Why doesn't the world do what I want when I want it to?
Just one of those days when I’m having some serious cynicism and need to blow off some steam. Serious responders will get a kick in the groin. Get as absolutely all out snarky as you can. I want everything to be laid at my feet by the world and I deserve it now. And I shouldn’t have to ask twice. What do you have for me?
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25 Answers
Yes, You Can’t!! ... Even when you fail, your SUCCESS is in bringing other people joy
Why didn’t I get your Tweet request this morning? Were you snowed in?
Because you think that you get the world from somewhere other than yourself. You are your own creator so start creating.
Because you’re a F##king narcissist that can’t see past your own stupid f##king agenda, you jackwad!
How was that? Did I do OK?
The world is already busy doing that for me :P
I don’t know guys. Those aren’t very snarky. Damn it, I’ve paid my dues. The world owes me now. I deserve a plush government job, with a driver, and a hot secretary, butler, etc (pick your own). JilltheTooth: excellent!
You are living in your made up stories that you are something you are not. So examine that and start to create what you want and then you can have what you want.
I don’t think @Summum is quite getting the spirit of the Q…..
Oh, so you’re the one running the show? I’ve been looking for you – screw your life, why are you F*$#ing up mine? If you can’t get the world to work the right way, who the hell do you expect to do it? Joe the mechanic? Get your shit together. I’m getting impatient.
See what a couple of semesters in college has done for you moron? What is your degree? Advanced liberalism? That malarkey has burnt away what few brain cells you had and left your fragile little ego addicted to emotion. The world doesn’t owe you anything. I’m sick of your santimonious BS. Get a hair cut and get a real job dammit.
So what if my hair hangs down to my ass. I deserve my monthly government check, my food stamps, and I can buy all kinds of junk food for my eight kids.
@Blackberry My day was off to a lousy start so I threw this out for some laughs. It got moded for awhile. Go crazy with it.
Because @Adirondackwannabe , today is not your day to rule the world. That’s scheduled for next week.
Try it! Right not! :)
You need a dose of humility boy.
Git yer arse over here and clean my barn now.
I want you in a thong with a pitchfork in hand promptly at 7 a.m. PST.
@Coloma I ain’t going anywhere near a goose in a thong.:)
I’ll tell you what the government owes you, free sterilization. Feeling better? You long-haired, low down, good for nothing, whimpering pig at the trough, scab on society’s butt namby pamby. You wouldn’t take a job eating pies at a pie factory.
I have a few thousand metric tons of snow for you to do your naked snow angels in! Have fun with it and no returns either!
Did you say the magic word?
Just stop whimpering and get those snails picked up – pickled or stewed and eaten immediately
@partyparty I’ll bring along some beer and we can make it a party. Snails for everyone. The worlds looking up.
The world doesn’t do what you want it to do because the world is a unliving thing and planets don’t follow your instructions.
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