What would you call this behavior?
Rick and I went to a restaurant for breakfast. The place was 4/5ths empty. The back seems a little chilly because it’s uncarpted. The front half seems warmer. All of the two- and four-person tables up front were taken. There were four open tables that could seat six (a two-person table pushed up against a four person table…all said tables could be broken down into smaller tables.) We went ahead and sat at the six person table closest to the salad bar (which we would not have done had the place been busy.) In the row behind me was an open six-person table, and in the row behind that was another open six-person table, all in the carpeted area. The rest of the restaurant had a BUNCH of open tables, two, four and six-seaters. Well…..about five minutes after after we sat down two guys came in and sat at the end of our table. We were separated only by one chair. I looked around, and not only were all the previously mentioned tables open, a couple of the four person tables around us had come open. It was a little weird…it was like they just decided to invite themselves to eat with us or something. They never said a word to us, either.
Would you find this odd?
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34 Answers
Yes, I would. I would have asked them to find another table.
Or at least pull their table away a little. I just wonder WHAT they were thinking in the first place.
Yes, that is definitely weird. They didn’t ask if you minded sharing the table, did they? That would be the normal courtesy even in a crowded restaurant.
No, they didn’t. They never said a word….
Were they speaking English? Did they speak it with an accent?
I don’t remember them talking. Pretty sure they were local….
That is strange. I would be torn between striking up a conversation with them or just moving to a different table depending on how social I was feeling.
What I would do is just say move away from my table find somewhere else to sit.`
Odd, yes. Maybe they were weirdly attached to that table?!? It’s strange that they didn’t say anything. That would have freaked me out a bit.
Just as odd as someone that would sit next to me in an empty movie theater. Maybe they are lonely, new in town?
Was this a restaurant that you frequent? The only thing I can think of is that perhaps that table was the table where the “regulars” usually would sit.
In my small town there is one restaurant. In the center of the place near the coffee pot is what they call the “round table” It happens to be the only round table in the room. Almost all of the regulars sit there when they come in for coffee or a meal.(every day) It seats about 8 people and they come and go mostly in singles or pairs of folks. They visit with each other and expect that someone will come in and sit with them if there is an empty chair or two.
When someone from out of town comes in and sits at “the round table” they are sure to be surprised by someone sitting down with them, saying hello and asking them how they are and where they are from. :-)
Well…..Rick and I are not the least adverse to striking up conversations with complete strangers. In fact, a couple of years ago we shut down a Red Lobster because of a couple we met while we were waiting for a table! (Have you ever shut down a Red Lobster? Heh!)
Well, @wilma we’re there for breakfast at least every other weekend. In fact, if we go on Sundays we can bet on one of my old neighbors and his partner sitting at a particular table. But…this was not that case. If the guys had even said, “Hi! Can we sit here?” we probably would have been confused, but said, “Sure!” And Rick would have made them his new best buddies for the next 30 minutes! But….they never said anything. They invaded our space and were not friendly!! Strange strange.
Some restaurants nowadays are opting for “communal” seating (like they used to have at Shakey’s pizza back in the 60’s with the long picnic tables) and in some European countries this is fairly common. Maybe the folks who came in didn’t know that this particular place wasn’t a communal table place. Did you all seat yourselves or did a host seat you?
We seated ourselves….and the place was almost empty….
@Dutchess_III well then I am as confused as you are. Must be that they were from out of town and things are done differently where they come from.
But… @wilma…wouldn’t you say it’s almost an instinct not to crowd someone? Even animals know not to invade each other’s space….? I almost wish I knew how to get ahold of them and interview them! Or a John Kinonus (sp) “What would you do?” thing!
@Dutchess_III Oy vey on the personal space. I don’t get why some people are oblivious to it. I was at a folk fest with my best friend last year and we were standing by a tree waiting for the next act to start. Next thing I know some lady pops open her beach chair two inches away from my shins. After I picked my chin off the ground I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her to move it a foot away.
Seems to me they had to be from another culture that maybe finds it polite to not dirty another table if they don’t have to. I find it hard to believe that they decided beforehand to sit down with perfect strangers and not speak, so the fact that they didn’t say anything makes me believe they perceived their actions as quite normal.
All in all, I would say move.
I think it is odd,but very funny!
I would move if I were alone,but if I was with company,I would insist on staying. XD
Yes @Dutchess_III I do think it’s natural to keep some distance, but as @tranquilsea said, some people seem oblivious to that.
@tranquilsea How did she react?
@BBSDTfamily I don’t remember them talking, but they did talk to the waitress. If they’d had an accent I would have remembered it…pretty sure they were Rude ‘Merican.
She gave me a dirty look and then moved her chair. But no worries I think my look was dirtier.
Wow…she gave you a dirty look? Unbelievable!
@Dutchess_III In hindsight I should have started coughing violently without covering my mouth right above her head lol.
or fart REALLY LOUD LOL!!!
Or all three at the same time!
ROTFL, I should have had you guys with me when it happened!
Yes! We could have surrounded her! Made a regular symphony for her! @aidoom7 gets to do the farting part! go steelers
Woo hoo I can make farts that sound across the world!!!
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