when they were taller than me and required quarters to play) – but they were a huge time suck.
When they migrated to the home computer (and later online), I vowed not to get sucked in as I’d never get any work done. So I stay away from them.
TJBM loves Jello squares.
False. Jello is squishy in my mouth. It’s a texture thing.
TJBM has owned a convertible at least once in their life. I have.
Do T-Tops count?
The jelly below me can NOT eat beans or their tummy will hurt.
It depends on the bean. My fiancé mom made dinner for us last night, it had beans in it, and I’m hurting real bad.
TJBM still has VHS tapes and a working VCR
True. I do. I have a nice collection of videos too. We mostly use it for our daughter now.
TJBM Doesn’t let rain dampen their spirits.
True. I actually love the rain. Thunderstorms even more.
TJBM can’t believe what “kids these days” are wearing.
Hell, I can’t believe what people in my own generation are wearing. What is the appeal of wearing your pants around your knees?!?
TJBM loves the heck out of yogurt
True. I have yogurt almost every day.
I’m especially fond of Yoplait Key Lime and Lemon Merangue. Mmm
TJBM has a Parakeet
False – No pets what-so-ever!
TJBM – Has a long distance friend they dearly miss.
@Coloma Oooooh, the Key Lime is my favorite!
Trueish- I have a long distance friend that I met on another question and answer site. We talk on the phone almost every day, but have never gotten to meet face to face. I guess I can’t say that I “miss” her, but I’d love to actually meet her.
The jelly below me has never exchanged numbers with someone online.
True. I would never do that, unless I knew the person.
TJBM loves bacon.
I love a BLT now & then, but I never cook a bunch of bacon just to eat bacon. I’m a grease-a-phobic. lol
TJBM has a tattoo
False. The only reason I don’t have a tattoo is because my boyfriend doesn’t like them and, although he would never try to stop me getting one, I know how strong his dislike is for them. Because of this I don’t have one. I would love one though.
TJBM has a headache right now.
I feel great!
TJBM has a lake nearby
True. We can be in the water in precisely four minutes.
The jelly below me has purchased Partylite candles.
TJBM wishes they were the jelly above me.
I’m waaay too old to be raising little ones again. Nooooooo! lol ;-)
TJBM has already had their taxes prepared
True! Did them as soon as I got my W-2.
TJBM is currently using Google Chrome.
False because I’m on my Dell Droid.
TJBM – Hates to hear people arguing.
TRUE! so very very true. A carry over from my childhood when my parents were drinking.
TJBM has never tried iceskating.
False, I’ve been a few times.
TJBM is in the mood for Chinese tonight.
False. Chinese food is all mixed together. I don’t like my food touching each other.
TJBM is seriously considering taking a nap.
False, I never take naps. Never. I always feel twice as worse as I did before one.
TJBM had a sandwich for lunch and would like to describe it for us.
False TJ just woke up. I know it’s 2:15 pm. With lots if snow outside.
TJBM would like to answer TJAM question.
True, I’ll answer my own, I had a turkey sandwich on artisan bread with Havarti cheese, lettuce, and a bit of hot sauce. Deelishus!
TJBM likes to make up random stories.
False. But you should meet my husband. Has he got a story or two for you!
TJBM wishes @erichw1504 hadn’t mentioned Chinese food because now that’s all they want.
A rousing F’ing TRUE!
Damn it, I almost stopped for Thai food on my way home a bit ago, but, I was disciplined!
TJBM is a poker player
I used to in college, but haven’t in a while.
TJBM looks younger than they really are.
False. I look my age.
TJBM would like some of my pancakes =)
I’ll leave pancakes for those who don’t get overwhelmed after 3 bites. Pancakes are: “fabulous, fabulous, fabulous, ugggh” Really, they should make a 3 bite pancake breakfast and serve it with a side of unlimited bacon.
TJBM loves new packages of socks because it means no lost laundry for a while
True, plus I love the fresh feel of them.
TJBM loves Angry Birds.
Fuck yes I do. I just got past a level that I was stuck on for days just a few minutes ago.
TJBM owns a rubber ducky.
Yup. Got me one of these bad boys.
TJBM is also looking forward to nicer weather this weekend.
True! We’re supposed to get more sleet and snow tomorrow, but this weekend it’s supposed to be in the 60’s. I can’t wait!
