I am learning html and am getting stuck in places. Where is best place to ask for help?
Asked by
heshoff5 (
February 8th, 2011
I will have to put in the html I am struggling with. The Youtube video did exactly same (except with his one link) and it opened in the SAME window, but I have tried two urls and they act just the same as with out the added html: example:
Programming explorations
<body bgcolor=“green”>
<font color=”#ffffff”><h1 align=“center”>The Moon in the Lake in the Meadow</h1>
I was walking into these woods, and came to a house and walcked through the yard and into the kitchen and
<i>through</i> the door, and onwards out when all of a <b>sudden</b> I was outside in a meadow and walking through
many different coloured flowers, with the sounds of buzzing insects all round.<p>There was an old well<br>andthis
onld well was<h1> very deep</h><h3>sooo deep</h3><h5>so <i>verrrry</i></h5><h7>deeeeeepppp</h7>
Where am I I wondered? Will the words be the same size? because they have been changing shape and I don’t<br>
<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btdGIuyQhkg&feature=watch_response“target=“_blank”>CHANGA</a>
Now I had to copy the lot so as you may know the rest of the html is all right, It is the bit at the bottom that doesn’t seem to work like it does for this other guy—ie., when he adds: target=“_blank”
So WHY isn’t it working for me. I got a separate window like I did before I added it, whereas when he added it you can see a window opens up in his existing window. What am I doing wrong please?
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9 Answers
target=”‘__blank” will open a new window. I don’t know what browser you were looking at, but it may have been that a new window opened on top of the old window and gave the impression that it was inside the old window. Unless you mean it opened a new tab_, which can be set in your browser preferences.
Sorry I forgot to link you to the video which showed the result which is different from mine—here is his video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btdGIuyQhkg&feature=watch_response
and he does the html at 04:06. Now see how when he does it he just scrolls to the right and there is like a little window IN his present window? Well for me even when I reduced the link it didn’t seem to be in my window—it was JUST the same as before I had added that extra html tag onto ahref
That window isn’t in the other window, it’s on top of it. He just has the first one (with the yellow background) maximized, so it’s taking up the whole screen.
W3schools has free HTML courses.
I have just told you that I minimized the window that I go to when I click that link and I do NOT see it in the window that was there before. Understand?
When I click it I get to the link, right? BUT UNLIKE what that video is whowing there is no little window to the right, and IF I try and minize the link I get to—if you mean it is is too big to see the other window, all that happens is the window reduces there is nothing like he is showing happening.
@heshoff5 No, I’m not understanding at all what you’re saying. What I read before was “he just scrolls to the right and there is like a little window IN his present window?” And I take that as meaning you think there is a little window INSIDE the window that he clicked the link with. And I will still say that is not the case; it is another window that opened on top of that window.
If you click on the link, if I’m reading you properly, you get to the link, yes? When YouTube shows up, where is it showing up for you?
Did you see the video? You can see his yellow background can’t you? That means that it is the first page right? Then you see him scroll a little to the right and there is a window there? Well THAT I am not getting when I do that html he is saying makes that happen.
what @mrentropy is trying to explain, the guy in the tutorial just has the second window that pops up in a minimized format. target=_blank merely opens the link in a new window (or tab depending on your browser)... since that guy had his second window already minimized (he did it right before he switched back to his editor), it looks smaller. I think the look you are trying to accomplish (which is similar to what he’s doing, look-wise) would be to use an <iframe> tag… which is a frowned upon thing in HTML these days, but it allows you to make a mini pop-up style window of a certain size, and/or open a secondary link within a sized window. Just google html iframe and you should be able to find many examples on how to use it. If you really want to do it “properly” though, this is a lot more complex for a beginner, but the modern way is to use <div> tags and CSS to accomplish the same effect.
Tweet me for help! @Rosenbaa29
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