What is the most annoying quirk your spouse or boy/girlfriend has that you hate the most?
I’m getting married in May and I was just thinking about the annoying little habits that I have grown to get used to that my fiance has. (One I have never gotten over was the toe-nail clippings left on the couch once! But he has since been cured of this) What is an annoying habit that you have come to over look or simply cannot get over your spouse or significant other does?
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Once he decides what he needs to get done in a day he will not deviate or postpone those things if something comes up. Like, if he plans to wash the cars on Saturday, and then friends invite us to lunch last minute. Even if he likes the friends typical response would be, but I have to wash the cars. Fuck the cars. Or, wash them Sunday. The positive is, he doesn’t have a crazy long honey do list that is never completed, because he tends to be very focused and get things done. He is a little more flexible now, but I think it is more because he wants to shut me up.
I think my guy is just about opposite of him! He never makes plans, and if something doesn’t get done I get the ol’ “but I was busy, Ill do it tomorrow” answer! Or sometimes I’ll just end up doing it myself. Our kitchen cabinet was busted for a week before it got fixed!
So I ask my wife to answer this one about me. She said I talk over her TV shows. Guess I shouldn’t have asked while she was watching Bones. :(
She’s messy. But, I love her.
Her car has petrified French fries in there and her fridge, science experiments.
I like it tidy.
My fiance complains that Im a pre-mature channel flipper. I flip through and watch a couple different shows at one time, usually not getting back to one of them on time to catch what happened.
@Baddreamer27, my wife is the same way, I thought men were supposed to be like that.
@Season_of_Fall LMAO! When I first dated my husband I used to wait for the commercial to ask him something, and quickly I learned that was a no no also. I would get a, “sh! I like this commercial.” Thank God for DVR.
I asked my fiancĂ©, because he doesn’t have any habits that bother me.
He said I distract him while he plays his Star Trek game. I have a habit of asking too many questions.
I just emailed my SO, let’s see what she says..
He wears his shoes in the house. Aggh, it makes me want to tear my hair out. I hate that. He also has a habit of leaving things that belong in the garage – in the kitchen. I have no idea how so many garage items migrate to my kitchen counter, but there is always something.
@shego Oh, if I write the things I do that my husband finds annoying, it would be a long list. Lol. Starting with piles of papers being moved from one room to another.
My SO is afraid to answer, lmao.
Haha, I asked my husband what I do that annoys him, and he said the sound of me typing at the computer. I actually mentioned this recently on Fluther. I type really fast.
She said “WAS frequently late” but, that I’m improving.
@ANef_is_Enuf, The things in the kitchen, isn’t that because he comes when he is called for dinner or maybe because he is repairing someone in the proximity of the kitchen?
@Season_of_Fall: I was going to give you a GA but then I saw you interrupted her during Bones. Not cool, man, not cool. ~
My boyfriend hates making plans in advance, even if they’re the next day. I’ll say, “Hey, wanna hang out Friday?” and he’ll say, “I dunno, maybe.” It drives me nuts! He is getting much much better at this but it can still drive me bum-fuck crazy at times.
@KatawaGrey I absolutely cannot stand those “I dunno” answers. He is full of them…for everything. “What ya want for dinner?”....“I dunno” is the most common and most irritating conversation in our house.
@KatawaGrey Is he being non-committal to see if something better comes up?
the wedding planning things are especially annoying when he answers “i dunno”
Oh man, my most recent ex, made this noise – like he was clearing his throat – and it drove me INSANE! It was actually embarrassing when we were out with friends but I never had the heart to tell him it was disgusting. His 5 year old started to do it and he told him not to once, I was shocked… I guess he doesn’t know he does it?
@JLeslie: That’s what I thought at first but I think he honestly has no idea if he already made plans or not. There are also lots of times when he knows why he doesn’t know but won’t say. For example: “I dunno, I might have to work,” or “I dunno, my mom might need me to do yard work.” Admittedly, this is equally frustrating. I have to be a mind reader a fair amount of the time. It is not uncommon to have a conversation that goes something like this: Me: “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to be working?” Him: “Why didn’t you ask if I was going to be working?” GAHHH.
It’s okay though because he is ridiculously sweet and nerdy romantic. :)
When she tells me a problem for which I believe I can plainly see would be solved by a simple change in perspective, but she doesn’t want to hear my “solution.” She just wants me to hear the problem. It’s exasperating and apparently common as hell.
@cockswain: Yeah, that’s kind of a girl thing. Sometimes, we just want to vent and have you nod along.
I can’t do it! I just can’t! Why have a problem when you can have no problem? Arrrr….
@KatawaGrey Well, it is certainly true that some people just have trouble making plans in advance. It’s a cultural thing sometimes, or just a family thing. My husband’s family is loathe to plan ahead. When I plan a trip I have to practically beg my husband to give me an opinion when I am booking flights and hotels. I used to try to coordinate plans when we would go to visit his parents, and his sister lives by, and in the end they just thought I was a pain in the neck, so now I don’t do it anymore. I make my plans, and if they want to join us fine.
@cockswain: One could argue that you have a problem with your lady having a problem when you could just let things lie. ;)
@JLeslie: Ah, man we’re the same way! If I make plans with him far in advance, I have to ask him multiple times in the intervening weeks if he still can do it. I think he’s learned that if he changes his mind, I’ll make him feel bad. ;)
Nothing annoys me about him.
