What is the strangest dream you have ever had that actually came true or had special meaning in your life?
What is the strangest dream you ever remembered having? Did the dream come true or have any special meaning in your life ever? Could you relate the dream to something that happened to you?
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9 Answers
hahaha funny thing to ask…The weirdest dream I’ve had was that I was with my friends playing rock band…accept naked and a very….sexual way I guess? But for the most part I liked it (haha of course I did) and no it has not came true I only sorta wish it does. (it was with my “girl friends” as in girls that are my friends) But yepp that’s about it…Don’t play rock band after bed! Just my advice to you guys. :3
I had a naked dream once. I had a dream I was turned on sexually by my supervisor at work. Except he was sitting on my couch in my house butt naked. It was very hard to work with him for about a week after that. Funny thing is, I never had not one single thought about this in real life. Actually I thought he was kinda creepy.
I have a lot of crazy, strange dreams but one of the craziest I’ve ever had was when I dreamt that the earth was being invaded, by aliens, I guess that’s what they were, piloting a huge armada of flying semis; tractor trailers, I mean. The sky was filled with them; as far as the eye could see. I don’t remember whether they were successful or not. It didn’t look good for us earthlings, though, I remember feeling that. But no, it didn’t come true. It was basically one of my frequent WTF?! dreams. I have no idea where they come from. From deep inside of me, from a place I would really rather not explore, thank you.
Have you ever had one of those dreams where you feel awake but cannot move your body? One of my scariest was this dream. It was as if my mind was awake but my body would not budge. I couldnt speak, I couldnt move. Actually only thing I could move was my eyeballs. I remember trying so hard just to lift my arm and wake my fiance for help. What is wierd is when I woke and asked him about it, he said he heard me moaning out, but didnt think to wake me…I always wonder what would have happened if he would have shaken me awake
When I was about 17 I had a dream that my father was riding a motorcycle and got in a fatal accident. I woke up so upset that even once I realized that I had just been dreaming I felt relieved but uneasy. It was so real! The funny thing is that my father wasn’t the type that would have ever been riding a motocycle ever!! I only realized recently that the motorcycle riding represented his recklessness in not controlling his diabetes. In my mother’s viewpoint motorcycles were deadly dangerous and she would not have allowed any of us kids to ride on one if she had anything to say about it. My mother was the constant diet enforcer for my father. It became more like parent and child over that issue than like partners. It was a very stressful and destructive force in their relationship.
There was one dream where I played Aang in a school play edition of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Or the one where I had sex with my best (girl) friend. The strangest by far, though, had to be when I was in some appartment, surrounded by snickering people, and a rather rotund fellow came at me with a knife. I grabbed my own knife, and stabbed him but he was fine. He continued coming at me, and not one slash/stab I dealt out did him any harm. He started laughing at me and raised his knife above his head, and I lifted my hand to defend myself, and he slashed at my hand. I woke up instantly with a searing pain right where I should have had a slash mark XD
@Baddreamer27 I’ve had tons of those dreams, I still do. I think they call it sleep paralysis?
When my wife was pregnant with our first kid, I had a dream that we had a baby boy, and that its favorite thing in the world was jumping up and down on the couches in my parent’s living room. Also, the baby looked like a male version of my long dead sister. When the baby was born, it was indeed a boy. When we took him to my parent’s house a few months later, he would entertain himself by jumping up and down on the couch cushions. I was also going through my old room that day and found a photo of my sister when she was that age, and sure as sh1t, they looked like twins.
I also had a long recurring dream for most of the first nineteen years or so of my life. I was underwater in the dream, in heaven or something, and being able to move around freely, breathe normally, and hear myself talk out loud normally, all while I was under water. I was also alone during all these dreams, and I felt fantastic. It was like nirvana. A few months after my wife and I started dating, I had the dream again, and could do it all again, and felt the same way. This time, however, my future wife was with me, going through the same things and feelings that I was. It was weird. That’s when I knew we were going to be married one day.
OK this wasn’t my dream it was a dream my mother-in-law had.
We were about to go on holiday to a lovely cottage in the countryside.
A couple of days before we were about to leave, my mother-in-law telephoned to say she had had the most vivid dream, and she could see a cottage and in the back garden was a huge pond. It was very deep and muddy. She said to us ‘please keep your daughter away from the water’. Our daughter was about 2 or 3 at the time.
We didn’t think any more of it until we arrived at the cottage. It was really beautiful, oak beamed about 300 years old. When we went outside what did we see? Yes a huge pond which was very dark and muddy. It wasn’t fenced off at all, and needless to say we had the most awful holiday having to keep watch on our daughter for fear she may fall in the pond.
It was really frightening. There wasn’t any mention of this pond in the brochures we read.
I have to believe that she really did see something in her dream that night.
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