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XOIIO's avatar

What is the quirkiest \ most awesome thing you have made?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) February 5th, 2011

What is the coolest thing you have made? It can be a program or invention, just tell us why it’s so cool. For me it’s a toss between my newly finished binder, with 2 5×5 inch speakers and custom cut grill with complimentary burn marks on my fingers and my home made air-canon which reaches 70 PSI.

What’s yours?

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7 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Back in high school, I made these rollerblades with flashlights in the back. Oh, and my kids.

Mikewlf337's avatar

My buttcheeks guillotine.

filmfann's avatar

My daughter hates, seriously, HATES Jeff Goldblum movies.
So, I made her a box set. I found a box that was the right size, and taped pictures of JG around it.
Then I bought 6 or 7 movies that had very, very little Jeff Goldblum.
They included:
Annie Hall (about 10 seconds)
The Player (15 seconds)
Death Wish (about 2 minutes, then he gets killed)
The Right Stuff (4 minutes tops)
California Split
I don’t remember the others. One might have been Bucakroo Bonzai Across the Eighth Dimension.
She loved it. Unfortunately, it was stolen when her house was broken into.

Jeruba's avatar

Well, once many years ago I made a collage that consisted of dozens of cutout pictures of Santa Clauses and of women in their underwear, mostly clipped from magazine ads. I’ve forgotten what the concept was, other than that I considered them both to be kind of perverse—Santa Claus being a sexless entity and the underwear ads in many cases being first cousins to porn.

Apart from that, it might be the “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” costumes I made for one movie-themed party: giant shiny green pods that zipped shut, completely enclosing us from the crotch to the point at the top of the head. They could be unzipped a little at a time to show the (practically naked) body inside. We wore green tights to make our legs look like the stems.

Coloma's avatar

I’m in the wacky creative camp.

Most recently I made my cats a teepee on a big shelf in my garage under the roof.
I wired together a frame of 3 bamboo poles about 3 ft. tall and secured them through a big wicker pet basket and covered the frame with a cool gold blanket with fringe and tied the top off with ribbon and a couple of big wild turkey feathers.

The top bamboo pole is leveraged at the peak of the roof and wedged into place by tension. I ‘framed’ the wall around the shelf with colorful strings of xmas lights so the inside of their teepee is bathed in a subtle glow. lol

I have had several people ask me where I ‘bought’ this. lol

Plucky's avatar

About 14 years ago I made a different version of the Affe mit Schadel (monkey with skull) sculpture. I made an alien sitting on some rubble holding a human skull. Oddly enough, visitors to my home almost always comment on it I’d like to make a bigger and better one at some point.

XOIIO's avatar

@PluckyDog very cool. I’d liek to see your version

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