Not much. The most annoying is her eating. She has a tendency to make ANY food loud. Slurps soup and drinks. All that fun stuff. Drives me up a fuckin wall lol, but, i still loves her :)
The droll, indifferent “MM-hmm” I get from him when I tell him something. He needs to drop that.
why i’m single
men who scoot their bare feet on the carpet like they have foot itch :(:( nasty
men who throw cigarette butts on the ground in my yard. mother earth is pissed.
@uberbatman At least she is passionate…...slurp :)
@SamIAm My husband makes that throat-clearing, half-snorting sound. I cannot stand it.
Also, he spits on the ground. Just, eww.
In general, he moves very slowly. I lose my patience a lot.
She steals the blanket. Likes to wrap it around herself and I wake up freezing.
He is always agreeable. Why on earth would that bother me? He cannot say no. He tricks me with Yes, when he means “Yes, I understand what you are saying, but I have no intention of doing anything about it.”. It took me years to figure this out.
“I have no idea how so many garage items migrate to my kitchen counter, but there is always something.”
How about telling him to make his own meals in the garage? ;-)
He has this amazing talent to lose things and he really has no idea where he left it.. I mean really… no clue!! It’s unbelievable!!
Well for all his near perfection – he takes a long time to get anything done around here. Everything seems to be on a 10 year plan I don’t have a copy of.
He and my son (17) bang antlers all the time at the moment. Drives me nuts.
He too likes to choose to talk when I am engrossed in watching or listening to something.
And… while I like have an ensuite .. it isn’t romantic. Way too much reality.
She’s incredibly messy ..sort of organized chaos (like this pile of papers is different than the 20 others; don’t put them together for the love of…!). I am very tidy and organized.
The water…ugh the water left on the counter around any sink that she uses. The woman has tiny hands; how does she get so much water everywhere? Drives me bloody batty ..lol.
My SO taps his feet to any music which is playing on TV, and he continues for about five minutes after the music has stopped. It’s like a ticking clock – which I also hate arghhhhhh!
My ex always farted doing her toe nails! I am not kidding! Like clockwork ‘brrrrrippp’. Must have been something with the position bent over. I never said anything and she never missed a beat.
…..how logical he is….when all I want him to do is listen and pretend he understands….....let me vent a little without feeling stupid about it…
His concept of time is very different to mine. His 5 minutes is actually an hour.
@xjustxxclaudiax thats a problem many of us men suffer from. we’re problem solvers and caring about our SO we want to help solve said problems instead of just listening. Its pretty friggin annoying on both ends :P
@uberbatman Not specific to men – I’m that way as well.
@uberbatman It’s okay, i think most men are, especially if the women around them talk more than they do. Mike doesn’t say a whole lot, but when he does, it is effective. I, on the other hand, must keep a rolling commentary of my every thought and feeling when he is around, therefore I understand him doing this. The only thing annoying about it is when I say something I actually want him to hear.
@xjustxxclaudiax I know exactly what you mean! Mine is the same…he is so logical and I am so irrational and right-brained…we truly are complete opposites in the way we function.
@ladymia69- As much as it bothers me, that’s the reason I felt such a connection to him…I love how he’s able to see things without emotions getting in the way, and sometimes I wish I could be as strong as him. He’s my big safety blanket… without him, I’d be hiding in a hole somewhere afraid of the world.
So another one i have noticed…which is rubbing off on my son…Loud farting. He has a tendency to fart really ridiculously and then giggle about it. It will be really quiet and he feels the need to squeeze one out and then get the little one involved by saying something smart like “Jack what was that” or “Did you say something?” Have to admit…sometimes I giggle too. A favorite laugh of ours is retelling the night he woke me up outta sleep with one. He let one rip in the middle of the night and it woke me up and scared the living day lights out of me (I was sound asleep) because it sounded as if someone blew a horn in our bed. I yelled out saying “Keep those damn trumpets outta your ass!” this even just made me giggle to myself typing it
@Baddreamer27 ”sounded as if someone blew a horn in our bed”
Baddreamer… it is a boy thing I think. Everyone knows women don’t fart… looks innocent
@Mz_Lizzy If that isn’t an invitation for commentary I don’t know what is. :P
Putting used cups in the sink. Then I can’t refill the electric water boiler before taking them out.
He rolls his shirt so at times it rolls up over his belly exposing his fat, disgusting hairy belly, he does it in front of my kids, I hate it, asked him to stop, he won’t, he thinks it’s “cute”, I told him that it is definitely not cute, rather it’s weird. Even in the movie theater, I look over & there he is, rolling. It looks like he’s playing with himself. I’ve told him this numerous times, but he doesn’t care. He has other annoying habits, leaves shit on the toilet, leaves his pubic hairs all over the toilet, nail clippings on floor, gross shit and then add on the fucking rolling, all the time. It’s actually a huge turn off and he won’t even try to stop, so that tells me he either doesn’t care about me, or is just fucking weird. Anyone else know someone who tools their shirt? I think he’s autistic or something.
:-| I don’t know what to say @Nysmom46. Counselling perhaps?
@Nysmom46 Has he always been that way or have these behaviors slowly developed? Sounds like a rather difficult person to live with. You guys should consider some counseling like @Bellatrix suggested ^^
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