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Which Batman best represents your own nature and personality?

Asked by SmashTheState (14252points) February 4th, 2011

Batman is an enduringly powerful archetype specifically because he is a cypher, a mirror we hold up which reflects whatever we put before it, so much so that after many years of fighting among nerds, geeks, and dorks, the consensus is that the only D&D alignment which can be consistently applied to Batman is “Batman”—that is, he’s all of them.

Over the various decades, the canon Batman has changed to reflect the times. Which version best represents your own nature and personality? Which speaks to you most? Is it the pistol-toting Batman-noir of his earliest appearances, who killed evil-doers with a smirk and a bon mot? Is it the wholesome 50s Batman with his good nature and upright morality? Is it the goofy Adam West 60s Batman, with its light-hearted playfulness and a utility belt stuffed with Bat-shark-repellent? Or perhaps it’s the 70s/80s Neal Adams creature-of-the-night Batman, with his 50 foot cape and tall, spiky-eared mask. Or are you more of a grim, dystopian Dark Knight of the 90s fan, all psychosis and rugged individualist? Perhaps, though, the modern Christian Bale Batman is more your style, with his dark-yet-sympathetic nature and more martial-looking equipment.

(If the George Clooney leather fetishist Batnipple Batman is your thang, I really don’t want to know about it.)

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