Home theater System?
Looking to put in a home theater system for under 20K any suggestions?
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Which suggestions do you want?
Speakers ..hdtv’s audio components basically if you had 20 to put together a system what would your components be?
Shop around; look online to find components that you like. Do research on the company; for instance, I won’t buy or use Bose products, both for political and technical reasons, but your technical and political preferences might be different. When you find components that you think you’ll like, try them out in stores to see.
Speakers are the area where there’s the most variability, and the most personal subjective preference. If you try the speakers out at a store, bring a CD that you know well so that you can evaluate how well the speakers reproduce it. (I brought a live recording of a group I had sung with, and when I heard the sounds of the heat coming on in the chapel we were singing in, I knew the speakers were right.)
Don’t feel like you need to spend money to get quality. Trust your ears and your gut, and let your wallet look after itself. Bring a friend to do blind testing if you don’t think you can handle it alone.
And make sure that any equipment you buy has a 30-day or longer return policy. Try the stuff out and see if you like it.
Sorry, but I have to go against Bose anything. I just isn’t considered High-End Audio.
I like Definitive Technology speakers,Pioneer Elite Components and Denon Components.
If you don’t want to mount “in-the-wall”, DLP HDTV’s are a slightly more affordable alternative to Plasma or LCD.
As cwilbur said, throwing money at something doesn’t always make it better. Look and listen.
Also, don’t believe the hype about high-end cables being better or necessary. Brands such as Monster Cable won’t get any better a sound or picture than cables from www.monoprice.com.
I agree with glial, I also don’t like bose or the high end cables.. The cables especially, theres nothing like spending 5 grand on 14k gold cables that make little to no difference. I currently have a home theater system in my basement that was put together for about 20k.
I would recommend a DVD changer. I have a 400 DVD changer which is great. I press a button and a list of all the titles in the changer show up on my screen and when I select it, the DVD will load automatically.
Second I would recommend a projection screen and a DLP projector This really adds to the theater experience. The HD on projectors are spectacular as well.
Third, Hook everything up to it! DVD, HD-TV, Game console.. It’s worth 20grand just to be able to play Halo on a 6’ screen.
Fourth, Get a surge protector. They have special ones for this type of equipment and it’s already saved me once. If you don’t buy service plans on anything buy it atleast on the projector, bulbs cost 200–300$ that will make up for the service plan when it burns out.
If I can think of anything else later I’ll write some more..
I have a Sony 50” SXRD and love – everyone who sees it says it’s the most beautiful set they’ve ever seen. I also have Def Tech ( Definitive Twchnology ) 7004 towers as well as Def Tech surrounds.
I bought an Apple TV a couple weeks ago and love it! Once you see a well-mastered movie inHD there’s no going back :-)
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