The jelly below me has, sadly, never known the joys of owning a sock monkey.
No. Sadly no.
TJBM would have answered @kenmc if the vowel had been different. I own a rubber d*cky
TJBM is happier than a bird with a french fry.
True – I’m like a tramp on chips!
TJBM has thought about emigrating
I almost bought a bungalow in Costa Rica a few years ago, but…too hard to transport american farm animals into the jungle. lol
TJBM woke up at 5 a.m. ( like me )
No, 5:45 AM. Both dogs wanted to go out. N O W ! ! !
TJBM bakes bread.
I used to have a bread machine and baked a lot, including special bread with chicken scratch and flax seed for my geese.
These days the little flock and I eat store bought bread. One piece for me, 3 for them….the loaves don’t last long. haha
TJBM knows how to sail a boat or catamaran
False, I wish I did, though!
TJBM recently had Déjà vu.
Gosh….and I have, but it wasn’t recent. Been a few years.
TJBM remembers the first time they experienced Deja Vu. (sp)
True. That’s a very weird sensation.
TJBM has been knocked unconscious.
You’re supposed to tell us when and where you were @Blueroses!
True, teenager and someone lobbed a rock in the air at dusk (poor visibility) knees went out from under me right to the ground.
TJBM is @Dutchess_III.
False, I am @erichw1504.
TJBM types on the keyboard without looking at it.
I fell out of the back of a moving pickup when I was 7. oofda, not a bit of breath left in my lungs
Ha ha! I’m here! I was hiding!
Yes, I type 60 WPM without looking. I wish they taught that skill in the schools. It should be a requirement.
TJBM often speaks before thinking.
Rarely. I choose my words wisely.
TJBM can rub their tummy and pat there head at the same time
I’d need to know the seconds requirement to officially conclude mastery.
TJBM ate an Orange at breakfast
TJBM can tell us the movie my avatar is referring to.
Is it ‘The Office’ ?
TJBM is enjoying mega sunshine today
Cool, but Sun is out. Temp just got up to 43 F.
TJBM sang in a choir while in school.
Not in school, but in church when I was about 9. I think they fired me. But I can still sing “We are….climbing….Jacob’s ladder…..we are….climbing….Jacob’s ladder…” if you want me to!
TJBM gets a paid day off whenever it snows!
False, I wish!
TJBM has visited Alaska.
No, only state I’ve missed.
TJBM has more than three pets.
True. Five cats.
TJBM recycles.
Sadly False. My town only gives a blue recycle bin upon quarterly request and they’re tiny. Furthermore, you’re not allowed to leave the bin outdoors, and I have nowhere viable indoors to put it. They don’t make it easy in comparison to how much I care about it.
Now the next town over gives you two massive barrels on wheels. One green for trash, one blue for recycling and you can leave them outside. Perfect.
TJBM heads to the playground whenever they can and plays on the slide and/or swings.
I wouldn’t say every chance I get, no.
But…I just went swinging last week an outting to a local park with a friend and her 4 yr. old grandson. :-)
TJBM is waiting on someone and is getting irritated. ( projection )
True: Story of my life…. hahaha…. It feels that way sometimes because hubby is always late.
TJBM has a special place for keys now because they’ve been misplaced too many times in the past. (projecting)
Yes I do. It’s called my pocket :P
TJBM would rather learn through personal error than studying textbooks repetitively.
Very true. I’m a tactile learner and have been throughout my life.
TJBM would like to scuba dive in the Caribbean Sea some day.
TJBM eats out at least 4 times a week.
I DO east out a lot, but, I have been eating at home more the last few weeks, trying to be disciplined.
TJBM has naturally curly hair
False, but it does get quite wavy when it’s long.
TJBM does not have a Facebook account.
False. I have an account but I don’t play any “Ville” games or MafiaWars.
TJBM has not used a physical dictionary or encyclopedia for several years.
TJBM is tired today ( too much fun and not enough sleep )
True, especially since I’m coming down with a cold. :/
TJBM has exercised today.
False. I am exhausted today, been on the go. The only exercise I am doing today is carrying a large check to my bank. lol
TJBM LOVES corn on the cob
False, I like it, but don’t love it. Rather have corn off the cob.
TJBM will provide the 327th answer to this question.
