Social Question

naivete's avatar

Have you heard the “bra burners” story in relation to the 1970s feminist movement?

Asked by naivete (2463points) February 3rd, 2011

If you want to read more about what “bra burning” is
here is a snopes article:

I’m interested if anyone in the collective has a first hand experience with this story of bra burning. Why do you think it has persisted so long? To what effect do you believe that it has/had affected the feminist movement?

Also, I am interested in how much you think that pop culture continues to fuel or guide gender stereotypes or even stereotypes about feminists.

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13 Answers

Nullo's avatar

I must first admit that I have never burned a bra, nor known anybody who would even want to burn a bra.
I do, however, often find myself on the other side (doubtless in the crosshairs) of the feminist thing. As best I can tell, the hypothetical bra-burning has had little to no impact on my opinions. Things like Valerie Solanas’ S.C.U.M. Manifesto, on the other hand, have.
I can tell you now that it’s not pretty.
As an aside, Snopes really isn’t that good of a source; I’ve found them in error a couple of times.

YARNLADY's avatar

There may have been one or two incidents of this, but there were strictly for publicity purposes, perpetrated by journalists and publicity agents.

naivete's avatar

@Nullo I was wondering if anyone was around to hear the story that the media was using and whether or not that story had changed their viewpoints of feminism. I was also wondering if people still believed the story of bra burning or knew that it was false and as @YARNLADY mentioned, a publicity stunt.

Odysseus's avatar

I vote to Abolish womens suffrage !
jk :)

Hey I just had a controversial thought… Wouldn’t removing womens right to vote encourage them to raise their sons better? Therefore a more moral populous. Think about it.

(for the non-compos… if a woman couldn’t vote personally she could still vote if she were able to raise & encourage her offspring to vote in accordance with her views)

Odysseus's avatar

Don’t blame the men we are merely the spawn of women.

And you Women actually don’t really need us in the future. Store enough sperm / play with genetics and men wont be needed.

Are Humanity’s greatest faults of hatred;envy;war;greed and destruction that of Males alone ?

jazmina88's avatar

we dont need no stinkin men, or tight ass bras. :):) woohoo

bring your video….I will promptly burn the push up bra at high noon.

ucme's avatar

Ah yes, the “scorched tit” policy.

wundayatta's avatar

I was a teenager at the beginning of the seventies. I was sympathetic to the feminist cause. I was actually quite excited about the bra burning story. I was imagining all these women walking around like Amazons, with no clothes above the waist. Or at the very least, wearing shirts that made it easy to see what was going on underneath.

Alas. No such luck. At once point I got to work at a place where there were mostly feminist women. There was only one other guy there. It was an open joke that one-third of the women were lesbians; one-third were straight; and one-third were bisexual. In any case, the odds were pretty good for me, but I didn’t “get lucky” until after the ERA was shot down and we switched to other issues. Those next couple of years were the favorite time of my life.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I identify as a feminist. I also know history. I was always aware that bra-burning didn’t happen. Myths around controversial subjects persist all the time within the community and outside because randomly hearing something and repeating it is easier for people than learning, researching, fact-checking, etc.

Ladymia69's avatar

As a feminist myself, I think that birning a bra would smell really bad.

incendiary_dan's avatar

It was Reagan’s fault.

No, really. The Reagan administration was directly involved in anti-feminist propaganda.

faye's avatar

I remember a scene with a feminist holding a burning bra over a trash can. It was in magazines and reproduced in papers, and books. I wish I could filter through my brain and find a name!! Most of my friends and me didn’t bother with bras much until jobs.

mattbrowne's avatar

Yes. In 1984 I read this book

a German book everyone was talking about at the time. Bras were replaced by pras (“penis bras”).

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