General Question

Pandora's avatar

How much muscle should our bodies have?

Asked by Pandora (32595points) February 5th, 2011

You always hear about how much fat is too much fat, but I would like to know how much muscle is too little.
You always hear that as we get older our muscles start to shrink and how inactivity will lead to less muscles and bones. However I have no idea as to what is considered a low level. There are ways to measure for BMI but I haven’t found a way to measure for muscles on the internet. I’ve been working out and toning up but I’m trying to get to optimal level for health and not have to bulk up like a guy to then say I have enough muscles now.

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6 Answers

woodcutter's avatar

about the same as Kelly Ripa. Shes just slightly ripped but not over done. There you go.

Pandora's avatar

@woodcutter, I’m looking for a number like BMI that you can somehow measure for. Kelly Ripa for me is too skinny. Yes you can look tone and great in clothing but what I am looking for is what is considered too little muscles. I know skinny people who have no body strength because they are naturally skinny but do not work out. I just want something that can tell me how I can figure out where I stand as far as muscles and where I need to be to be considered healthy. I’m not looking simply for how I look on the outside as much as how I look like on the inside, muscles wise.

Fyrius's avatar

I don’t think there are health risks to not having enough muscle tissue, as long as you avoid lifting heavy objects and getting into cage fights.

woodcutter's avatar

you will generally be only as strong as your body needs to be given the activities it is used to. I don’t believe the actual size of the muscles is the only indicator of usable strength. I’ve known some pretty skinny people who were crazy strong.

Garebo's avatar

My son got me a Kindle for Christmas, and not knowing what I was doing I accidentally bought a book I previewed call the 4-hour body. I am glad I did, if you can’t find some answers there I’d be surprised-awesome book. Check out the women case studies-unbelievable!

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