No I won’t. Wait…..... dammit.
The jelly below me read Coloma’s post about a “large check” and wants to borrow money. :D
False, I’m getting paid tomorrow!
TJBM watches at least one movie a week.
@Coloma Oooh, I like slippers! Can you make them zebra striped cement?
True, I do.
TJBM likes watching NASCAR
I find it too repetitive, and boring
TJBM is in love with a stripper.
TJBM plays the guitar.
tjbm skips cap locks when they type with one hand… like i just did.
true, i do that when i’m texting too. sometimes it’s just too hard to use the shift key with one hand.
The jelly below me wants a Pillow Pet.
True. My daughter got one for Christmas. They’re so soft and cuddly.
TJBM likes carnival food.
True although I can’t eat it anymore because of my diabetes.
TJBM has been tickled with a feather in all the right places.
False, and I wouldn’t like it because I’m extremely ticklish.
TJBM is getting excited for March Madness!
I’m not a mainstream type.
TJBM has a wart
TJBM likes to wear funny t-shirts.
True- My favorite says, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself… and spiders.”
The jelly below me talks to their mother every day.
False, I live almost 1,000 miles from her. So, I talk to her on the phone about once a week.
TJBM is going to eat out for dinner tonight.
True!’‘Leaving in about 15 minutes.
TJBM has been to San Francisco
True. I lived in Novato and Petaluma as a young child, plus two of my sisters lived near S.F. and I visited them often. Lovely city.
TJBM’s tummy if growling but it’s not quite time for dinner.
False, I just ate a burger and some onion rings!
TJBM brews their own beer.
Nope. It would much more interesting if I did, though, wouldn’t it?
TJBM has ordered custom decorated M&Ms for someone for Valentine’s Day.
False. Every year I’ve been wanting to do that, but never get around to it. Too bad I’ve already bought my Vday gifts.
TJBM has Valentine’s Day plans for this weekend.
Nah. Not really a fan of corporate-subsidized romantic mandates
TJBM will giggle at this
False. Didn’t get it, I guess? Why would they smell like cough drops? I’ve had a couple today and not once did they remind me of koala farts. Perhaps you can elaborate?
TJBM has checked their Facebook in the past two hours.
the diet of eucalyptus leaves. I laughed, anyway but I’m easily amused and have all the humor sophistication of a middle-school boy
True, I just found out my nephew took 8th place in the giant regional spelling bee today.
The jelly below me has participated in a spelling bee at some point in their life.
False, I’m not the best speller, although better than most (it seems).
TJBM has just witnessed the X-Men: First Class trailer in all its glory.
Yes I did. Wow. Color me excited.
TJBM speaks French.
Kinda, enough to get me in trouble
TJBM is getting ready for work
False – Been here 5 hours already.
TJBM has never tasted Salad Cream.
I have to say true seeing as I don’t know what salad cream is.
TJBM is watching the sunrise
False. It is still dark here, but I will be watching it another hour or so.
TJBM has been procrastinating on doing something latley
there are the last of the boxes from the move that need putting away. Yuk.
TJBM still has trouble with left and right when giving directions.
Not- Directions are easy Roger Ramjet and Luigi Bennelli…. ( Right and Left )
TJBM has already ordered/bought the Valentine for their S/O.
False. My husband doesn’t care for that stuff. He’d rather have a nice 12 pack of beer.
TJBM is going to make cookies or cupcakes for Valentine’s Day with their children. (This is how I like to celebrate the holiday.) :)
I am giving gifts to my daughter and her boyfriend but, no baking, I am drowning in chocolate from gifts I have already received. lol
TJBM is taking a drive somewhere this weekend
Possibly but nothing set in stone as of yet except a half an hour drive to a my dads house.
TJBM had sex last night.
False. I have been celibate for the last 2 years, by choice. But hey…I’ve got turbo jets in the hot tub. Ultra clean sex. haha
TJBM is shrinking
False. I’m not that old yet.
TJBM is slacking off today.
That’s my plan, but who knows.
TJBM is celebrating.
False. Nothing to celebrate right now.
TJBM plans on watching the Grammys this Sunday.
False. I don’t watch TV.
TJBM is contemplating what to have for breakfast ( or lunch )
False. Brought my lunch to work. Eating it as we speak.
