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ucme's avatar

What sporting equipment do you own?

Asked by ucme (50052points) February 4th, 2011

Pretty straightfoward stuff right there i’m sure you’ll agree. Yeah basically all things sports related. Whether it be equipment memorabilia or clothing. I have tons of sporting goodies laying about the place, but then I do love my sport. Just do it… someone once said.

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45 Answers

TexasDude's avatar

I’ve got a few soccer balls (I played for 7 years… still have the calves of steel to show for it). I have a baseball glove somewhere, but I hate baseball. I have some golf balls from where I played golf for a while, and a pair of boxing gloves. I also have a ton of shooting-related stuff, including a few crates of clay pigeons and god knows how much ammo. If camping is considered “sporting,” I have a metric fuckton of camping gear… everything from canteens and hiking boots to camp grills and pre-seasoned cast iron cookware.

Oh yeah, and a football.

WestRiverrat's avatar

snow shoes, fishing gear, hunting gear, hiking and camping gear.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Football (not American), ice skates, rollerblades, knee and wrist guards, riding boots, gi, jump rope, soccer cleats, running shoes, touring bike, helmet and gloves, and a Sheffield United FC shirt (which is for men, is much too big and was gotten for me by someone who knows how much of a Michael Palin fan I am. At the time, his favourite FC was that team).

Seaofclouds's avatar

We have lots of hunting and fishing gear, soccer balls, baseballs, baseball bats, baseball gloves, footballs. Probably a bunch of other stuff I’m not even thinking about right now as well.

ucme's avatar

@aprilsimnel Sheffield Utd? Spits on floor, one of my teams major rivals. Yeah I know, football rivalries are petty & immature, but hey it’s a hobby.

buster's avatar

I have a skateboard, skateboard helmet, basketball, basketball goal, frisbee golf frisbees, baseball glove, shotgun, rifle, clay pigeons, targets,, clay thrower, mountain bike, pool sticks, fishing gear, and a cup/jock strap.

Seelix's avatar

A hockey stick, two jerseys, and a bunch of t-shirts and stuff. I don’t play; the stick is just for fun when I get down to the rink at Mr. Fiance’s parents’ place.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@ucme – Yeah, I’m getting rid of the shirt. I never wear it.

erichw1504's avatar

Tennis balls, a basket ball, skateboard, roller blades, frisbee, football, baseball glove, mountain bike, and probably some other random junk.

I wish to get skis and/or a snowboard in the near future.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I personally own golfclubs,a basketball,iceskates,bow,darts,mountain bike,hockey stick,fishing gear,boat and of course guns. :)

ucme's avatar

This is one of those questions that is asked out of sheer bloody nosiness. Serves no other purpose really, i’m good with that. Thanks peeps :¬)

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here: I have one golf ball and an idiotic home-made fishing line.

ucme's avatar

Milo may want to place his paws over his eyes for this one. Amongst my many tennis racquets, I have an old John Mcenroe model. Strung with cat gut I understand :¬(

SmashTheState's avatar

I have football shoulder pads and hockey elbow and knee pads, used for protests (with my Swedish army surplus helmet).

incendiary_dan's avatar

Most of mine is for camping and stuff. I am a wilderness skills instructor, after all.

Collapsible fishing pole, cheap fishing pole not much bigger than a child’s, various hooks and a few lures, two crayfish/minnow traps, a couple tents, a mummy style sleeping bag, a couple foam sleeping pads, various other camping stuff (mess kit, stove, saws, etc.), snow shoes, a fire piston, a ferrocium rod, a magnesium rod, a half completed bow-drill set, four machetes, two hatchets, one felling axe, and a few knives of various size, several pieces of cast iron cookware, two longbows, one pistol crossbow, and four firearms. I’m sure there’s more, but if I go too in depth it’ll bleed over into my wardrobe and such, as it’s applicable to camping and outdoor adventures.

Cruiser's avatar

I used to “own” everything @lucillelucillelucille listed that she borrowed from me and all I have left are old tennis rackets and croquet. Lucy, can I get any of that back sometime soon??

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I won it all from you during these competitions! Don’t be a baby about it! XD

Cruiser's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille When I said I could beat you with both arms behind my back I didn’t really mean it! Can I at least get the Whiffle Bat back??

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Cruiser It’s in your teeth.;)

Cruiser's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Pfhanku fso mphery mupf! ;)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Cruiser Crying with your mouth full?

