We do create our own reality by the thoughts we keep.
Years ago I dropped the word ‘problem’ from my vocabulary.
There are no ‘problems’, only situations.
Seek and ye shall find, and that goes for the good and the bad.
It is all dependent on where you put your focus.
I like the mantra ’ pain happens, suffering is optional.’
‘Suffering’ meaning that it is the stories one creates, and personalizes through ego, usually along the lines of how unfair something is, or why something ‘shouldn’t’ be happening.
In other words, we create suffering by fighting with reality instead of just accepting the facts and moving on to do what we can to change a situation.
In my experience the most unhappy people are the ones that have yet to learn that nothing is ever ‘personal’, they are not being singled out by God or the Universe for some sort of special punishment and, there is a formula to their misery.
Poor me + angry & envious, + life is sooo unfair, + ‘It’s not my fault, it is…’ ( fill in the blanks )
the fault of my background, parents, education/lack of education/, society/the ‘world’....ad nauseum
Being a victim offers a big payoff for many, namely lack of self responsibility and a way to manipulate others to aide in their sense of entitlement. Gah!
Must suck to be you I say! lol