TJBM likes leftovers.
True/false. It depends on the leftovers, Thanksgiving leftovers yes, leftover Oatmeal, no.
TJBM has a swimming pool or hot tub
False. I do have a community center with a swimming pool, though.
TJBM will have above 50 degree weather at least day next week.
Fingers crossed. I hope that’s true.
TJBM thought this thread would have gone to Part 9 this week
True on Wednesday.
TJBM hopes winter is over.
True. Getting very sick of this freezing cold!
TJBM has gone camping before.
More than my share. It has been determined that the definition of camping is “wet”.
TJBM has a “psychic” connection with somebody.
False. Not that I know of.
TJBM has fired a hand gun before.
Yup, A few .38 and .380’s also .357 Magnum and “I all most knocked me over” .44 Magnum.
TJBM has visitors coming this weekend.
False. That was last weekend. This weekend is a do nothing, hang around weekend. :-)
TJBM sleeps with their socks on
TJBM verbalizes txt spk at least once a day (i.e. “O.M.G.”).
False! Oh Em Gee, why would I do that?
The jelly below me used to watch M.A.S.H. religiously.
False. I did used to watch Hill Street Blues religiously though because it was the best police drama, EVER, on television.
TJBM is a closet conspiracy theorist.
Very True! I still do not believe man went to the moon. It was a conspiracy to make us believe they did.
TJBM is going out to a nice restaurant for dinner tonight.
False. My hubby is grilling steaks, and he makes the yummiest, juciest, most fanfreakingtabulous steaks ever, so it’s almost better than going out!
The jelly below me has stepped on a rusty nail.
Yes I did. Got a tetanus shot for my efforts too.
TJBM has sat on a nail! I did when I was 3 (ouch!)
Nope, but while my family was picking up parts of our friend’s bayhouse pier after hurricane Ivan, 3 out of 4 in their family stepped on rusty ones. eeeewwwwwwwwww
TJBM likes sweet potato fries.
OOH yes – double fried with brown sugar and cayenne pepper.
TJBM has more than five hot sauces in the pantry.
False. We have two. Smack My Ass and Call Me Sally Going Postal Hot Sauce and Sriracha. Our friend had to sign a waiver when they bought Smack My Ass for us. It’s that hot.
TJBM once sneezed in church and shat their pants. This question comes from my husband.
Nope, but I coughed and wet ‘em!
TJBM puts off going to the dentist.
Infact I go next week for a cleaning, I am very attatched to my teeth, I like to smile BIG! :D
TJBM got a haircut today ( projection…I love my hair! haha )
False. It’s been over a year. I usually trim my own.
TJBM listens to internet radio podcasts. :D
NO, but I listen to Sirius on my Blackberry. Does that count?
TJBM needs to escape life and responsibility for a little while
TJBM has a crush he/she won’t admit to.
True. Lots and mostly people here on Fluther!
TJBM prefers to take the train instead of the plane (where geographically viable).
False. I have never taken a train trip except for an excursion across an island in asia last year.
TJBM is up early and contemplating going to some garage sales.
I would go to garage sales, if it were the season for them. Though it is already a beautiful day out for once.
TJBM has a weird fascination with salt.
sorry, I just saw a thread about salt
False, I have a weird fascination with garlic.
The jelly below me thinks eating rare steak is close enough to eating it raw.
When I eat a steak I want it medium well, no oozing blood. Gah!
TJBM is going for a hike today ( projection, going now ) ;-)
@Coloma My hubby grilled steaks last night, and while I like my steak “rare”, this time it was soooo rare that I actually had to ask him to put it back on the grill. I’ve been called a vampire for liking my steaks really rare, but when it’s still trying to hoof it off your plate, there’s a problem, LOL!
Do you count Valentine’s shopping at Walmart as going for a hike?
The jelly below me has an emergency cash stash that their SO doesn’t know about. It’s okay, we won’t tell.
False. I don’t actually believe in doing that. When I say, “we’re in this together” – that means everything, including money.
TJBM was really horny sometime today.
Oh, HELL yeah…. Still unresolved. Waiting for a discreet package from Amazon’s “Wellness” category.
TJBM wants to tell me whether to go see The Company Men or Gnomio & Juliet today.
False. I have no idea what either of those are. I’m guessing the latest movies out in the US?
