What do you think about this report of a UFO in Jerusalem?
Just seen this report about UFO spotted hovering over one of the holiest sites in Islam, the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
What do you think about it?
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28 Answers
I think that the military of several nations capable of producing top secret aircraft have an interest in what is happening in that particular part of the world these days.
Carl Jung believed that “UFOs” were holographic manifestations of the collective unconscious. He noted that UFOs have been reported throughout history, generally during periods of violence and strife, and that they became epidemic in the years following the dropping of the first two atomic bombs. He theorized that the collective terror of the extermination of our species was responsible for what are essentially mass hallucinations. Jung observed that the majority of UFO sightings took the form of glowing mandalas in the sky, with the mandala being the singularly most common, and most powerful, archetype. The mandala is a universal symbol for spiritual unity, and in fact was the first symbol Jung recognized as being universal through his work with children, eventually culminating in his work on archetypes as he began puzzling out their universality.
Given that we are entering an exciting, stressful, and dangerous period on the catastrophe curve leading to the Singularity, it is not at all unexpected that people will begin seeing UFOs in greater numbers.
Interesting. I mean the UFO not Jung’s theory, which I think is obviously bogus.
Until they land and start walking among us openly, people will doubt it.
I’m sure there are aliens somewhere out there, the universe is to vast to think we’re the only living creatures in it. But whether or not THAT is aliens….. no clue. Maybe its….. DUN DUN DUN jesus? lol
@marinelife Obviously bogus? Why? As far as I can see, it’s among the less incredulous of the possibilities, especially since it doesn’t require any supernatural explanations.
Mass hallucinations usually can not be captured on camera. Or Radar.
@ragingloli Who says? “Reality” is itself simply an agreed-upon set of imaginary symbols. For example, there’s no particular reason why we should perceive a tree as a tree. Indeed, there is at least one First Nation of which I am aware which regards trees as celestial objects which project roots down into the Earth rather than a terrestrial object from projects branches up into the sky. If we all agreed that there was a big shiny mandala in the sky, there would indeed be one, since this is how “reality” is manufactured down on the factory floor with the self-transforming machine elves.
In the words of that old ‘70’s musical Godspell
“Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord.”
I definitely think that those are some lights on the videos. Yup. I’m pretty sure about that. Well, maybe not so sure. I mean, as @SmashTheState showed us, our notions of reality are somewhat open to interpretation. Or imagination. Yeah. So I take it back. It’s not a light or lights. It’s a bunny.
So, @SmashTheState, how exactly does one go about getting everyone including the self-transforming machine elves to agree that I won the mega-million jackpot?
I don’t agree that UFOs are “mass hallucinations”. I think that what people are seeing are actually there, but that they are not actual alien UFOs. In times of strife, people might be more likely to regard these things as alien UFOs, whereas in times of calm people might shrug them off or not even notice them to begin with. This seems especially true in your case of the atomic bombs; it’s only natural that people are looking up in the sky and suspicious of anything they see in the sky after something that fell from the sky was able to annihilate hundreds of thousands of people.
I think it’s cool whether it’s real or not.
why would they be “mass hallucinations?” If I had fifteen people yelling and pointing to the sky “Look! UFO!” and I didn’t see it I’d say, “I don’t see anything.”
I don’t know if this video is real or fake. But I liked the way the “thing” spiked up really fast. Maybe a few people had nothing better to do that day?
Smash the state said, ”...As far as I can see, it’s among the less incredulous of the possibilities, especially since it doesn’t require any supernatural explanations.” LOL! “Mass hallucination” and “collective conscious” causing it isn’t a supernatural explanation, but the possibility of life existing elsewhere in the universe is? Ha ha! That’s too much!
To me, it just looks like a plane that’s banking into a turn and reflecting light from somewhere, somehow.
@YoBob Take the heroic dose and ask the elves yourself. You need not take my word for it. It is entirely empirically testable.
…holding myself back…must keep quiet…
It’s probably faked, but I hope it’s real.
Why is it that UFOs are always blobby out of focus pictures?
@Rarebear Skepticism is good. Blinkered closemindedness is not. When naive materialists get on their high horses I like to remind them about ball lightning. For decades, scientists smugly asserted that ball lightning was an urban legend, a myth promulgated by liars and the credulous. They questioned why, if ball lightning had been observed by so many people, no one had ever managed to film it, take a picture of it, or measure it in any way.
Then they discovered that ball lightning was a transitory, atmospheric plasma phenomenon which occured only under very rare conditions — conditions which were disrupted by the presence of electronics such as recording equipment.
Remember, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
@SmashTheState And you should remember that unexplained does not mean that it has no explanation, or that the explanation isn’t mundane.
So does anyone think that the UFO is real?
@partyparty; what I think won’t change reality, but it would be cool if it were (I think.)
What if it’s an angel?
@SmashTheState As one born in the early 60’s, attending junior high and high school in the 70’s and spending my 20’s-early 30’s as a working musician, I am no stranger to altered states, and while the experience(s) certainly left me with a certain sense that the universe is quite a bit bigger than our normal perceptions allow us to experience, I found nothing in those experiences that would provide empirical evidence of the self transforming machine elves. In fact, the only concrete data that those experiences prove is that one’s perceptions change when one alters their brain chemistry.
While I would very much like to believe that our thoughts directly shape our shared reality and am quite open to the possibility, I have simply not seen, heard of, nor read about any reproducible experimental data to support the hypothesis.
@Rarebear I don’t recall which it was, but my information about the nature of ball lightning came from a peer-reviewed scientific journal. I did however find this: http://www.physorg.com/news68812957.html
I could probably find more from the Forteans, but I’m guessing you don’t regard them as credible.
@YoBob When I said it was empirically demonstratable, I meant that you, yourself could verify it. Strictly speaking, since it could only be demonstrated to you, personally, and not to an outside observer, it would qualify as revelation rather than empiricism, but as a radical Berkeleyan empiricist, my definition of empiricism is probably rather different from yours.
@SmashTheState Generating ball lightning in a lab is not the same as it being naturally generated. In terms of the Forteans, if the data they have is crediblde and verifiable, and not just conjecture, anecdote and hypothesis, then I’ll be happy to accept it.
I think that I don’t care.
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