Social Question

Was there ever a time when you probably should have been arrested, but weren't?
Gosh. I was 17, in a car PACKED with kids, all of whom were under 21. We were at a park, drinking. Cop pulls up. Kids start stuffing bottles everywhere—up under the dash, under the seats, everywhere. When they were done, every time someone moved, bottles would clink. Cop walks up, shines his light in the window…one of the guys hadn’t hidden his bottle well enough. Cop confiscates it, tells us to wait there, and walks back to his car. Guy next to me has to pee, BAD. Cop does whatever in his car for about 30 minutes, leaving us in total agony, going through all the horrible scenarios of what our parents were going to do. Guy beside me really, really has to pee. We’re sitting there, frozen in fear, waiting and waiting and waiting….Guy beside me really, really, REALLY has to pee!!!! He’s gritting his teeth.
Finally, after about a year, the cop walks back up to the car, tells the driver to get out. Hands the driver the bottle of vodka and says, ” [Insert a little preachifying…..]....and pour this out, and you kids are free to go”
Driver in utter gratitude and relief, almost in tears, says, “I’ll be HAPPY to, officer!”
Cop shines light all around in the car one more time, all of us frozen because we still clink….the guy next to me frozen because any movement will cause him to pee his pants…..Officers says, “I better not see you kids anywhere again tonight.”
Chorus of “Oh no, officer! No way!! Going home to study for the SATs [insert a little lying through our teeths.]” ......teeths?? Tooths?.... Finally, officer leaves. Guy next to me opens the door and literally falls out of the door onto his knees and pees and pees and pees, almost crying in relief.
We were shaking so bad it took us 10 minutes to gather our wits enough to go to a more secluded area to resume said drinking.
…....................................Kids are so stupid…......................................