‘wellness’ category? love @Blueroses honesty
TJBM can actually tell @Blueroses which show to see today because TJ is feeling bad for her ignorance.
Maybe @WillWorkForChocolate can take @Blueroses to Walmart with her for some batteries. lol
Damn, I gotta GO!
Where the hell are my river sandles? Oh yeah, they’re in my trunk, check, I’m outta here.
True. Not only can I tell @Blueroses to go see Gnomio & Juliet, I’m going to beg to come along!
TJBM gets horny when they are hungover. Did someone mention horny above? ;)
@jonsblond That’s exactly what I did see! Oh so cute, and lots of insider Shakespeare jokes for the grownups. The 3D is really great & for once I didn’t mind paying the premium ticket price.
When I have a hangover all I want is Mexican food, boatloads of salsa and a nap.
My ex husband was a hungover horny type, but, usually I could just get him to settle for Mexican food. lol
TJBM can whistle with two fingers
I can whistle with four.. does that count?
TJBM is totally loved up today!
Actually, Saturday was my loved up day. It was my birthday
TJBM Prefers fresh fruit to fresh chocolate.
I love chocolate, especially the darkest kind. It’s what I prefer. But I’ll choose low sugar snacks anyway, fruit or otherwise.
TJBM likes to watch Dr Phil.
False – Not a clue who he is.
TJBM – Is going abroad at some point this year.
Not that I am aware of, but Hubby just got back from the Dominican Republic.
TJBM is expecting a Valentine’s Day present of some sort.
Not really. My boyfriend and I don’t usually buy each other gifts for Valentines. To be honest, I am inpressed tha he remembered to wish me a happy valentines day :D
TJBM is surprised at some news they heard recently.
True. Heard on the radio this morning that the Bieb’s lost Best New Artist at the Grammy’s. I’m not a fan of his, but I figured he’d be a lock-in for the award.
TJBM had a piece of fruit this morning.
Not yet, but..I had blackberries with raw honey last night. Mmmmm!
TJBM woke up to wind and rain
False. Calm and sunny.
TJBM is having a good hair day.
Not a good hair day, A Great Hair Day
TJBM smells spring in the air.
Absolutely I do! Birds are singing! It’s wonderful!
TJBM lives on the wrong side of the world, and they smell fall in the air.
False. I live on the correct side of the world.
TJBM loves fish tacos.
That sounds disgusting.
TJBM is crossing their eyes as we speak.
TJBM thinks the jelly above me is weird for their dislike of fish tacos.
False. It may just be the one thing @Dutchess_III and I have in common. ;)
TJBM did not watch the Grammy’s last night. and doesn’t care about missing it
True. So there are two things we have in common @jonsblond! Heh!
TJBM finally hired a contractor to finish building the thing.
False. Not building anything right now.
TJBM owns an iPad.
False, but my hubby got me a Pandigital for Christmas, which is sort of a cross between an ereader and a digital tablet. It’s sort of a knock off iPad, just with less features.
The jelly below me is having a WONDERFUL Valentine’s Day so far!!! I am!
Um. No. It’s not a bad day, but nothing special.
TJBM is very schedule oriented.
False. I hate routine. Unless it is MY routine! lol
TJBM needs to go to the bathroom
Nope, I am good. But thanks for asking.
TJBM got their message in first
Bleh! Off to work now! FYI @Coloma..I peed about 10 minutes ago. Thought you might be interested in the details!
No, I let you HAVE IT @blueiiznh!
TJBM is not a clothes horse but does have a plethora of shoes in their closet….
ummm Both
TJBM needs to get some work done today
Did you know that every time you pee a small amount of urine is secreted into your mouth?
lol Bizarre trivia.
Today is car day. Oil change, tire rotation, safety check…blah
TJBM is addicted to rice crackers and wosabi peas.
@Coloma I read that while eating and it almost came back up, thanks.
TJBM enjoyed the outdoors this past weekend.
True. I always enjoy the outdoors.
TJBM can’t help singing along to ABBA songs.
and happy belated birthday, @Foolaholic
TJBM has dated someone 5 or more years of age apart from themselves.
True. The first time, I was 17 and he was 24, the next time I was 18 and he was 27.
The jelly below me is allergic to nuts.
