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john65pennington's avatar

What makes a person want to be a farmer?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) February 6th, 2011

At first, I say bless the farmers for the work they do and the food they supply to our nation and countries abroad. But, what makes a person want to be a farmer? Is it family-related? Is it dedication to our country? I am sure it’s not the money. Question: so, what is it that makes a person want to be a farmer?

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20 Answers

wilma's avatar

Nearly all the farmers that I know, and I know a lot of them, grew up on a farm or married into a farming family. Most of them love the land, and they love the job. It can be very hard work, it can also be very rewarding.

TexasDude's avatar

Nature is awesome.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

All of the farmers that I know are family farmers. I don’t think anything would make me happier than being out in the middle of nowhere with a shitload of a land to call my own.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I imagine it’s part preserving family/cultural traditions, part enjoying a simpler life, and part enjoying working outdoors on land they know and love.

jonsblond's avatar

My husband is a farmhand and we live on a 200 acre farm. Once you work with the animals and land, there’s very little else you want to do. Nothing beats it.

john65pennington's avatar

jonsblond, thanks for the answer. i was hoping someone directly relatated to farming would answer my question. it has to be a love of the land, right?

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

<- Is very envious of jonsblond and Blondesjon. :)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

<-Would really like to move in with @jonsblond.

jonsblond's avatar

@john65pennington It is. My husband’s employer didn’t grow up farming, but it was always his dream. He was awarded money from an accident and bought several farms. Luckily we knew his grandson when my husband was out of work and he offered my husband the job. That was 8 years ago. My husband loves the work, and we are fortunate to visit the properties and let our daughter visit all the animals.

We rent a property from a man who’s farm belonged to his grandfather. I can easily understand why someone would want to do this type of work. It’s perfect for someone that wants to work outside and for themselves.

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities and @ANef_is_Enuf We’ve got plenty of room for you to visit. :)

wilma's avatar

My husband grew up on a farm and works in agriculture now. I know that he would never want to do anything else.
Many of the skills that are needed in farming are best learned on the job while growing up.

Berserker's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Fuck yeah.

Plus, farmers have the coolest shit man…hoes, chainsaws, scythes, pitchforks, these totally awesome tractors that make the terminator look like a pansy.

ChocolateReigns's avatar

My friend and I were driving through central Wisconsin about 3 months ago. Very pretty, but we didn’t turn once! We just kept going straight, for 5 hours. I was going nuts, and she loved it. She said she wants to live in Wisconsin, on a farm. I just didn’t understand it. She’s going to have a wonderful life in the country while I’m going to live in the suburbs. I really think it’s got to have something to do with DNA or something.

Starburst's avatar

what a GREAT question. I want to go to North Carolina and farm with my cousins. I love the outdoors, hard work, driving tractors, watching food grow, eating home grown food, feeding others, and life away from the city. I love my family and that is what they do and I want to go and be with them. I am tired of the city and the city life.

legumes's avatar

I’ve always had this very fanciful idea of just running away to the Midwest or wherever and just buying a plot of land to make my own. I’d live quietly with some chickens and cows and harvest grains… Steinbeck sort of stuff. My grandparents own a farm and I’ve just always been awed by that sort of existence. I would expect other people feel this way as well. To me, the appeal has always been being able to be a part of the land, to take from it, to cultivate it, some sort of cycle as that.

Really though, I think this question can be asked of any occupation. Why be a mail man? Or a doctor? Or a Phd? Or a hairdresser? Why would a person want to be anything?

ucme's avatar

That sweet irresistible urge that only the lure of a sheep’s arse can bring…...baaaaa-d woolie fuckers.

N0name's avatar

It’s not really so hard to imagine why one would like to be a farmer. In my opinion it is the interest in nature itself and how to use it for your own good. Everyone who is interests in cultivating any sorts of crops/plants or raise animals is probably considering professions like farmer, gardener, vet etc. Also there actually is a lot of money in farming. Of course it depends a lot on the regulations and ingenuity of the country one lives in. Denmark for example has a real high tech system when it comes to farming. Alongside it, they also have strong regulations regarding farming and the amount knowledge one must have to work well in that system.

So even money can be a motivation. But mostly I think it’s got a lot to do with people just being born into families that already operate farms or in an environment which makes you interested in farming.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It’s a business first and as long as you see that point, the rest falls into place. It has it’s ups and downs like anything else. Don’t overromanticize it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Lots of farmers around here. Everyone of the teens who grew up on farms are very down to earth, hardworking and trustworthy. It’s the kids who were raised in town who wind up in juvvy and on drugs.

GTL222's avatar

being around farming & growing crops working on the farm as a child getting used to the farming life if your family has done it for years they excpect you to take over the family tradition when you get older.

talljasperman's avatar

the fresh quality food… I asked a farmer about how I loved beef ribs, and he said that he keeps the good stuff for himself and lets us city folks have the leavings… Thats when I found out about “Prime Rib Roast” and marbling.

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