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XOIIO's avatar

What iPod apps let you remix songs from your library?

Asked by XOIIO (18359points) February 7th, 2011

I am looking for any apps that let you remix songs from your ipods music library, and possibly save them too, Speed adjustment, pitch, things like that. Are there any good apps to do this?

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4 Answers

glenjamin's avatar

I don’t know for sure, but I imagine Apple would not approve an app such as this as it would violate digital rights on the songs (maybe a clause somewhere that states that an artist’s music should not be reproduced or modified without consent e.t.c.) – just a thought, maybe it’s true maybe it’s not. I do this all the time to make ringtones using Audacity, but on my pc.

aidoom7's avatar

Just shuffle your music every time you play it.

RareDenver's avatar

There are several DJ apps but from what I’ve read they are little more than gimmicks. Computer Music Magazine’s website has some free production apps that might interest you.

rawrgrr's avatar

Well GarageBand came out for the iPad this morning and lets you do just that. Maybe it’ll come out for the iPhone/iPod.

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