False. I have no allergies, and if past experience is anything to go on, I’m apparently immune to poison ivy as well.
TJBM had a psychedelic phase
True, if by “psychedelic” you mean “experimented”.
TJBM has seen a movie in 3D before and would like to tell us what movie it was.
Gnomeo & Juliet is 3D as God intended :)
TJBM knows what a Chinook Wind is
Chinook winds, often called chinooks, commonly refers to foehn winds in the interior West of North America, where the Canadian Prairies and Great Plains meet various mountain ranges, although the original usage is in reference to wet, warm coastal winds in the Pacific Northwest.
TJBM checks their cell phone at least once every hour during the day.
Yeah @Blueroses, I cheated.
@Blueroses Actually, I have been. Thanks for noticing.
True. I always have it on silent (no vibrate), so I look to see if someone has contacted me. Plus, I check Fluther on my iPhone.
TJBM thinks @Blueroses and @erichw1504 sound like the beginning or a porn movie.
“nice wiki, @erichw1504 :) Have you been working out?”
@Blueroses Actually, I have been. Thanks for noticing.
Huh, the first fluther porno? I can see that. Sounds scandalous.
TJBM values charisma as a character trait.
I’m introverted and socially awkward, so not really…
TJBM is tired of hearing about V-day.
False, I LOVE this holiday!
The jelly below me is ready for AmWiser to post part 9 of this question.
True. Getting pretty close to 500 answers!
TJBM is still adhering to their New Year’s Resolution.
False. I don’t think eating cupcakes for breakfast is “eating healthy”.
TJBM did something today they’ve never done before.
Does test driving 4 cars count? Up from 2 in one day.
TJBM has a car with only two doors. ( no hatch backs )
False. 4 doors and a hatch.
TJBM takes 2 days to recuperate from jet-lag after a vacation.
@All part 9 to be posted on Wednesday.;-)
Nope Jet lag is not an issue, lucky I guess.
TJBM has a birthday in March.
TJBM is going to bed early tonight.
Well, by 10, it is 8:49 now.
TJBM likes chocolate covered pretzels
I’ve never tasted chocolate covered pretzels but they sound absolutely yummy!!!
TJBM has a cheeky grin on their face this morning :o)
Yeah. Microsoft Excel was giving me shit this morning, and it put me in a very ‘fuck it’ sort of foolish mood.
False. I don’t mind being busy once in a while.
TJBM has a wild side.
TJBM feels like a child sometimes.
True. But in a ‘mature’ way, childlike but not childish. ;-)
TJBM loves Caramel and Cinnamon apples
I do! Caramel at least. I’ve never had a cinnamon apple, but it sounds delightful.
TJBM is making their own supper tonight.
I make my own every night.
TJBM has tickets for something coming up very soon
False. But I’m trying to find tickets to a concert that I’ll enjoy, since I’ve never been to one.
The jelly below me is hopelessly addicted to something. I’m hopelessly addicted to Taco Bell, despite the lack of nutritional content…
Yes, peanut M&M’s.
TJBM is planning their summer vacation now.
In fantasy yes, reality, no. haha
I took two vacations in 2010, so, might have to skip this year. It’s on the fence. :-)
TJBM needs a makeover haha
yes I probably do!
TJBM is scared about something imminent
Yes, starting my new job Monday. (I was supposed to start last Monday, but there was a paperwork snafu.)
TJBM is an avid golfer.
@chyna much luck and hugs coming your way, it will be glorious of course once you settle in xxx
@chyna I could have been, if my life had taken another direction. Maybe could have gone pro. But…no.
TJBM has to keep reminding themselves it’s Tuesday night and not Friday night.
@chyna congrats on your job!!!! Excitement here!!!
WHAT? It’s not Friday??????
TJBM is already up past their bedtime
@chyna Best of luck on the start and new job
Not yet…30 minutes. So I’m managing to jerk myself into the right mind frame!
A year from now TJBM will, occasionally, have to remind herself that it’s Tuesday night, and not Friday night, and that she has to GET UP and GO TO WORK in the morning!!!
TJBM likes my new avatar. haha
< is a bit confused by your avatar but that can only be a good thing ;-)
TJBM is angry with someone and needs to get it off their chest
True. Angry at myself and I need to get over it.
TJBM will gladly follow this thread to Part 9
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