Cruiser's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Nope just eating all your thin mints you left laying around! Yum! XD

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I had to go to the garage to count.
Ok, here goes: An oxygen tank, BCD, regulator, wetsuit, and a set of mask and fins for scuba diving. Two snowboards and all the associated clothing, goggles, and a helmet. A longboard. A couple basketballs and a hoop. Several hockey sticks (including a goalie stick), pads, jerseys, pucks, ice skates and roller blades. A baseball bat, gloves, and baseballs. A mountain bike. Some climbing gear. Snowshoes. And, about 5 sets of every item you could possible need while camping.

I have too much stuff.

bkcunningham's avatar

Golf clubs and cart, compound bow, Weatherby Athena over/under, Orion side-by-side, a Glock-19 that a police friend gave me, a few other weapons that belong to my husband, a baseball glove, bowling ball (shoes), horse shoes, bocce set, croquet set, a volley ball set, snorkling stuff, swimming stuff, a New York Giants football and too much Giants stuff to list.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Cruiser I would never leave a thin mint unattended.I think you’re eating hockey pucks again! XD

Cruiser's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I also would never let a woman tie both hands behind my back!! You owe me some sports equipment ;)) <<grabs another handful of mints>>

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Cruiser- I think you would… win one of these ” events and prove your worth!

Cruiser's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Ummm….remember you won all my Olympic medals on a bet I could beat you at badminton while I was blindfolded! I want a rematch!!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Cruiser A fishing net over your head does not count as a blindfold.Here… use this bucket.Leave the mop in.. XD

filmfann's avatar

Football (American), several baseballs, a mitt, a bowling ball, a signed Joe Wolfson tennis racket, boxing gloves, a boxing helmet, roller skates, a foil, various golf clubs… I guess quite a bit.

woodcutter's avatar

golf balls, tennis balls= dog toys. Fishing stuff & 12’ aluminum boat w trolling motor, Mountain bike, MAK-90, semi-auto pistol w paddle holsters, aluminum bat.

jonsblond's avatar

Snowboard, roller derby skates, mountain bike, tube for towed tubing, roller blades, frisbee, basketball, canoe and fishing poles.

I also have a Starting Lineup commemorative classic doubles Super Bowl Series package with figurines of John Elway and Brett Favre from Super Bowl XXXII. Still in the package. I’m a Bronco fan and my husband is a Packer fan. That was a fun night! Especially for me. :D I had to buy the package when I came across it.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Oh yea, I own a 14’ kayak and all the pertinent gear.

DominicX's avatar

I personally own two skateboards (back in the day I was actually quite the skater), a longboard, frisbees, I have a BMX bike, a mountain bike, a regular bike, badminton rackets and birdies, a surfboard, a snowboard, a tennis racket and tennis balls, and golf clubs.

I don’t personally own a football, baseball, basketball, or volleyball, but my brother had one of each and we pretty much had something from every sport when I was a kid.

Brian1946's avatar

A gallon of juice and some fine syringes for when I return to pro football. ;-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

(Have to go back a few years in time to answer this) Good, real leather volleyball in my trunk at all times. Knee pads.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh yeah…tennis rackets and tennis balls, basket ball.

Schroedes13's avatar

Holy Moly…...I’m surprised this many Jellies have sports stuff and yet when I ask a sports question, it’s pretty much Ucme and myself talking. Gosh.

So for each sport.

Baseball: glove, two bats, two sets of cleats (one rubber and one metal), wrist bands, several baseballs and softballs, and ball bag.

Hockey: full equipment (elbow, shin, and shoulder pads, bucket, gloves, pants, and skates), 2 rink sticks, 2 shinny sticks, and two road trig sticks.

Soccer: two sets of outdoor cleats and one set of indoor cleats, shin pads, 3 pairs of sock, skull cap, and a soccer ball.

Tennis, squash, and two badminton rackets, two sleeves of tennis balls, one volleyball, one football, one waterproof football, and one set of squash goggles.

Paintball: gun, HPA tank, hopper, 4+3 pack, pants, jerseys, knee pads, pods, repair kit, and gear bag.

I think that’s all. I’ll have to check when I get home at the end of August :P!

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woodcutter's avatar

While cleaning out the barn last week I found an old ratty badminton net. Not sure if that counts,as a sport.

Schroedes13's avatar

Badminton most definitely counts as a sport!

woodcutter's avatar

It is…sort of like curling is.

Schroedes13's avatar

Try watching some Olympic badminton. It’s more intense that some other professional sports!

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