Meta Question

XOIIO's avatar

Would you buy a Fluther plushie?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) February 6th, 2011

It has occured to me that our friend Dr. Jelly doesn’t have a plushy version in the store. Do you want to see a version of Dr. Jelly or GrumpyFish? Would you buy it if we started selling them?

I know I would!

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18 Answers

Seaofclouds's avatar

It would be cool to have, but I wouldn’t buy one. I’m not suppose to have a bunch of stuffed animals/plushies because of my asthma and allergies. :(

XOIIO's avatar

@Seaofclouds Maybe they could be hypo-allergenic!

absalom's avatar

Personally partial to Grumpyfish myself. I would buy one if the price were reasonable.

jonsblond's avatar

I would definitely buy a Dr. J pillow pet. just sayin’

syz's avatar

I’m thinking something along the lines of this. (The e.coli is pretty close!)

harple's avatar

Heck, yes!!

marinelife's avatar

I would buy one of each!

klaas4's avatar

Dr. Jelly. Absolutely.

Bluefreedom's avatar

What the hell, I’d score one. It would probably be pretty cool.

Kayak8's avatar

With the number of adolescents on this site that seem to associate plushies with sex, I think it would make me feel a bit odd to tell you the truth . . . .

augustlan's avatar

I’d do it! I wanted to create one, but Zazzle (our store site) doesn’t have such an option. :/

Jude's avatar

We need a Dr. J squeaky dog toy. :)

SundayKittens's avatar

I’d like it to be an exchange kind of thing….everyone makes one and they get sent out to those who want them!

Foolaholic's avatar

I would buy a plushie GrumpyFish in a heart beat.

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Austinlad's avatar

What do I need a plushie for? I’ve got Harple.

cookieman's avatar

Absolutely. I want the squid that appears when a user deletes their account also (@PupnTaco’s painting)

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